The main objective of this study was to implement
the method for the object trajectory estimation using
the YOLOv3 object detector algorithm an 2D laser
rangefinder. We analysed the YOLOv3 and YOLOv3-
tiny deep learning models on various classes from
datasets including Pascal VOC and Google Open Im-
ages. We used additional pre-trained convolutional
weights to increase the capability of the model to de-
tect the objects. The combination of the object detec-
tion and 2D LIDAR helps the trajectory estimation of
an object. In addition, we tried to plot the trajectory
by using the distances from the depth camera, CMOS
camera and LRF angles. We also estimated the trajec-
tory of an object using a mobile robot in a controlled
fashion. Furthermore, we used polynomial regression
with the purpose of smoothing trajectory path but only
for suitable cases. The experiments show that our ap-
proach is feasible and robust to obtain the object lo-
cation and further draw the trajectory.
As a possible future work, we plan to investigate
different algorithms for the objects trajectory predic-
tion, as well as methods related to object tracking us-
ing mobile robot control.
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ROBOVIS 2020 - International Conference on Robotics, Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems