oxidized, free radicals, for that matterperoxyl radical
(ROO) will oxidize xanthone rapidly so that it is
radicalthe peroxyl will turn into R-H. This change
occurs because of the oxygen moleculereduced by
garsinone B as a xanthone derivative, the reaction is
inhibitoryfree radicals of various types.Free radicals
can interfere with cellular function by
performinglipid peroxidation resulting in damage to
cell membranes. This damage can becauses changes
in electric charge in cells, changes in osmotic
pressure,causes cell swelling and ends in cell death.
Nakatni et al., (2004) conducted a study on the in
vitro anti-inflammatory activity of γ-mangostin
against the synthesis of PGE2 and cyclooxygenase
(COX) in glioma cells mouse C6. These two
compounds and enzymes are the most important
mediators in the inflammatory reaction. From this
research results can be made:mangostindirect PGE2
production in the inflammatory process.
In order to develop research on extracts of the
crown of the godsas a herbal medicine, this research
was conducted with the aim to find outthe effect of
giving the extract of the Dewa's Crown on the
histopathological picture of the kidney of rats which
was induced by isoniazid and the optimal dose of the
extract had an effect on the liver and kidneys. The
results obtained are expectedused as a source of
information about the benefits of extract of the crown
of gods especiallyon the kidneys and serve as the
basis for further researchdevelopment of mangosteen
peel extract as a standardized herbal medicine.
This study aims to determine the
histopathological picture of kidney organ induced by
INH (Isoniazid) by giving ethanol extract of Phaleria
macrocarpa fruit.
Nasution et al., (2019) Cd(II) ion is a heavy metal
that has atoxic abilty in the human body. phaleria
macrocarpa has been used as anticancer, Diabetes
Mellitus and antimicrobe because its consists of
flavonoid, steroid and tannin. The result of
exsperimental rats exposed witg Cd(II) ion, there are
significant decreasing of all the observed parameters
including MAD, SGOT and SGPT with percentage
71,5 %, 72,1 % and 93, 6 % respectively. The rats
given with the antidote of phaleria macrocarpa flesh
fruit were able to protect the liver from damage due
to exposure to Cd(II) as seen from the decrease in
liver function enzyme parameters namely SGOT and
This research (conducted at the Pharmacy
Laboratory, University of North Sumatra in
December 2019) used an experimental design with a
post-test only control group design pattern.
Experimental samples were 9 male Wistar white rats
(Rattus Novergicus), weight 150-200 grams were
used. Rats were in accordance with the code of
conduct issued by the Ethics Committee of the
Faculty of Medicine, University of Prima Indonesia.
The tools used were laboratory glass, analytical
balance, blender, incubator, oven, rotary evaporator,
water bath, animal scales, animal house, injection
equipment, surgical instruments, microtome, object
glass, cover glass, light microscope. The ingredients
used were phaleria macrocarpa, aquadest, isoniazid,
CMC-Na 0.5%, 10% formalin buffer, 96% ethanol,
preparations dyes.
The phaleria macrocarpa fruit was separated from
the skin and seeds and washed with running water.
The phaleria macrocarpa meat was cut into small
pieces and then dried and blended until smooth into
powder, then put into a container that can be tightly
The 500 mg simplicia powder was macerated with
96% ethanol, then evaporated with a rotary
evaporator at ≤70oC. Re-evaporated with waterbath
(water bath) until the extract results become thick
(Lestari, 2019; Ramadan, 2019).
Nephroprotector Effectiveness Test Samples were
divided into 3 groups, so that each group amounted to
3 rats. The treatment of each group was as follows:
Control group (P1) without treatment (only aquades).
Treatment Group 2 (P2) isoniazid 300 mg / 70 kg BW
induced. Treatment group 3 (P3) was given ethanol
extract of Crown Fruit of a dose of 3.4 g / 200 g BW
with isoniazid induction dose of 300 mg / 70 kg BW.
The treatments were orally contucted once per day for
10 days. At the end of the experiment, the rats were
anesthetized with chloroform before being dissected,
kidney organs were taken and then put into containers
containing 10% formalin buffer that had been labeled.
Preparations made with a thickness of 4-6 mm,
stained with HE and viewed under a microscope to
see histopathological changes.
3.1 Histopathology of the Kidney
The results of histopathology of the renal organs
examined in the control group are given in Figure 1.
In the control rat the glomerulus and renal tubules
were seen in normal condition, the nucleus was
clearly visible and the renal capsule was also clearly
HIMBEP 2020 - International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical