graduated from medical or dental education, both
domestically and abroad, which are recognized by the
Government of the Republic of Indonesia in
accordance with statutory regulations. In the medical
profession, doctor and patient communication is one
of the competencies that must be mastered by doctors.
The communication competence determines success
in helping treat a patient's illness. During this time,
the communication competence of a doctor can be
said to be often overlooked.
In Indonesia, some doctors feel they don't have
enough time to talk with their patients, so they can
only ask as needed. This causes the doctors tend not
to get enough information to establish the diagnosis
and determine further planning and action. While in
terms of the patient himself, patients generally feel in
a lower position before the doctor (superior-inferior),
so that the patient is feel afraid to ask questions and
tell stories or just answer according to doctors'
questions (Foursanalitywati, 2015; Turnip et al,
In general, the definition of communication is the
process of delivering ideas, hopes and messages
conveyed through certain symbols that contain
meaning carried out by the messenger addressed to
the recipient of the message. The application of the
definition of communication in the interaction
between doctor and patient is interpreted as the
achievement of understanding and agreement that is
built by the doctor with the patient at each step in
solving the patient's problem (Adriyani, 2018; Wijaya
et al, 2019).
Kurzt (1998) suggests two approaches about
communication in the field of medicine. First is the
disease centered communication style or doctor
centered communication style, where communication
is based on the doctor's interest in trying to establish
a diagnosis, including investigation and clinical
reasoning about signs and symptoms. The second
approach is an illness centered communication style
or patient centered communication style, where
communication is based on what the patient feels
about his illness which individually unique
experience. The aim is to create comfort and
satisfaction for both parties to create effective
communication between doctors and patients (Kurtz,
A doctor's communication ability to have good
communication skills with his patients has different
goals. There are three types of goals for the doctor's
communication with his patient, namely, creating
good interpersonal relationships, exchanging
information, and making medical decisions. The
goals that are considered the most important in
solving patient's health problems especially in
patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes
mellitus that is creating good interpersonal and
communicative relationships will have a positive
impact on patients such as the realization of patient
knowledge and understanding, adherence to
medication and measurable health outcomes (Konsil)
Indonesian Medicine, 2006). In building good
interpersonal relationships, it takes important
elements, namely intimacy, attention, lack of tension,
and non-verbal expressions from doctors and patients.
In particular, good doctor and patient interpersonal
relationships will increase when the context of the
doctor's communication capabilities with patients
takes place with doctor friendliness, courtesy
behavior, social behavior and empathy behavior
during consultation (Larasati, 2019).
The results of the initial survey of several patients
who were willing to be interviewed found that many
patients considered doctors rarely greet patients at the
beginning of a consultation session, so this had an
impact on patients who were afraid to express their
complaints. Similarly, doctors do not provide
opportunities for patients to ask questions. The
average patient complains of not having enough
courage to ask about his illness in detail, so that in the
end it only follows the direction of the doctor. The
same applies to patients' complaints that doctors feel
less empathetic, such as eye contact with patients
during consultation sessions, or doctors who are
reluctant to touch in the sense of shaking hands with
patients. Yet through empathy with small things like
that, could be one of the factors that foster a sense of
trust in others. This study aims to analyze the effect
of interpersonal communication in improving the
quality of life of patients with diabetes mellitus.
Many patients with chronic diseases such as
diabetes mellitus have difficulty achieving optimal
blood glucose control, communication by medical
personnel plays an important role in supporting
patient health. Medical personnel may be more
successful when providing behavioral change
counseling based on psychological principles of self-
regulation, for example, setting goals, achieving
additional performance, and planning actions in
managing diabetes (Mulder, 2017).
Based on the review above, researchers feel that
until now there has been no research that examines
the effect of doctor communication on the quality of
life of patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes
mellitus. So in this study will summarize in detail
about how much impact the doctor's communication
in improving the quality of life of patients with
diabetes mellitus, and what communication factors