Complaints of Nurses' Low Back Pain Assessed from Individual
Characteristics and Workloads
Dameria, Frans Judea Samosir, Putri Yunita Pane, Pahala M. J. Simangunsong, Putranto Manalu,
Perry Boy Chandra Siahaan, and Ulina Tarigan
Public Health Department, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Jl. Sekip, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: low back pain, individual characteristics, workloads
Abstract: Complaints of low back pain often occur in health workers, especially among nurses who work in the
Emergency Room since they have a high work intensity. The purpose of this study was to determine the
relationship between individual characteristics and workload on complaints of low back pain among nurses
in the Emergency Room at the RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan. The research design used was an analytic
survey with a cross-sectional approach. The sample size of 30 respondents was obtained through purposive
sampling. The results of statistical tests using the chi-square showed that there was no relationship of
individual characteristics (body mass index 0,372; age 0,367; years of service 0,611) and the complaints of
low back pain. On the contrary, the workload had a significant relationship on the complaints of low back
pain (p-value of 0,001) among nurses at the RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan.
Nurses are one of the human resources in the
hospital who have a large enough number and role in
determining hospital services. Nurses are classified
as a workgroup with a high risk of experiencing Low
Back Pain (LBP) or what is often described as lower
back pain due to daily activities in the hospital to
provide health services (Amila et al, 2015).
LBP is pain that is felt in the lower back where
the pain originates from the muscle, spinal (lower
back) area, nerves, or other structures around the
area. LBP can be caused by disease or abnormalities
in the testicles or ovaries. LBP can also be caused by
work factors; namely, work time, work mass,
workload, and a person's work environment factors
in the form of vibration and work climate (Suma'
mur, 2009).
Until now, LBP is the biggest medical expense
in several countries. LBP not only causes physical
problems but can also be psychological problems
such as depression due to the very high pain felt by
the patient (Shin, 2020). In Switzerland,
musculoskeletal disorders caused an economic loss
of 3.3 billion due to lost productivity and
absenteeism from workers. LBP health care for
direct medical costs account for 6.1% of total health
care spending in Switzerland (Nützi et al., 2017).
In carrying out their duties to provide services to
patients, nurses are required to have time and energy
to meet each patient's basic needs. Nurses have very
diverse activities, including doing medication,
lifting, moving patients, and helping patients to
mobilize (Sarwili, 2015). For a long time, nurses
often perform activities in a standing or walking
position. The rotation of the spine when the body is
bending is a factor in causing LBP disorders. This
work activity will indirectly endanger the health of
the nurses themselves, especially female nurses. The
risk of muscle complaints in women is more
significant than men. This is because
physiologically, women's muscle ability is indeed
lower than that of men (Rizka, 2012).
WHO (World Health Organization) states that
LBP is a work-related disease in the form of
musculoskeletal disorders that can reduce workers'
productivity due to insufficient body activity so that
low back pain is the leading cause of disability that
affects work and general welfare (WHO, 2013).
Several factors can cause LBP risk in nurses, namely
over 35 years of age, smokers, 5-10 years of work,
work position, obesity, and a family history of
musculoskeletal disorders (Astuti, 2007). Other
factors that can affect the onset of LBP disorders
Dameria, ., Samosir, F., Pane, P., Simangunsong, P., Manalu, P., Chandra Siahaan, P. and Tarigan, U.
Complaints of Nurses’ Low Back Pain Assessed from Individual Characteristics and Workloads.
DOI: 10.5220/0010292501880195
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical (HIMBEP 2020), pages 188-195
ISBN: 978-989-758-500-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
include individual characteristics, namely body mass
index, height, exercise habits, years of work, work
position, and workload weight (Harrionto, 2007).
The weight of the load lifted, the frequency of
lifting, and the method or technique of lifting
weights can affect workers' health in the form of
work accidents or the emergence of pain or injury to
the back (Effendi, 2007).
