The Intake of Beta Vulgaris and Amaranthus Tricolor L. Juice on
Increasing the Hemoglobin Level
Rapael Ginting, Frans Judea Samosir, Hartono, Victor Trimanjaya Hulu, David Ongko, Dewi Anjani,
Diah Purwaningrum and Alvi Mutiara Syahrin Pohan
Public Health Department, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Jl. Sekip, Medan, Indonesia
{rafaelginting, frans.judea, hartonoboy31, vic.trisja, davidongko123, diahpurwaningrum12,
Keywords: hb level, beta vulgaris, amaranthus tricolor l, juice
Abstract: The most common anemia in the world is the one as the result of iron deficiency in the body
. One of the
health problems that appears to be a disruption to female workers is the nutritional deficiency anemia
. This
problem has an impact on the death of mothers and children, as well as on low achievement and decreased
work productivity, especially for women who have multiple roles
. Anemia mostly occurs in women of
childbearing age, which is about 30.2% of 1.62 billion people. This study aimed to determine the
effectiveness of Beta Vulgaris juice and Amaranthus Tricolor L juice on increasing Hb levels
. This type of
research was a quasi-experiment study with a pre-test and post-test control group design. The study used a
total sampling technique with a sample of 30 teachers that consumed the Beta Vulgaris juice and the
Amaranthus Tricolor L juice for 14 days
. The results showed that there are significant increased levels of
Haemoglobin after the intake of Beta Vulgaris juice and the Amaranthus Tricolor L juice by 1.03 gr/dL and
1, 34gr/dL, respectively. Individuals are implored to consume either Beta Vulgaris juice or Amaranthus
Tricolor L juice regularly to experience the benefit of intaking it on increasing the Hb levels
The most common anemia in the world is one as the
result of iron deficiency in the body
. Nutritional
anemia caused by iron deficiency is still a nutritional
problem in Indonesia
. One of the health problems
that appears to be a disruption to female workers is
the nutritional deficiency anemia
. This problem has
an impact on the death of mothers and children, as
well as on low achievement and decreased work
. Moreover, this could also happen
among women who have multiple roles such as
being professionals who spend most of their time
working outside of the house and as housewives
who have obligation to do chores at home (Wagirah,
. Anemia mostly occurs in women of
childbearing age, about 30
.2% from 1.62 billion
. There are around 4-5 billion people in the
world with an iron deficiency or around 66-80
percent of the world's total population
. Most
specifically, in developing countries, about 370
million women have been detected to undergo iron
deficiency anemia
. The highest prevalence of iron
deficiency anemia in developing countries is found
in South Asia with 64% in total
. At the same time,
the prevalence of anemia in women is 47% in
Southeast Asia alone (Fitri, 2016)
Based on the 2017 Indonesian Demographic and
Health Survey, the prevalence of anemia among the
ages of 13 - 18 in women was 23% in Indonesia
The prevalence of anemia in men was lower than
women, which was 17% in men aged 13 - 18 years
In line with the 2016 Home Health Survey, the
prevalence of anemia in adolescent girls aged 15 -
20 years was 57
.1%. In Riau province, the
prevalence of anemia was 25
.1%, and 19.4% aged
15 - 24 years
. Furthermore, the incidence of anemia
in women was 18
.1%, and men was 7% (Yuni,
. On the other hand, the incidence of anemia in
North Sumatra province in 2015 reached 57
.1%; in
2016, it was 54
.5%, and in 2017 it increased to
.2% (Dinkes Propsu, 2017). Based on the results
of the Basic Health Survey (Riskesdas) 2018, it is
noted that there is an increase of anemia in Indonesia
in 2018 as much as 48
.9%. The most prominent
prevalence was in pregnant women aged 15 24
Ginting, R., Samosir, F., Hartono, ., Hulu, V., Ongko, D., Anjani, D., Purwaningrum, D. and Syahrin Pohan, A.
The Intake of Beta Vulgaris and Amaranthus Tricolor L. Juice on Increasing the Hemoglobin Level.
