Rapid Development of a Low-cost Web-based 360 Virtual Tour
Maria Insa-Iglesias, Mark D. Jenkins and Gordon Morison
Department of Computing, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, U.K.
360 Virtual Tour, Open Source Code, Web-based Application.
The use of 360-degrees Virtual Tour (VT) is a common practice in the education and tourism sector. It has
recently gained popularity given the benefits of bringing physical spaces into a 360-degrees experience that
can be explored in a simple and intuitive manner. Due to Covid-19, many Organisations wish to utilise im-
mersive 360 technologies but many cannot afford it. In this paper, a 360-degree VT pipeline is proposed to
allow Organisations to develop a VT that can compete in functionality with other sophisticated VT. Users
with minimal coding experience are able to develop a low-cost web-based VT using a 360 camera, the Open
Source tool Marzipano, the developed software framework and documentation from the GitHub repository.
The contribution of this work is both the software framework, which complies with the Web Content Access-
ibility Guidelines (WCAG), for use with the Marzipano tool and a University case study along with a user
evaluation to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. The usability evaluation run with the stakeholders
demonstrates the acceptance of this 360 experience to allow new students to get a 360-degrees view of the
GCU Glasgow Campus.
The use of internet has exploded with the outbreak of
Covid-19 and the business and education sector have
moved face-to-face events into an online format. Like
many other Universities in the UK, Glasgow Caledo-
nian University (GCU) have joined online teaching
platforms to run lectures and staff meetings, as well
as, promotional events such as Open Days to recruit
future student. Although Virtual Open Days are still a
great option to explore what the University has to of-
fer, students cannot experience a walk around the Uni-
versity facilities. As a result, many Universities have
included Virtual Tour (VT) to their website providing
a 360-degrees experience of a campus
1 2 3
VT is a trend in the education and tourism sec-
tor, bringing physical spaces into a virtual 3D envir-
onment that can be explored by a broad audience in
a simple and intuitive manner. It is demonstrated that
users tend to stay on the website longer when a VT
is presented (Milano et al., 2011). Many Organisa-
tions have invested in the creation of web-based VT
(Cho et al., 2002). It is demonstrated the the bene-
fits of 360-degree content in the tourism sector for
evaluating your next holidays destination (Guttentag,
2010; Vishwakarma et al., 2020). Many Museums
have also embraced VTs to offer a small taste of what
is presented in the Museum before user visit it (Ka-
bassi et al., 2019). Similarly, University VTs allow
students to evaluate University destinations navigat-
ing through a 360-degrees experience of the teach-
ing facilities, library, student rooms and shared open
spaces (Shen et al., 2020). This can influence posit-
ively to student’s application decision, making cam-
pus tour one of the best recruiting tools for prospect-
ive students (Mendolia-Moore, 2019).
Many Universities in the UK provide VT and
video tours
. With the outbreak of Covid-19, VT have
gained more popularity (Google Trends, 2012). Nev-
ertheless, in uncertain times due to student numbers
and other financial pressures, not all Universities can
afford the cost to have a tour created or have the in
house experience to have one developed, especially
those Universities which have a large and spacious fa-
cilities. VT companies charge depending on the tech-
nology utilised to capture 360-degrees images, the VT
features, and number of spaces required to capture.
Finding a low-cost method so that Universities, Mu-
Insa-Iglesias, M., Jenkins, M. and Morison, G.
Rapid Development of a Low-cost Web-based 360 Virtual Tour.
DOI: 10.5220/0010176703150322
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2020), pages 315-322
ISBN: 978-989-758-478-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
seums and other Organisations can build their own
360-degrees experience with minimal coding exper-
ience would be beneficial to many sectors.
Drag to rotate
Figure 1: The Design and Development phase of the 360-
degrees VT pipeline proposed. This phases involves: the
image acquisition and image editing (1); the web devel-
opment that consists of uploading the 360 images to Mar-
zipano Tool, export the web-application files (2), and then
implementing the extra functionality copying the software
framework developed (3); the publication of the VT using a
web server.