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA, 2013) explains that occupational diseases
are the result of injuries or illnesses that occur in the
workplace as a result of material pressure or
working conditions while doing work. The
prevalence of spinal complaints reaches almost 60%
of all occupational diseases in nurses. In the United
States, 85% of the population is in second place
when it comes to doctor visits because of symptoms
of musculoskeletal complaints in risky occupations.
Fortunately, complaints of back pain resolve for the
most part in 2-4 weeks (Hills, 2020).
Many workers from various countries were
reported by The ILO Report for World Day Safety
and Health at Work in 2005 about the issue that 30%
of these workers felt complaints of disease and
discomfort in the back area and experienced
musculoskeletal events. Data reported by the
National Safety Council (NSC) in the state of Israel
has a prevalence rate of back pain in nurses of
around 16.8%. In Australia, there are 87% or 813
nurses experiencing LBP. The cases in the United
States regarding the incidence of musculoskeletal
injury are 4.62 per 100 nurses per year (Kepmenkes
RI, 2010).
Based on data obtained from Health and Safety
Excutive (2014), the prevalence of LBP during the
last 12 months in 2013/2014 in Great Britain, there
were 310 cases of LBP, and an estimated prevalence
of new cases was 150 cases. According to the Center
for Control and Prevention (CDC) in the The
American Academy of Pain Medicine (2011), at
least 100 million American adults report pain
complaints. The highest cause is low back pain at
28.1%. Expensive LBP treatment depends on
geography and facilities. Lumbar MRI (Magnetic
Resonance Imaging) prices vary between $ 300 and
$ 2,500 with a national average of $ 894 (Reilly
jacob et al, 2019)
Riskesdas 2018 data shows that 6.5% of workers
have back injuries, 32.7% have injuries to the upper
limbs, and 67.9% have injuries to the lower limbs
(Kementerian kesehatan, 2018). The results of data
from the Directorate General of Medical Services of
the Republic of Indonesia (2006-2008) regarding
occupational diseases in 2005, 2006, and 2007, of
the ten occupational diseases, LBP complaints rank
first with the highest number of cases. Workers with
a work posture of carrying, pulling, and pushing
(manual handling) and lifting (lifting) are the leading
causes of LBP. About 25% of work accidents occur
due to manual material handling work, and about
74% of spinal injuries are caused by lifting activities
(Hastono, 2006).
Nutritional status is one of the causes of fatigue.
A person's nutritional status can be measured by
BMI. A workforce with good nutritional status will
have better work capacity and endurance, and vice
versa. In a state of malnutrition with a non-
ergonomic work position, it will interfere with work,
reduce productivity and body endurance so that it is
easy to catch diseases and accelerate the onset of
fatigue (Budiono, 2003). A person with excess
weight and body fat will put pressure on the spine
when holding loads so that it is easy to damage the
bone structure and a danger to the spine. This
statement is supported by Setyanigrum (2014)
research that shows there is an influence between
BMI and LBP with a p-value of 0.000.
Research conducted by Sakinah (2013) states
that the percentage of LBP in the age group less than
35 years who experience complaints is seven people
(26.9%) and those who do not experience LBP are
19 people (73.1%). The age group over 35 years
who share LBP complaints are 17 people (60.7%)
and 11 people who do not experience complaints
(39.3%). This is in line with research conducted by
Shieh et al (2017) where the complaints of LBP
increase with age. The majority of nurses in the 35
year age group experienced LBP as much as 75.5%
(37/49) and the 20-24 year age group as much as
65.2% (214/328) nurses. The results of statistical
tests from this study indicate that there is a
significant relationship between age and LBP
complaints on brick workers in the Lawawoi
Village, Sidrap Regency. As you get older, the
muscles' flexibility also decreases, making it easier
for muscle and joint stiffness to occur. In addition,
there is also a narrowing of the space between the
vertebrae, which causes the spine to become
inflexible like it was at a young age. This can cause
pain in the spine to the waist (Idyan, 2008). In fact,
80% of back pain affects people aged 20-55 years.
However, this complaint is not specific to this age
group, which means that back pain can occur due to
infection, trauma, or other specific reasons
(Movahedi et al., 2020).