DOI: 10.5220/0010292001580165
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical (HIMBEP 2020), pages 158-165
ISBN: 978-989-758-500-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
years as much as 84
.6%, aged 25 34 as much as
.7%, aged 35 – 44 as much as 33.6%, and aged 45
54 as much as 24% (Kementerian Kesehatan RI,
One solution that can be implemented to fulfill
the needs of iron for the body so that the level of
Haemoglobin (Hb) in blood stays maintained is by
consuming vegetables and fruits containing iron in
high content
. One of the iron sources that plays a
role in the formation of the high Hb is in beets and
red spinach
. However, little is known about the
effects of beets (Beta Vulgaris) and red spinach
(Amaranthus Tricolor L
.) that can increase Hb
. One research conducted by Kavitha, et al.
(2020), Pokharel, et al
. (2019), and Al-Aboud
(2018) suggested that there was positive effect of
giving Beta Vulgaris juice on Hb levels (Kavitha
and Denish, 2020; Pokharel and Sharmila, 2019; Al-
aboud, 2018)
. In addition, research by Bahadoran, et
. (2017) and Mirmiran, et al. (2020) revealed that
there was another beneficial effect of beets that is
lowering blood pressure and diabetes
. Apart from
beets, another food source that can optimize iron
levels in the body is red spinach
. Research
conducted by Yudhistira, et al
. (2018), Muliani, et
. (2017), and Majelti, et al. (2017) showed that
positive effect could be gained by giving
Amaranthus Tricolor L juice to increase hemoglobin
(Yudhistira, Affandi, and Nusantari, 2018;
Muliani et al
., 2017; Maljeti, Mapanawang and
Korompis, 2017)
. Meanwhile, research by Pradana,
et al
. (2017) and Kumar, et al. (2019) stated that
there was healthier effect of consuming red spinach,
which was preventing diabetes and reducing LDL
levels (Pradana, Pondawinata and Widyarini, 2017;
Kumar et al
., 2019).
Those previous researches have been done with
several approaches
. The research method used by
Kavitha, et al
. (2020) and Phokarel, et al. (2019) was
a one-group pre-test post-test design that compared
only one treatment group with the aiming to
determine the effectiveness of giving beets on Hb
levels (Kavitha and Denish, 2020; Pokharel and
Sharmila, 2019). In comparison, Al-Aboud (2018)
compared the effectiveness of beetroot juice to the
hematological level, which are the levels of Hb,
Ferritin, Transferrin, etc
. (Al-aboud, 2018).
Furthermore, a research by Bahadoran, et al
. (2017)
used a meta-analysis method which showed the
effectiveness of beets on Hb levels and on
decreasing blood pressure (Bahadoran et al
., 2017).
While Mirmiran, et al
. (2020) used a literature study
to see the effectiveness of beets on reducing blood
pressure and diabetes (Mirmiran et al
., 2020).
The research method used by Muliani, et al
(2017), and Majelti, et al
. (2017) was a quasi-
experiment with a pretest-posttest with one control
group with treatment aiming to find the effectiveness
of giving red spinach on Hb levels (Muliani et al
2017; Maljeti, Mapanawang and Korompis, 2017)
In contrast, Yudhistira, et al
. (2018) combined red
spinach with tomatoes to increase Hb levels
(Yudhistira, Affandi and Nusantari, 2018)
. A
research by Pradana, et al
. (2017) compared the
effectiveness of red spinach extract against LDL
levels and histopathology (Pradana, Pondawinata
and Widyarini, 2017)
. Whereas, Kumar, et al.