This paper proposes a 360-degrees VT pipeline
that allows users, who have no prior coding experi-
ence, developing a low-cost web-based 360 VT that
can compete with sophisticated VTs created by ex-
perts. The pipeline proposes guidance to develop
a web-based 360 Virtual Tour using a JavaScript
API called Marzipano and implementing the soft-
ware framework published
as part of the contribu-
tion. The HTML, JavaScript and CSS software frame-
work developed integrates extra functionality to the
VT proposed by Marzipano Tool by complying to
the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
(level AA) (W3C, 2018). In addition, this papers in-
troduces recommendations from the purchase of a 360
Camera to web hosting the VT. Following the method
proposed, a case study is presented: “360 Virtual Tour
of GCU Glasgow Campus”
. This work enables
Universities and other Organisations to stay compet-
itive within the evolving landscape embracing 360 VT
technology (Mendolia-Moore, 2019).
The paper structure is as follow. Section 2 dis-
cusses the variety of options to develop a VT like
paying a VT company, paying for an online course
and the different open-source tools available. In ad-
dition, it introduces the challenges when developing
a VT using an open-source tool and the contribu-
tion proposed in this paper. Section 3 presents the
360-degrees VT pipeline that will allow developing
a low-cost web-based VT with minimal coding ex-
perience. It includes the software framework pro-
posed in this work so that users can implement them
in their VT project and acquire extra functionality like
a map page and a variety of hotspots classes. A case
study of GCU Glasgow Campus is presented (Section
4), which demonstrates the applicability of the 360-
degrees VT pipeline proposed. Furthermore, a usabil-
ity evaluation was developed by the team and Univer-
sity students (Section 5). Finally, the paper concludes
with a conclusion and future work section (Section 6).
Many companies are dedicated to developing VTs
(3DVista , 2015) (iViewd, 2017) (Panoskin, 2019).
Other companies provide online courses (Virtual Tour
Pro, 2019) (Udemy, 2015). These services can be
very expensive and may not meet the client require-
ment (Ceulemans et al., 2018).
360 VTs can be developed in a cheaper manner
and customised to client requirement using tools like
Google VR Tour Creator (Google, 2018) and Pannel-
lum (Pannellum, 2015), although those present lim-
ited functionality to compete with the most soph-
https://github.com/Insa-Maria/Virtual Tour.git
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
isticated 360 VT. These deliver additional function-
ality paying extra packages. Tools like kprano
(krpano, 2020), Matterport (Matterport, 2020) and
Roundme (Roundme, 2016) allow testing the func-
tionality through a temporary free trial package, how-
ever purchasing a license is required to be able to de-
velop and share a VT.
To our best knowledge, Marzipano
is the only
Open Source tool that allows the design, development
and customisation of VTs, although it requires pro-
gramming skills in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Mar-
zipano also provides demos which show the possible
functionality that can be developed by who are experi-
enced in JavaScript and Marzipano Tool. It is true that
forums like Quora (Quora, 2010) and Google Groups
(Google Groups, 2017) support experienced and non-
experienced users when encounter coding errors, for
example. However, these forums are used to answer
specific errors rather than providing detailed guidance
from start to end on your project. Given the capabil-
ity of Marzipano Tool, this work aims at proposing an
Open Source pipeline to develop and custom a low-
cost web-based VT with minimal coding experience
using Marzipano and a 360 camera.
There is work that describes the stages to develop
a 360-degrees experience, yet this work focused on
the usage of non Open Source software increasing
the overall costs of the approach. For example, these
works (Collier III et al., 2017; Wessels et al., 2014)
describe the phases to develop a 3D VT for cultural
heritage industry using different technology from 360
Cameras. These other work (Argyriou et al., 2020;
Ceulemans et al., 2018) propose a set of require-
ments and design considerations for 360 immersive
video. Although these guidelines are beneficial when
exploring the VTs capability, it does not assist non-
expert on the development of a VT. This work aims at
providing a software framework and full documenta-
tion to allow users to rapidly develop their VTs.
As mentioned before, there are many approcahes to
develop a low-cost web-based VT (Section 1) given
the software, image acquisition technology and deliv-
ery choice to share the VT, among others. The 360-
degrees VT pipeline proposed is designed for those
Organisations that are willing to:
1. Purchase a 360 Camera to capture 360 ima-
2. Develop a Web-based application to share the VT.
3. Utilise Marzipano Open Source tool to develop
This work aims at proposing a methodology to as-
sist those Organisations, which accomplish the above
requirements, developing a low-cost web-based VT.