The excessive workload can lead to over-
stretching of the muscles to reduce the immune
elements that are between the spinal segments.
Complaints of Nurses’ Low Back Pain Assessed from Individual Characteristics and Workloads
Workload and LBP incidence have a significant
relationship, where nurses with heavy workloads are
at 5.6 times greater risk of experiencing LBP than
nurses with moderate workloads (Karyati et al,
2019). Research conducted by Indriasari et al.
(2017) also stated the same thing where there is a p-
value of 0.032 <0.05, which means that there is a
relationship between workload and LBP of nurses in
the operation room of the RSUD Kota Yogyakarta.
Working for long periods of time has a greater
risk of experiencing LBP. This period of work is
closely related to physical abilities. The longer a
person works, the lower their physical abilities will
be. Physical ability will gradually decrease as a
result of work fatigue, and indirectly, the working
period will result in the contraction of muscles that
strengthen and support muscles continuously for a
long time. This is supported by Kurnia PD (2015),
showing that workers with a service period of 5
years are at a higher risk than workers with a service
life of 5 years, as evidenced by the p-value
obtained of 0.038 and research conducted by Shieh
et al (2017) showing as much as 78.8% prevalence
rate of nurses who experience LBP have a work
history of eight years or more.
Having excess body weight is the most
significant factor in health problems. As a result of
being overweight, it will also put too much weight
so that it is at risk of causing damage to the spine
and joints, which is a factor in LBP incidence. Based
on the statistical analysis test results by Widjaya and
Aswar (2012), there is a p-value of 0.011, where
there is a significant relationship between
overweight and complaints of LBP. Research by
Rochman et al (2017) states the same thing that
obese nurses have a 7.09 times risk of experiencing
LBP compared to nurses who have ideal body
RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan is a type a hospital
where in 2014, it was designated as a hospital with a
national referral system. Therefore, the number of
patient visits every day is very high, especially in the
Emergency Room (IGD) which is a department
dedicated to the care of seriously ill patients. Nurses
are required to be alert in carrying out their work to
handle patients, do multiple procedures and often do
night shifts which are part of the pressure of the
work environment. Emergency nurses are also
required to have physical strength and no mental
disabilities (Yang et al., 2020). Based on the initial
survey conducted on emergency room nurses
through interviews, it was obtained that nine out of
11 morning shift nurses often experience pain due to
the high workload. Even some nurses use corsets
while working because of the back pain they
experience. In one work shift, nurses can lift, move
patients, and assist patients in mobilizing more than
five patients, with the average patient being adults
with different body weights. Moreover, nurses must
be up and running for a long time to provide
emergency services.
Based on the above background, the formulation
of the problem in this study is how big the
relationship between individual characteristics and
workload on complaints of Low Back Pain in nurses
of RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan. This study aims to
determine the relationship between individual
characteristics and workload on complaints of Low
Back Pain in nurses of RSUP H. Adam Malik
Figure 1: Research process.
The type of research carried out in this study was
an analytical survey using a cross-sectional design in
which the independent and dependent variables were
directly examined at the same time. The population
in this study were 84 nurses at RSUP H. Adam
Malik Medan, consisting of 54 nurses in the
emergency room triage section of the first floor, 13
nurse workers on the second floor of the Verlos
Kamer emergency room, and 17 nurse workers in
the Intensive Care Unit section on the third floor.
The sampling technique was purposive sampling,
in which the research sample consisted of 30 nurses
who worked at the IGD RSUP H. Adam Malik
Medan. In this study, the inclusion criteria were
male / female 25-60 years old, working as a nurse,
and willing to be the research sample. The exclusion
criteria were nurses who were absent/sick and who
did not complete the questionnaire.
HIMBEP 2020 - International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical
This research was conducted by directly visiting
nurses in the ER and providing a questionnaire
equipped with a letter of approval that was signed by
the respondent and then filled in directly by the
respondent himself. Data collection was done by
filling out the LBP questionnaire with measurement
references using the Oswestry Disability Index
(ODI) method. The workload was seen from how
many times nurses mobilize/lift patients in one
working shift. It was said to be a heavy burden if
serving more than five patients, and less than five
patients said to be a light burden. The research data
were then tested using descriptive univariate
analysis and bivariate (chi-square) test with a
confidence level of 95% ( = 0.05) (Hulu and
Sinaga, 2019).
