Figure 7: Time to process in experiment C.
NFV and microservices. That was due to the fact that
the call to the classifier occurs through POST/HTTP.
For that, we used a Python library called requests, to
make the request, while on the server side we used
FLask, which is a web framework written in Python
and based on the WSGI library. When making calls to
the classifier endpoint in an uninterrupted sequential
manner with each flow that reaches the controller, the
API requests collapses and stops working. That is, it
is as if the DDoS attack was also affecting requests
library. Thus, in order to carry out the experiment, it
was necessary to classify only a few samples of flows.
The experiments have proved to be effective in de-
tecting UDP Flood DDoS attacks, using booth fuzzy
c-means and k-means algorithms. We obtained sat-
isfactory results for all the metrics studied: precision,
recall, f1-score, support, accuracy and execution time.
As future work, we intend to research datasets cre-
ated from SDN/NFV environments and use them for
cross-validation of the proposed approach, since in
this work we use synthetic dataset and traffic. Also,
we intend to research how to use real traffic in a sim-
ulated network or to use a real controlled network for
validation and testing. As also, research on different
machine learning libraries to compare them. Besides
that, use another strategy of extracting statistics to be
compared with the one explored in this work, in order
to analyze its overall performances in architecture. As
a chosen strategy, the POX component web.webcore
could be used together with the webservice module
from openflow.webservice, which exposes some in-
formation between them and the flow statistics. In
addition, there is the possibility of using some cache
solution that stores the flows that reach the POX Con-
troller, in order to solve the problem found in the re-
quests library. Furthermore, it could be analyzed the
advantages and disadvantages of this scenario with
caching, since traffic analysis will not take place on-
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Comparative Analysis between the k-means and Fuzzy c-means Algorithms to Detect UDP Flood DDoS Attack on a SDN/NFV