Being able to develop its own VT will allow Organisa-
tions to update it at any time at no extra cost and util-
ise the 360 camera for other activities like live stream-
ing an event in a 360-degrees experience. The 360-
degrees VT pipeline proposed consists of the follow-
ing phases (see Figure 4): Research, Planning, Design
and Development, Hosting and Feedback. The last
three phases are iterated until obtaining the desired
3.1 Research
The only associated cost with the development of
the VT is the purchase of the camera. The camera
choice depends on the budget and specification re-
quired. Nowadays, there is a wide variety of 360
camera, which prices range between £250 - £45,000
(Ceulemans et al., 2018). Although there are low-
priced 360 cameras, it is important to consider the im-
age quality as a persuasion value. The higher-quality
content is shown in a 360-degrees experience, the bet-
ter telepresence is perceived by users in a virtual en-
vironment and therefore more persuasion.
Apart from checking the camera features, the fol-
lowing specifications will allow a better performance
during the image acquisition phase. Battery life and
charging time are two key specifications, especially
for those Organisations with large and spacious facil-
ities. A longer battery life will allow longer period
capturing images before charging the camera, which
could two times longer longer than the period captur-
ing 360 images.
There are camera extras that are highly recommended
to purchase to ease the development of a high-quality
VT. These are the tripods and monopods. There are
many options depending on the height, base size, ver-
satility to use it on different ground types (e.g. road,
grass, stairs), and image acquisition location (e.g. in-
doors, outdoors or windy outdoors locations). It is
important to consider that the smaller the tripod base
is, the better hidden the tripod will be in the 360 ima-
ges. Having the base of a 360 image covered by the
black frame of the tripod can be disturbing. The Im-
age Editing phase (Section 3.3.2) will cover some tips
how to negate this issue.
Rapid Development of a Low-cost Web-based 360 Virtual Tour
Figure 2: The 360 VT of GCU: Interface Design. This figure shows the web interface design. The control buttons (1)
are situated at the top right that consist of the menu button (top), rotation button (middle) and fullscreen button (bottom).
Clicking the menu button the drop down menu is displayed on the right side of the screen (see Figure 3). Clicking the
informative hotspot (2), an informative panel is displayed (4). Clicking on the link hotspot (3), users explore more University
facilities. The bottom left title (5) is the name of the installation being explored by the user. The link button The control view
buttons (6) are situated at the centre bottom of the screen and clicking on them users can rotate to the side to control the view.
Figure 3: The 360 VT of GCU: George Moore Building. This figure shows the 360-degrees experience that users have when
entering to George Moore Building. When clicking the video hotspot (play icon coloured in blue), multimedia content is
played. Clicking the link hotspot (white arrow icon), users travel to the Entrance Corridor to explore more facilities.
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3.2 Planning
The second step consists of planning the image ac-
quisition phase, which will optimise the time spent
filming all facilities. The planning consists of creat-
ing a detailed list of all facilities to be captured and
specify the following timings: walking to the facil-
ity, room set up, filming time and room closure. De-
pending on the dimension and location of the facilit-
ies, timings will change considerably. Table 1 shows
a schedule reference when setting times for standard-
size facilities like teaching labs (Case A), and for big-
size facilities like a sports and library hall (Case B).
Such a plan allows the uses to calculate approx-
imately the usage time of the camera, and therefore
estimate the number of facilities able to film before
the camera's battery finished. This planning allows
for development of an approximate schedule with the
enter and exit time to each facility.
Table 1: This table shows the timings considered to approx-
imate the time needed to film the GCU facilities.
Task Case A (min) Case B (min)
Walk to facilities 5 10
Set up 10 20
Image Acquisition 5 15
Closure 10 10
Total 30 min 55 min
3.3 Design and Development
This phase comprises (see Figure 1) the Image Ac-
quisition, Image Editing and Web Development.
3.3.1 Image Acquisition
This phase consists of capturing 360 images of the
facilities required following the schedule established.
