(Odorant Binding Proteins) which work apart from
dissolving odor molecules as well as acting in the
selection of olfactory information (Mardiyah, 2016).
According to the researchers' assumption, the 7-
day straw immersion water has the potential to attract
mosquitoes because the straw soaked water
undergoes a metabolic process that produces
substances in the form of ammonia and CO2. Aedes
sp. has sensilla on the antennae and palpus so that it
recognizes the host through body odor, CO2, heat,
and body moisture. This causes the straw soaked
water to be preferred by mosquitoes to perch and
eventually become trapped in the straw soaked water
The results of this study indicate that the straw soaked
water is more effective than the plantain peel extract,
brown sugar fermentation, and plain water (p-value =
0.001). The number of mosquitoes trapped in the
ovitrap in the straw soaked water on the first
repetition was 15, the second repetition was 20 and
the third repetition was 21. Temperature and humidity
affect the growth and length of life of mosquitoes.
This research was conducted by ignoring the two
factors that influence the lives of these mosquitoes.
Also, the time provided for observing the treatment
process is only 24 hours. These two conditions could
be the limitations of the study. Thus, they should be
taken into consideration for further research.
The results of this study are expected to be an
alternative for vector control of the Aedes.sp
mosquito as a safe attractant for the environment and
human health. The results of this study are also
expected to be used by other researchers by using
straw soaked water attractants but with different
concentrations to determine the most effective
concentration level as a natural attractant
We would like to thank the Universitas Prima
Indonesia, Badan Teknik Lingkungan dan
Pengendalian Penyakit Kelas I Medan and the
phytochemical laboratory of Universitas Sumatera
Utara for their support.
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