(2019) used a literature study to see the effectiveness
of red spinach on lowering blood sugar (Kumar,
Abbas and Austo, 2010)
. These previous researches
help us to notice the benefits of the processing of
beets and red spinach for consumption
Based on those previous studies and the problem
mentioned about the anemia affecting people’s
productivity, this research aimed to determine the
effectiveness of intaking the Beta Vulgaris juice and
the Amaranthus Tricolor L juice on increasing Hb
levels. Our research used a different approach from
previous ones
. We implemented the quasi-
experiment method with the pre-test post-test
which was carried out to test two experimental
. They consisted of one group that consumed
the Beta Vulgaris juice and the other group
consumed the Amaranthus Tricolor L juice
. In the
end, we could see the impact of both intake on
increasing Hb levels
This research was conducted at the Sekolah
Kejayaan Indonesia, Binjai Barat, Binjai City, North
Sumatra. The research was conducted from
December 9 - 23, 2019. This type of research used a
quasi-experiment with a pre-test and post-test with
control group design. This study used a total
sampling technique, which was all the teachers in
the school. So, the number of samples in this study
was 30 teachers. The inclusive criteria for the
samples was female aged 20 40 years old, active
teacher at the school, and not on period or
pregnancy. Conversely, the exclusive criteria was
male teacher above 40 years old.
The Intake of Beta Vulgaris and Amaranthus Tricolor L. Juice on Increasing the Hemoglobin Level
Figure 1: Research flow.
This research was conducted through several
stages as follows:
1. Preparation phase.
The researchers prepared facilities and
infrastructure that would support research
under the research permit and coordination
with the school principal. The researchers
defined the subjects of the research that
happened to be the teachers in the school who
were willing to be respondents in this study.
Then, the researchers determined the schedule
of meetings with respondents and provided
them with instructions to follow. Then, the
researchers hold face-to-face meetings with all
respondents to present the flow of research
activities that would be carried out for the next
two weeks. The researchers also provided
education related to research material. After
that, the researcher distributed the respondent's
consent statement to take part in the research
activities carried out without coercion from any
party. The researcher also gave instructions
about things that should not be done during the
research activity. Some things that should not
be done by respondents were consuming food
or drinks that contain tannins such as tea and
coffee. This procedure was done because the
tannin content in tea and coffee could interfere
with the absorption of iron in the body so that it
could cause the respondents' hb levels to
appear low.
2. Implementation phase.
This research was begun by checking the Hb
level of the respondent before doing the
research (pre-test) to determine the Hb level in
each respondent before being given any special
treatment. After obtaining the results of the hb
levels of all respondents, the researchers
immediately proceeded to the experiment stage
by repeatedly giving red spinach and beet juice
to respondents. The juice distribution was
divided into two different groups of
respondents. There was a group of respondents
who was given beet juice, and a group of
respondents who was assigned to intake red
spinach juice within two weeks of giving. The
intake was as much as 180 ml per day for two
weeks. Then, to keep the respondents following
these instructions, at the time of the research,
the researcher distributed food recall to the
respondents to find out what types of food or
drink the respondents consumed during the
HIMBEP 2020 - International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical
research. It was intended that researchers could
monitor respondents' adherence to each
research procedure. Besides, researchers
continued to remind respondents of the
importance of complying with each process of
the study and improve closeness with
respondents so that proper communication
relationships were established. As a result,
respondents could respond as expected by
researchers. After the research time ended in
two weeks, the researcher checked again the
respondents’ Hb level (post-test). Then, the
researchers compared the results of the pre-test
and the post-test of the respondents’ Hb level.
The bivariate analysis used in this study was by
using the Saphiro-Wilk test for normality test
because the number of samples was less than 50
samples. After that, researchers would use the
dependent t-test if the data were normally distributed
and the Wilcoxon test if the data were not normally
distributed to determine the effectiveness of
increasing Hb levels between beet juice and red
spinach juice.
The independent t-test would be used if the data
were normally distributed and the Mann-Whitney
test would be used if the data were not distributed
normally; in order to know the difference in elevated
Hb levels between the Beta Vulgaris juice and the
Amaranthus Tricolor L juice at the significance level
α = 0.05 (Hulu and Sinaga, 2019).
Table 1: Characteristics of Respondents.
No Characteristics Total
1 Age
20 – 25
26 – 30
31 – 35
36 – 40
Total 30 100
2 Anemia status
No anemia
Total 30 100
Based on the characteristics of the respondents
on Table 1, most the respondents’ age was 31 - 35
years as many as nine people (30%)
. On the other
hand, the minorities aged 36 – 40 years were six
people (20%)
. Most respondents with anemia status
were 23 people (76
.7%) and the minority of seven
people did not have anemia (23
Table 2: Pre-test and post-test of juice intake (gr/dL).
Amaranthus Tricolor L Juice
Respondents Pre-Test Post-Test
.4 10.4
4 10 11
.4 13.8
8 13 12
.6 12.2
10 14 12
11 10
12 11
.4 15.3
14 10
.4 12.8
Beta Vulgaris Juice
Respondents Pre-Test Post-Test
.4 10.1
.9 11.3
.2 10.8
.8 9.5
7 13 18
.9 10.5
12 9 12
15 11 10
The Intake of Beta Vulgaris and Amaranthus Tricolor L. Juice on Increasing the Hemoglobin Level
Table 3: Effectiveness of Increasing Hb Levels through Beta Vulgaris Juice to Teachers.
Results of Hb
Levels of Beta
aris Juice
N Mean SD Min – Max Normality
Pre-test Hb levels
15 10,887 1,602 8,8 – 14
Post-test Hb levels
15 11,920 2,284 9,5 – 18
Table 4: Effectiveness of Increasing Hb Levels through Amaranthus Tricolor L. Juice to Teachers.
Results of Hb
Levels of
Tricolor L
N Mean SD Min – Max Normality p-value
Pre-test Hb levels 15 10,827 1,602 8,4
0,592 0,032
Post-test Hb levels 15 12,167 1,925 10 - 17
Table 5: The difference of the effectiveness of Increasing Hb Levels between Amaranthus Tricolor L. Juice and Beta
Vulgaris juice for teachers.
Hb levels N Mean Homogeneity p-value
Hb levels of Beta Vulgaris juice 15 11,920
Hb levels of Amaranthus Tricolor L. juice
15 12,167
The results of the bivariate analysis on Beta
Vulgaris juice, Table 3, show that the average pre-
test Hb level was 10
.887 gr / dL with a standard
deviation of 1
.602. The average post-test Hb level
was 11,920 gr / dL, with a standard deviation of
. The average Hb level after being given Beta
Vulgaris juice increased by 1
.033 gr / dL. Before the
paired t-test was performed, researchers conducted a
normality test in which to find out the data that were
normally distributed
. It resulted that the data of 15
respondents of the Beta Vulgaris juice group were
normally distributed due to 0
.2118 > 0.05. The
results of the bivariate analysis using paired t-test
obtained p-value = 0
.046, which means that Ho was
. This result showed that there was a positive
effect of increasing Hb levels through the intake of
Beta Vulgaris juice
Based on Table 4, the average pre-test Hb level
is 10
.827 gr / dL with a standard deviation of 1.602.
The average post-test Hb level is 12
.167 gr / dL with
a standard deviation of 1
.925. The average Hb level
after being given Amaranthus Tricolor L juice
increased by 1,340 gr / dL
. This shows an increase
in the value of the standard deviation between the
pretest and posttest from 1
.602 to 1.925, meaning
that the greater the standard deviation value of a
data, the greater the data distribution of each average
value of the respondents’ Hb level
. The results of the
bivariate analysis using paired t-test was p-value =
.032, which means that Ho was rejected. This
showed that there was a statistically significant
effect (p value < 0
.05), which brings to remark that
there was a beneficial effect of increasing Hb levels
through the administration of Amaranthus Tricolor L
juice to the teachers
The results of the bivariate analysis using
unpaired t-test obtained p-value = 0
.715 (Table 5),
which means that Ho was accepted
. This showed
that it was not statistically significant effect (p value
> 0
.05), meaning that there was no difference in the
effectiveness of increasing Hb levels through the
provision of Beta Vulgaris juice and Amaranthus
Tricolor L juice to teachers
The results of this study are in line with the
study of Kavitha & Denish (2020) with the same
topic about the effect of beetroot juice on
Hemoglobin among girls of selected hostel girls with
the approach of experimental design. The research
involved 30 respondents, and the intervention was
run for 20 days
. The study concluded that there was
a statistically significant difference (p-value < 0
which indicated that there was a positive impact on
beet juice administration to increase Hb levels; the
average Hb level grew from 8
.8 gr / dL to 11.17 gr /
dL (Kavitha and Denish, 2020)
. The findings of this
study are also consistent with Al-aboud 's study
(2018), with the research title being Impact of Red
HIMBEP 2020 - International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical
Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L
.) Intake at the Level of