Based on the gender frequency distribution of 30
respondents, the majority of respondents were
female, as many as 27 people (90%), and a minority
of male gender as many as three people (10%). The
frequency distribution of the respondents' Body
Mass Index (BMI) varies. The majority of
respondents had an abnormal BMI, namely <18.5 or
> 25, as many as 22 people (73.3%), and the
minority BMI with an average of 18.5-25 was as
many as eight people (26.7%). The frequency
distribution of the respondent's age group is as
follows: the majority of respondents are the group
with age more than 30 years, as many as 29 people
(96.7%), and the minority is the group aged less than
30 years, as many as one person (3.3%)
Based on the respondents' tenure, the majority
who have worked for more than ten years is 26
people (86.7), and the minority who have worked
less than ten years are four (13.3%). The frequency
distribution of the respondents' workload was: the
majority of those with a heavy workload of more
than five patients were 16 people (53.3%), and the
minority of respondents who had a low workload
were 14 people (46.7%). Based on the LBP of
respondents, the majority who experienced LBP
were 19 people (63%), and the minority who did not
experience LBP were 11 people (37%).
Table 1: The relationship of BMI and Low Back Pain
Low Back Pain
N % N % N %
Normal 4
Not Normal 7
Table 2: The relationship of age and Low Back Pain
Low Back Pain
Experiencing Total
N % N % N %
Young 1 100% 0 0% 1 100%
Old 10 34,5% 19 65,5%
29 100%
Table 3: The relationship of the working period and Low
Back Pain complaints
Low Back Pain
Experiencing Total
N % N % N %
< 10
2 50% 2 50% 4 100%
> 10
9 34,6% 17 65,4% 26 100%
Table 4: The relationship of workloads and Low Back
Pain complaints
Low Back Pain
Experiencing Total
N % N % N %
Low 6 100% 0 0% 6 100%
High 5 20,8% 19 79,2% 24 100%
Complaints of Nurses’ Low Back Pain Assessed from Individual Characteristics and Workloads
3.1 The Relationship of BMI and Low
Back Pain Complaints
Based on table 1 above, the value of p = 0.372 (p
value> 0.005) is obtained, so Ho is accepted so that
it can be concluded that there is no relationship
between BMI and LBP complaints among the
emergency room nurses at H. Adam Malik Medan.
The reason why BMI is not related to LBP
complaints is because the majority of respondents
are classified as BMI obese I where respondents do
not have excessive fat. It is precisely muscle size
large enough to increase metabolism to produce
energy. If the energy produced is high, muscle
fatigue will be challenging to occur (Tarwaka,
This finding is not in line with previous studies'
results, which stated that excess body weight is the
most significant factor in health problems, one of
which is LBP. Excess body weight will put
excessive weight on the spine and put a lot of
pressure on the spine, which can lead to joint
damage (Widjaya & Aswar, 2012; Rochman et al.,
The results of this study are in accordance with
Amila et all (2015), which showed that there was no
significant relationship between BMI and LBP in
nurses with p-value = 0.294. The analysis of the
Spearman Rank statistical test conducted by Astuti
et all (2015) in their research obtained a p-value =
0.220 so that Ha was rejected. It can be said that
there is no significant relationship between workers'
tenure and complaints of low back pain.
According to Munir (2012), in line with the
increase in BMI, it is directly proportional to a
person's strength in doing work. People with larger
body proportions tend to lift large weights more
easily. If this is done correctly, it is not expected that
excessive muscle stretching will occur, which causes
LBP complaints.
Nurses tend not to pay attention to how their
procedures work in lifting weights. Respondents
who do not experience LBP have maintained an
excellent diet to fit their BMI in the normal
category. In contrast to respondents who experience
LBP, they do not maintain a proper diet, so they are
included in the abnormal category.
