Table 3: Comparison between algorithms.
Metrics (Meidan et al., 2018)
Mean Variance
TPR 100% 97.85% 94.43% ∼ 99.87%
FPR 0.007% ∼ 0.01% 1% 0.01% ∼ 2.48%
Time 174 ∼ 212 ms 20.07 ms 17.99 ∼ 23.96 ms
faster, taking almost 90% less time to differentiate be-
nign and malicious data. Since autoencoder is a neu-
ral network, it has a much costly footprint than Den-
Stream, and need much more data to train also.
In this paper was showed that more lightweight algo-
rithms, such as DenStream, can be a great candidate
to detect botnet formation, making possible to run this
algorithm in more simple and low-cost devices, such
as a Raspberry Pi 3B+ (used in the experiment). It
also showed that, due to its light and efficient way of
dealing with training and predicting, it could respond
to a threat much sooner.
In this paper was used DenStream as an unsuper-
vised machine learning algorithm, but the CluStream
showed as an option as well. As future work, it will be
tested using the CluStream and will be verified which
one is more effective to the problem.
It will also be studied applications for the algo-
rithm, which can be ported to an IoT specialist device
or inserted in an SDN context. For this, an analysis of
minimum hardware requirements to perform well had
to be made. It will also be studied possibles measures
to apply when the algorithm detects an attack.
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Detecting IoT Botnet Formation using Data Stream Clustering Algorithms