Certain Hematological Tests in a Group of Female
The study concluded that variations in beet
efficacy were observed at Hb levels, namely the
average Hb levels increased from 11
.9 gr / dL to
.6 gr / dL (Al-aboud, 2018). Furthermore, the
results of this study are in line with the research of
Stephana et al
. (2017) entitled Effectiveness of
Beetroot Juice Giving Against Hemoglobin Levels
of Pregnant Women with Anemia in Pekanbaru City
Health Center in 2017
. There was effectiveness in
giving beetroot juice to increase hemoglobin levels
of 34 people in Pekanbaru City Health Center, using
the quasi-experimental approach with p-value =
.001 (p-value <α). It means that there was positive
efefct in giving beet juice to increase the Hb levels
(Stephana, Utami and Elita, 2017)
According to the researchers' assumptions, one
of the factors that cause anemia is meal or food
. The components of nutrients that play a
role in the formation of hemoglobin in food include
iron and protein
. A variety of food consumption
patterns, such as types of food and the frequency of
food consumed, can affect the value of a person's Hb
. Beets (Beta Vulgaris) are rich in B vitamins,
and one of its main ingredients is folic acid
. Folic
acid itself serves to help the formation of red blood
cells in the body so that if you regularly consume
beets then you will increase the supply of red blood
cells that are rich in oxygen throughout the body to
prevent anemia. The body does not produce vitamin
B, so to meet the need for vitamin B, it is essential to
pay attention to the intake of foods that contain lots
of vitamin B such as beets (Beta Vulgaris)
(Proverawati and Asfuah, 2015)
The result of the bivariate analysis on
Amaranthus Tricolor L juice was that the average
pre-test Hb level was 10
.827 gr / dL with a standard
deviation of 1
.602. The average post-test Hb level
was 12,167 gr / dL, with a standard deviation of
. The average Hb level after being given
Amaranthus Tricolor L juice increased by 1,340 gr /
. It can be seen that the data of the 15 respondents
of the Amaranthus Tricolor L juice group were
normally distributed due to 0
.5922 > 0.05. The
results of the bivariate analysis using the paired T-
test obtained p-value = 0
.0321 (p-value <0.05),
which means that Ho was rejected
. This result
proved the effectiveness of increasing Hb levels
through the intake of Amaranthus Tricolor L
. juice.
The findings of this study also agree with the
report made by Muliani, et al
. ( 2017) titled Impact
of Consuming Red Spinach (Amaranthus Tricolor L)
Extract on Hemoglobin Levels In Postpartum
. This study involved 30 respondents with
the provision of intervention for 14 days
. The result
in this analysis was that the intake of red spinach has
had a statistically important effect (p-value = 0
< 0
.05). This means that red spinach juice was given
effectively at Hb levels; the average Hb level
increased by 1
.25 gr / dL (Muliani et al., 2017). The
results of this study are following the research of
Majelti et al
. (2017) that there is good effect of
giving red spinach to increase Hb levels (p-value
.05), where Hb levels increased from 7.1 gr / dL
to 9
.6 gr / dL (Maljeti, Mapanawang and Korompis,
. The results of this study are also consistent
with those conducted by Meylawati, et al
. (2018). It
showed there was positive effect of spinach juice
administration on Hb levels with p-value = < 0
with an average Hb level before getting intervention
was 9
.45 gr / dL and the average Hb level after
intervention increased to 10
.41 gr / dL (Meylawati,
Nursanti and Widakdo, 2018)
According to the researchers, the previous study
results are reinforced by Juliarti's statement in 2017,
which stated that iron absorption is more efficient
and effective if it is in the form of ferro since it
dissolves quickly
. For that, we need an acidic
atmosphere in the stomach and a compound that can
convert Feri into ferrous in the intestine, the
compound in question is ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
Apart from high iron content, there are other
substances in red spinach that play a role in the
formation of hemoglobin (Juliarti, 2017)