According to researchers' assumptions, in order
not to experience LBP, respondents need to maintain
a healthy lifestyle such as maintaining a diet and
exercising regularly so that the fat they have does
not press on the spinal ligaments. Therefore, it is
necessary to increase knowledge about the
consumption of nutritious food under the workload
and calorie needs of each respondent's body every
3.2 The Relationship of Age and Low
Back Pain Complaints
Based on table 2, it is obtained that the p-value =
0.367 (p value> 0.05), meaning that Ha is accepted.
This shows that there is no significant relationship
between age and Low Back Pain in nurses at the
IGD of the RSUD H. Adam Malik Medan. This is
because the majority of nurses are still productive in
their activities. Productive age has strong muscle
strength to lift heavy loads so that the level of LBP
complaints experienced by nurses is still relatively
mild or can still be resolved.
This study's results are in line with research
conducted by Harahap et all (2018), which states
that there is no significant relationship between age
and complaints of LBP with a p-value = 0.593. This
is because the age at risk of LBP complaints and
those who are not at risk of LBP are not far apart,
where respondents at-risk age are 91.7% and age are
not at risk as much as 8.3%.
As a person gets older, bone density decreases so
that it is easy to experience skeletal muscle
complaints and cause pain. Maximum muscle
strength occurs between the ages of 20 - 49 years,
and at the age of 60, the average muscle strength
decreases by 20%. Another factor that causes low
back pain is the non-ergonomic work attitude
(Tarkawa, 2004)
. However, disorders of the spine
do not only occur in the old age group but can also
occur in the younger age group. In a European study,
25% of LBP incidence was found in workers who
had not reached the age of 25 years and 35% at the
age of more than 55 years (Paoli, 1997: Beeck and
Hermans, 2000).
From the results of research conducted on 30
respondents, the most LBP complaints were
experienced by respondents aged > 30 years, as
many as 19 respondents (65.5%). Then, ten
respondents with the age group > 30 years who did
not experience LBP (34.5%), and 1 of them was in
the young age category, that is, <30 years old and
not experiencing LBP. This is following the theory
of Tarwaka (2004), where the first complaint is
usually felt at the age of 35, and the level of these
complaints will increase with age. Good muscle
strength, even though the age is more than 35 years,
is influenced by the nutrition of the food consumed,
adequate resting time, and endurance. Therefore, a
large enough muscle increases the metabolism to
produce energy. If the energy produced is high, it
HIMBEP 2020 - International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical
will be difficult for muscle fatigue to occur, thereby
reducing the risk of LBP complaints. When they
have free time while working, nurses should be able
to do simple muscle stretching so that the body
muscles are not stiff due to work.
3.3 The Relationship of Working
Period and Low Back Pain
Based on table 3 above, the p-value = 0.611 (p
value> 0.05) is obtained, meaning that Ha is
accepted. This shows that there is no significant
relationship between tenure and Low Back Pain in
nurses at the IGD of the RSUD H. Adam Malik
Medan. The reason why the tenure has no
relationship is because the majority of nurses have a
working period of more than ten years, which means
that they have a lot of experience and are skilled in
nursing. Skilled people tend to make mistakes rarely
so that the possible work risks of experiencing LBP
can be avoided, but this factor contributes to LBP
complaints. Therefore a work rotation system is
In line with research conducted by Yacob et all
(2018) that there is no relationship between tenure
and LBP complaints, it is evident from the Spearman
rank test, which shows a p-value = 0.403 (> 0.05). In
this study. This can be due to the nurses in the
inpatient room of Bhayangkara Tk II Hospital in
Manado were classified as a new working period
where nurses with a working period of fewer than
five years did not have as much experience as
manual handling in lifting a patient, encouraging
patients, and moving the patient repeatedly, which
eventually bring out the risk of causing complaints
of LBP. On the research conducted by Manengkey
(2016), the results of the Chi-Square test analysis
showed p-value = 0.057 > 0.05, which indicates that
there is no significant relationship between work
tenure and musculoskeletal complaints in emergency
room nurses at Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado.