The following considerations will enhance user's tele-
presence in a room: positioning the camera at the cen-
ter of the facility, setting the camera height at the hu-
man eyes height, and facing the front lens towards the
point of view you would like users to start exploring
(although it is also recommend to face the camera lens
toward the wall at a close distance for a better images
3.3.2 Image Editing
This phase consists of editing the 360 images to re-
move the tripod black frame that appears at the bot-
tom of most of the 360 images. There are many tech-
niques to remove it, for example adding a logo, blur-
ing the image or blending it in the image (see Figure 1
(1)). It is highly recommended to organise the images
in folders, for example, grouping images by build-
ings or floors, and rename files sequentially. This
way, when 360 images are uploaded to Marzipano
Tool, these will be uploaded in alphabetically order
and therefore organised by the groups established.
3.3.3 Web Development
This phase consists of uploading the 360 images into
Marzipano Tool. This tool allows anyone to upload
unlimited 360 images, which are processed and added
into a basic web application that is exported as a .zip
folder with the following files inside a folder called
“app-files”: data.js, index.html, index.js and style.css
(see Figure 1 (2). The resulted web application has a
limited functionality, but implementing the code de-
veloped in JavaScript, HTML and CSS (see Figure 1
(3), the tour can be transformed into a sophisticated
VT like the one shown in Figure 3 (read Section 4).
3.4 Hosting
The hosting phase consists of finding the most suit-
able web hosting service to upload the web applica-
tion files to a server, set a domain and share the web
link to enjoy the 360-degrees experience (see Figure
1 (4)). There are many manners to web hosting a VT
using (a) a traditional method where you pay for a
fixed monthly fee (e.g. Hostgator
or Blue.host
) or
(b) a modern method where you pay for what you use,
in others, you pay depending on the web files size, the
number of visits to your website and other variables
(e.g. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
3.5 Feedback
The final step consists of evaluating the web-based
VT. This involved checking that the VT requirements
established by the Organisations are met, ensuring
that the website complies with the the WCAG (level
AA) (W3C, 2018) making the web content accessible
to wide range of audiences including those with dis-
Rapid Development of a Low-cost Web-based 360 Virtual Tour
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Image Acquisition
Image Editing
Web Development
Figure 4: The Gant Diagram. The case study in the 360 VT
of GCU was developed in four weeks following the pro-
posed 360-degrees VT pipeline.
This section presents “360 Virtual Tour of GCU
Glasgow Campus”, a case study that demonstrates
the applicability of the 360-degrees VT pipeline pro-
With the Covid-19 outbreak, GCU's Department
of Computing reassessed the goals for the academic
year and designed a plan to invest in a 360 camera to
develop a low-cost web-based VT. The GCU 360 VT
was developed in four weeks (see Figure 4), produ-
cing a 360-degrees experience that allows future stu-
dents to navigate and explore the facilities of the Glas-
gow campus, thus helping students to gain a better
perspective of the campus in these times where Open
Days are online.
The 360 camera utilised in this case study was a
Ricoh Theta V along with an Insta360 One X invis-
ible selfie stick and a mini tripod to mount the selfie
stick. Several online meetings with “Marketing and
Recruitment” manager and GCU Schools head of de-
partment were run until the final list of facilities re-
quired to film was agreed. In addition, the following
functional requirements were agreed:
The tool should provide a Campus Map
The tool should guide students from the Campus
entrance to the main facilities
The tool should allow users navigate into the main
facilities and interact with elements such as in-
formative panels and videos
In this time of social-distancing measures, plan-
ning the image acquisition schedule was essential to
inform Security Team when and for how long it was
required accessing to each building. This allow us to
obtain access to GCU earlier than expected. In four
days with shifts of six hours every day including two
hours to charge the camera's battery, the team capture
360 images of around 140 environments distributed
along 9 buildings.
The images were edited adding GCU logo at the
bottom of all 360 images, renamed and organised by
Campus buildings. After uploading the files in Mar-
zipano Tool and exporting the web application files,
the software framework proposed in this paper was
implemented to acquire the additional functionality:
Campus map: this map (see Figure 5) provides an
overview of the Glasgow Campus buildings and
Campus entrances. Implementing new code lines
to the index.html, index.js and data.js, a new class
of hotspot was acquired to link the map with the
building entrance when clicking on the building
Video Hotspots: the basic functionality proposed
in Marzipano Tool consists of two type of inter-
active hotspot: an informative hotspot and a link
hotspot to navigate to the following 360 images
(see Figure 2 (2) and (3) respectively). In addition
to the building hotspot class, the code developed
in index.js and data.js files introduces a video hot-
spot class that displays a multimedia content rel-
evant to the environment along many 360 images.
