Experiments on formation control with leader
follower approach and tracking trajectory by a group
of mobile robot were performed with two scenarios.
The experiment also compared the results between
the constant and non-constant leader velocity. The
formation used in the experiment is a triangular
shape. The experimental results show that the leader
with non-constant velocity has a slower than that of
the constant velocity to established formation, i.e. at
s = 32 and s = 4 for the first scenario, and s= 16 and
s = 4 for second scenario, respectively. However, the
leader with non-constant velocity has a faster to
achieve trajectory tracking error close to zero, i.e., s
= 40 and s = 500 for the first scenario, and s = 40
and s = 800 for second scenario, respectively. In the
future research, experiments can be implemented to
robots that work in 3D plane like quad-rotor.
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