providing the services needed, both doctors and
nurses patiently listen to patient complaints. The
results of Triwahyuni's research (2015) show that
perceptions about the quality of reliable doctor
services have an influence on the satisfaction of
inpatients. Winarno's research results (2015) get
results that prove that there is a positive and
significant influence of the reliability variable on
service user satisfaction.
The reliability dimension shows the ability to
provide services according to the promises offered.
The assessment is related to the timeliness of service
at registration, the time of treatment / examination,
the suitability between expectations and the
realization of time for patients (Tjiptono & Chandra,
2015). The demand for reliability of health workers in
providing fast, appropriate, easy and smooth services
is a condition for patient evaluation in showing the
actualization of the work of health workers. The
satisfaction of these patients in the assessment of
reliability is the ability of health workers to provide
services immediately and satisfactorily as desired by
patients and families (Azwar, 2016).
The results of this study prove that the reliability
variable of health workers was related to the
satisfaction felt by hospitalized patients. The
reliability variable is the most related to inpatient
satisfaction. The services provided can be relied upon
if it is in accordance with the wishes of the consumers
related to the speed of service time and accuracy in
providing services which will ultimately have an
impact on the achievement of customer satisfaction.
The reliability of health workers can be seen from the
ability of health workers (doctors and nurses) who are
professional in providing services to patients and
families. Health workers check the condition of
patients from morning to night on a regular basis,
nurses pay attention to the cleanliness of the patient's
body being treated, control the infusion that is
installed, as well as provide counseling or health
education in accordance with the illness suffered by
the patient so that it can add insight into the
knowledge of the patient and family.
3.3 Responsiveness Factors
The results showed that there was a fast response
relationship with inpatient satisfaction, p = 0,000
<0.05. The variable rapid response has a value of Exp
(B) / OR = 6,715 meaning that patients who state
good hospital responsiveness are good, have the
opportunity to feel satisfied with hospital services by
6.7 times higher. Rosjid's research results (2016)
found that all service quality variables included in the
five dimensions of Servqual stand alone or
simultaneously, have a pretty close correlation with
customer satisfaction, especially the variable
responsiveness. Research conducted by Mukti,
Hamzah, & Nyorong (2015) shows that the results of
statistical tests using the chi square test obtained p
value = 0.002. This means that there is an effect of
responsiveness or timeliness on patient satisfaction.
The results showed that 63.6% of respondents said
they were dissatisfied with hospital staff who were
not responsive or not on time.
Quick response or timeliness in service was the
ability of the hospital to provide services as promised,
which includes the speed and accuracy of officers in
providing services include: accuracy in procedures
for patient acceptance, registration, speed of health
workers when asked for help, when examined and
diagnosing the disease and healing of diseases
(Azwar, 2016).
The results of this study prove that the
responsiveness of health workers was significantly
related to the satisfaction felt by inpatients. Patients
who claim that health workers are responsive in
providing services tend to feel satisfied. This is
related to the speed of the nurse if called by the patient
or family in less than 5 minutes, the nurse is
responsive in helping to meet the needs of eating /
drinking when the patient cannot do it himself,
doctors and nurses always check the condition after
taking action to see reaction from the actions taken,
health workers show readiness and always be willing
to help if requested by patients and families. In
addition, doctors and nurses also explained further
care at home in accordance with the conditions of the
illness experienced.
3.4. Empathy Factors
The results showed that there was an empathy
relationship with inpatient satisfaction, p = 0,000
<0.05. Empathy variable which has a value of Exp (B)
/ OR = 6.246 means that patients who state good
hospital empathy, have the opportunity to feel
satisfied with hospital services by 6.2 times higher.
Empathy is an important variable in increasing the
satisfaction of inpatients.
Based on research conducted by Prabowo, Noer;
aini, & Supriyadi (2016) shows that most respondents
have satisfied empathy (71.9%). There is a
relationship between the quality of service
dimensions of empathy with insurance patient
satisfaction. This is also in line with the study of
Winarno (2015) which found that there was a positive
and significant influence of empathy variables on