Accessible Dropdown Menu: the vertical menu
proposed by Marzipano is a single level list and
do not provide the guidelines to group 360 ima-
ges, especially when VTs have large number of
images. Given that the 360 VT of GCU included
around 140 images (an image per room except
those large rooms like the library where 2 images
were taken), the code proposed in index.html in-
troduces a solution to this complying the WCAG
The team decided to use a web server for web-
hosting the VT as a static website using Amazon
Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
Members from the “Marketing and Recruitment”,
the “Student Engagement and Communications” and
“School of Computing” Department evaluate the us-
ability of the VT. A total of 8 people (4 GCU stu-
dents and 4 GCU staff members) participated. Due to
Covid-19, the interview was conducted via videocall.
Each participant joined the videocall individually.
The study consisted of an initial description of 360
immersive technologies, followed by a testing of the
web-based VT of GCU. The link
was shared via the
WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Figure 5: The 60 VT of GCU: Campus Map. This figure shows the main Campus entrances and building marked with an
interactive arrow and location icon, respectively. Clicking on the icon, users navigate through the facilities simulating what it
would be a Campus walking tour. This map page allows users go back once they finish exploring a building.
videocall chat and they had 10 minutes to explore the
360 experience. After, participants required to discuss
the good and bad practices when utilising the web-
based VT interface.
The feedback delivered was very positive by all
participants. They saw the positive impact of the web-
based VT to allow new students to get a 360 view of
our GCU campus, roam around the library building,
classrooms and main social spaces. “Overall I think
it looks brilliant!” and “I found it easy to navigate!
I like that when you select a building from the drop
down menu, it allows you to select different areas that
are found there”.
Nevertheless, they identified points of improve-
ment. Some students were confused when trying
to return to the Campus Map after exploring a buil-
ding: “I was a bit confused about how to return to the
map(...) it would be slightly easier to have a click
link back to the map rather than having to go into
the three lines at the top and get back to the map that
way”. They suggested that having a button similarly
to the fullscreen button would be helpful to back to the
Campus Map “rather than having to go into the three
lines at the top and get back to the map that way”.
GCU staff members suggested as future work the
need to make the web-based VT accessible using dif-
ferent devices, such as phones. Although it works in a
wide variety of browsers and devices, some function-
ality is limited in smartphones. One of the students
suggested: “It would be good to say what’s in each of
the buildings like for example where it’s got “George
Moore Building” having like “Campus Life Desk” be-
cause realistically students are not just going to know
it”. Although this information is covered through the
360 images of Campus Open Areas, adding informat-
ive panels describing the main facilities in each buil-
ding in the Campus Map page would cover such sug-
The contribution presented is a 360-degrees VT
pipeline that allows Organisations such as Univer-
sities to quickly develop a low-cost web-based VT,
just investing in purchasing a 360 camera and pay-
ing a monthly fee for a web hosting the VT. The case
study “360 Virtual Tour of GCU Glasgow Cam-
pus” demonstrates the applicability of the pipeline.
This will enable many Universities to provide a 360-
degrees experience of a Campus visit, similarly to
face-to-face Open Days, and being at the same level
to their competitors.
The future work of this project involves the de-
velopment of a instruction in the GitHub repository.
Such GitHub repository will provide a detailed de-
Rapid Development of a Low-cost Web-based 360 Virtual Tour
scription of pipeline phases, including: (i) the com-
parison table of 360 camera ranked by specifications
to assist users on the camera choice, (ii) the de-
tailed schedule utilised during GCU image acquisi-
tion phase, (iii) the tutorials followed to edit 360 ima-
ges, (iv) a step-by-step of the code edited to obtain a
complete VT functionality, (v) tips for selecting the
most appropriate web hosting service and (vi) feed-
back provided by the team. In addition, the GitHub
repository will be helpful for those Organisations who
need support following the pipeline proposed. To
demonstrate the effectiveness of the pipeline, a usab-
ility study to evaluate the effectiveness of the web-
based instructions to develop a low-cost web-based
VT will also be included.
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WEBIST 2020 - 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies