stated that the quality of life there was an increase of
15 people (100%).
From the results of the study, respondents stated
that the symptoms of chest pain (angina pectoris)
were reduced, and some claimed to have never felt or
experienced chest pain. The researcher's assumption,
that respondents who are and have undergone EECP
therapy have felt the benefits of such therapy.
Whereas we know, the target of EECP therapy is to
open up existing coronary artery collateral and form
new blood vessels to provide blood supply to the
blood-deficient heart muscle. EECP benefits more in
people with narrowing of one or two major vessels.
So it can be concluded EECP therapy has
effectiveness in the treatment of patients who have
coronary heart disorders.
This is in line with research conducted by Darren
PC. Et al, 2008, found that EECP is effective in
reducing plasma levels of alpha tumor necrosis factor
(TNF-α), monocyte protein chemoattractant-1 (MCP-
1), and these changes are in parallel with reducing
chest pain symptoms. Of the quality of life variables,
all respondents stated that this therapy was shown to
improve their quality of life, judging by the patient's
passion and joy to undergo therapy. Because
according to the patient, after undergoing therapy,
their sleep at night is very good, so in the morning the
patient feels very healthy. Also, seen from some
respondents' statements, after EECP therapy, patients
felt the physical improvement was increasing. Where
before undergoing therapy, some respondents can
only walk a few meters, after undergoing therapy,
patients can already increase the intensity of exercise
(walking) more than before undergoing therapy.
There was one respondent, who had previously
been unable to walk again (already in a wheelchair),
after undergoing therapy 35 times, that respondent
had improved, where the respondent was already able
to walk even though he was still bricked up and
helped to walk. This research is in line with the results
of research conducted by Rampengan, S. H, 2015,
wherein his research stated EECP therapy is safe and
effective as well as beneficial on improving quality of
life in patients with chronic heart failure as shown by
the increased walking distance in the six-minute
walking test.
The downside of EECP therapy, there are some
complaints received by researchers from respondents,
namely concerning the problem of the time it takes to
complete the therapy is felt long enough, namely 35
times therapy for 35 days (1 day, therapy 1 hour).
Where if the patient does not live on schedule, then
the therapy should be repeated from the initial count,
to achieve maximum results. And the facilities that
provide EECP therapeutic facilities are still limited.
However, because the respondent immediately felt a
good effect starting from the first therapy, the
respondent felt the weakness of the time was
considered not a big problem. Some statements from
patients who have undergone therapy for 35 times,
continue therapy, with schedule settings 1 therapy
every 1 week, to still be able to maintain their health
condition. According to the respondent's assumption,
with this follow-up therapy, this is done to prevent the
possibility of chest pain as early as possible.
Placebo from the results of this study, according
to respondents who have undergone therapy, said that
although EECP therapy is very helpful to overcome
chest pain but to get the most results, respondents
must also follow the treatment given by the doctor,
consume additional vitamins, and also no less
important, namely the support of the family in the
treatment of their disease.
3.1 Conclusions
In the conclusion of this study, the majority of
patients stated that after undergoing EECP therapy,
chest pain or angina was less than 13 people (86.7%),
even respondents also stated chest pain was no longer
there. In terms of quality of life, all respondents stated
an improvement in the quality of life of 15 people
(100%), characterized by an increase in physical
activity that can be done by respondents after
undergoing therapy. EECP therapy is a non-invasive
for patients with coronary heart disease, whether it
has undergone revascularisation or not. For patients
who experience coronary heart disease because of
complications from DM type2, because with the
presence of EECP therapy then a small probability of
revascularisation action.
This therapy is hilly to improve the quality of life
of the sufferer, visible from the spirit and joy of
patients to undergo such therapy. Since the result of
EECP therapy can make the heart perfusion better and
open the collateral blood vessels that have been and
are thought to form new collateral vessels.
3.2 Suggestions
Because of the limited researchers in the deep dive
into the effectiveness of EECP therapy until
laboratory tests, researchers hoped for the future,