. Folic acid
and vitamin B12 are essential ingredients in the
formation of cell nuclei
. Vitamin B6 and amino
acids and lysine in red spinach play a role in the
initial reaction of heme formation
. Also, vitamins
B6 and B12 are required in the process of
synthesizing globin (Dondi, Rian and Putri, 2019)
The results of the homogeneity test showed a
value of 0
.477 < 0.05, so that it can be said that the
data has the same variance
. Therefore, researchers
used unpaired T-test
. The unpaired t-test has been
granted a p-value of 0
.715, so it can be inferred that
Ho has been approved, and Ha has been denied
. It
means there is no difference in the efficacy of the
consumption of Beta Vulgaris juice and Amaranthus
Tricolor L
. juice to increase the Hb levels. The
assumptions of the researchers that the results could
be due to the increase in Hb levels between the two
The Intake of Beta Vulgaris and Amaranthus Tricolor L. Juice on Increasing the Hemoglobin Level
juices were not much different; the difference in
average Hb level was 0
.247 gr / dL. Women workers
without anemia will be more productive at work
than women with anemia
. Therefore, women need
food intake that contains iron in high levels, such as
beets (Beta Vulgaris) and red spinach (Amaranthus
Tricolor L), which are very helpful in the process of
forming red blood cells in the body that can prevent
. If it is based on the average difference
between Beta Vulgaris juice and Amaranthus
Tricolor L juice, which are 1
.033 gr / dL and 1,340
gr / dL, then Amaranthus Tricolor L juice is more
effective to increase Hb levels
According to the researchers, working women
without anemia will be more productive at work
than women with anemia
. Therefore, women
desperately need meals that contain high levels of
iron, such as beets (Beta Vulgaris) and red spinach
(Amaranthus Tricolor L) which are very helpful in
the process of forming red blood cells in the body
which eventually can prevent anemia. If we look at
the average difference between Beta Vulgaris juice
and Amaranthus Tricolor L juice, which is 1
.033 gr /
dL and 1,340 gr / dL, then Amaranthus Tricolor L
juice is more effective in increasing Hb levels in
teachers at the school
. In this study, the researchers
applied the same method to the two types of juices,
both in the processing, the types of additives used to
the dosage of each type of food used
. The difference
was the price aspect of the raw materials for this
study, namely red spinach and beets
. On the market,
the price of red spinach is cheaper than beets
. For
this reason, red spinach is more efficient for
consumption from an economical point of view
Moreover, red spinach tastes better than beetroot
Based on the results of the research on the
effectiveness of increasing Hb levels through the
intake of Beta Vulgaris juice and Amaranthus
Tricolor L juice, we can conclude that there is the
effectiveness of increasing Hb levels through the
consumption of Beta Vulgaris juice and Amaranthus
Tricolor L juice
. The increase was of 1.033 gr / dL
(p-value = 0
.046) and 1,340 gr / dL (p-value =
.032) respectively. However, there is no difference
in the effectiveness of increasing Hb levels through
the intake of Beta Vulgaris juice and Amaranthus
Tricolor L juice (p-value = 0
.715). Researches
implore individuals to consume either Beta Vulgaris
juice or Amaranthus Tricolor L juice regularly to
experience the benefit of intaking it on increasing
the Hb levels
It is important for teachers to pay more attention
to good nutritional intake for the body, especially
nutrition that can increase Hb levels such as beets
(Beta Vulgaris) and red spinach (Amaranthus
Tricolor L)
. Given that these two ingredients are
very easy to find in the market
. Apart from being
beneficial for body health (increasing the body's
immune system), paying attention to nutritional
intake will also affect better performance and
increase the productivity of respondents during work
and while doing various daily activities.
We would like to thank the Universitas Prima
Indonesia for its support
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