According to Islamiati (2014), out of 33
respondents, of the 24 people who had a long
working period, 62.5% experienced LBP
complaints. Among nine people whose work period
was relatively new, 55.6% experienced LBP
complaints. These results indicate that there is no
relationship between tenure and LBP complaints to
forklift operators at PT. Pertamina Lubricants
Production Unit Jakarta.
Based on the observations that have been made,
it is found that 26 respondents who have worked> 10
years 17 of them experienced LBP, and nine other
respondents did not experience it. In comparison,
four respondents who entered the working period
<10 years. Two of them did not experience LBP, and
two other respondents experienced LBP.
Respondents were encouraged to perform work
rotations to reduce the level of risk of experiencing
LBP complaints because the ER is an installation
with the highest workload that demands intense time
and energy.
3.4 The Relationship of Workloads and
Low Back Pain Complaints
Based on table 4 above, it is known that the p-value
= 0.001 (p-value < 0.05), meaning that Ho is
rejected. This shows that there is a significant
relationship between workload and Low Back Pain
in nurses at the IGD of the RSUD H. Adam Malik
Medan. The reason why workload is related to LBP
complaints is because the majority of respondents
have a high workload. Nurses' high workload is
caused by the work capacity that is not in
accordance with the body's ability to handle the
Nurses' knowledge and skills cannot compensate
for the difficulty of working in the hospital, which
becomes the workload. Nurses are not prepared to
deal with patients with various characteristics, and
nurses are required to make strict observations of
patients during working hours. The nurse stood and
walked for a long time and mobilized more than five
adult patients with various body weights during one
shift. The workload that is borne by nurses every
day increases the risk of experiencing LBP
This is in line with the research results of
Indriasari et al (2017), which states that the
workload of each nurse plays a significant role in
increasing LBP complaints. The chi-square test
results showed a significant value of p = 0.003,
which means that there is a relationship between
workload and LBP complaints in nurses in the
operation room of the Yogyakarta City Hospital.
One of the risk factors that cause LBP is job risk
factors such as frequent bending and stooping,
lifting heavy loads (> 11.3 kg), pushing and pulling
(load> 22.5 kg), etc.
According to Risdianti (2018), the greater the
worker's workload weight, the heavier the pain
complaints experienced by the respondent. The
results of research conducted on female porters in
the market Surakarta showed that 53.13% of
respondents who experienced moderate workload
complained of moderate pain, and 56.25% of
Complaints of Nurses’ Low Back Pain Assessed from Individual Characteristics and Workloads
respondents with heavy workloads complained of
severe pain (with p-value = 0.000), which means
that there is a significant relationship between
workload and LBP complaints.
Based on the observations of researchers, nurses
often mobilize or assist in the process of transferring
adult patients who have heavy body weights, even
more than five patients per day. This increases the
risk of LBP complaints for nurses. Therefore
respondents are expected to adjust the workload to
their respective body abilities and not push
themselves to work and, as much as possible use
tools to ease the respondent's workload.
There is no relationship between BMI and LBP
complaints among emergency room nurses at the
RSUD H. Adam Malik Medan with p-value = 0,372.
There is no relationship between age and complaints
from LBP among emergency room nurses at the
RSUD H. Adam Malik Medan with p-value = 0,367.
There is no relationship between working period and
LBP complaints among emergency room nurses at
the RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan with p-value =
0,611. However, there is a relationship between
workloads and LBP complaints among emergency
room nurses at the RSUD H. Adam Malik Medan.
It is recommended that nurses use the free time
when working to stretch the muscles so that the
muscles are not stiff due to work, and adjust the
body's ability to the workload being done. The
results of this study can also be used as a reference
in the hospital in the formulation of fixed procedures
(SOP) regarding the work attitudes of nurses when
carrying out nursing actions and the need to pay
attention to their workload, so they are not
excessive, especially by providing assistance for
lifting heavy loads such as moving patients.
We would like to thank the Universitas Prima
Indonesia for its support
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