Utilization of Chlorine Dioxide Solution to Prevent Halitosis Due to
Coated Tongue
Suci Erawati, Mangatas H. P., Laras P.
Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: Halitosis, Coated Tongue, Chlorine dioxide.
Abstract: Halitosis is a characteristic of unpleasant odors arising from the oral cavity and causing disruption in one's
life. The source of halitosis can come from the oral cavity (intra oral) or from outside the mouth (extra oral).
One of the causes of intra-oral is coated tongue which is a condition where the surface of the tongue in white
or other colored which is a pile of debris, food debris, and microorganisms attached to the dorsum surface of
the tongue. Chlorine dioxide is a powerful oxidizing agent and is effective for killing bacteria. This research
was an experimental method with pre and post test with control group design using 30 female subjects with
complaints of halitosis. The results showed that after gargling for 10 days, found 76.7% subjects without
coated tongue and 100% mild halitosis subjects became normal.
Halitosis or in other terms feor ex ore, bad or foul
breath is a characteristic of unpleasant odors arising
from the oral cavity. The cause of halitosis can come
from inside the oral cavity and from outside the oral
cavity. The cause of the oral cavity is usually due to
poor oral hygiene care, deep caries, periodontal
disease, oral cavity infection, dry mouth, smoking,
mucosal ulceration, pericoronitis, food scraps in the
mouth and Coated Tongue.10.19.20. The main
component of gas compounds in halitosis is Volatile
sulfur compounds (VSCs). Halitosis is one of the bad
breath disorders that has a negative impact on a
person's life, including causing poor communication,
low self-esteem, shame, difficulty interacting
socially, disturbing people around (Alsheri, 2016;
Ashwath, 2014).
One of the conditions that can be found in almost
everyone is the condition of coated tongue 3. In the
initial research conducted at Ujung Berung Health
Center in Bandung in 2016 showed that the condition
of coated tongue is the most common oral lesions
found in all grosups 4. Coated Tongue is one of the
factors important thing that can cause halitosis. The
dominant development in anaerobic microbes
associated with coated tongue has been considered as
an ideal microenvironment to produce foul-smelling
compounds. Therefore the relationship between
Coated Tongue and halitosis was assessed and
evaluated through patients who visited the clinic with
complaints of halitosis consisting of 51% due to
Coated Tongue, 17% gingivitis, 15% periodontitis
and 17% combination.
The results of a 2017 study showed that students
with coated tongue were 2.75 times more likely to
have halitosis compared to those who did not have a
coated tongue. The relationship between Coated
Tongue and halitosis complaints has also been
observed in populations in Thailand (Casemiro, 2008;
Aydin, 2014).
Most people today need a fast and efficient way to
reduce halitosis to be more confident. There are many
ways to deal with halitosis, one way is to use
mouthwash. Mouthwash containing essential oils,
triclosan, cetylpridinium chloride, and Chlorine
Dioxide (CIO2) has clearly proven effective in
reducing bad breath. The use of mouthwash is a
simple effort to overcome halitosis. In Indonesia, the
market offers a variety of brands with different active
ingredients than mouthwash (Poetry et al,2018;
Aydin, 2014; Erawati, 2014; Sun Choi, 2020; Turnip,
2020; Wijaya, 2019).
Chlorine Dioxide is a powerful and effective
oxidizing agent to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi in
an acidic environment. At low concentrations CIO2
is effective in reducing VSC which causes bad breath.
This can inhibit the growth of microorganisms by
disrupting the transportation of nutrients throughout
the cell membrane. CIO2 oxidatively activates
salivary biomolecules including pyruvate
methionine, trimethylarine, tyrosain 'and glycine so
Erawati, S., H. P., M. and P., L.
Utilization of Chlorine Dioxide Solution to Prevent Halitosis Due to Coated Tongue.
DOI: 10.5220/0010329802540258
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical (HIMBEP 2020), pages 254-258
ISBN: 978-989-758-500-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
as to direct its anti-microbial effects (Poetry et al,
2018; Sun Choi, 2020; Chen, 2016; Dwirassa, 2016;
Nazir, 2017).
This research has been completed with the approval
of the Health Research Ethics Commission (KEPK)
of Prima Indonesia University No: 002 / KEPK /
UNPRI / III / 2019. This type of research is an
experimental study using a pretest and post test
design approach that is by measuring or observing
before and after the treatment is given. The
population in this study was 90 mothers with a large
sample of 30 people obtained using the proportion
research formula. The tools used are as follows: Sheet
sheet of subject selection form, Breathon II
measuring instrument, gloves / hand scoon, mask,
flashlight, tissue, stationery. The ingredients used are
chlorindioxide mouthwash, distilled water / mineral
water, anti-septic soap.
Figure 1: Scheme of research process
The research stage was to conduct screening to
determine the subject by means of examination in
accordance with inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Each subject agrees, the subject can sign the Informed
Consent. Then the coated tongue and halitosis scores
were measured in the subjects before being treated
(first day). Clinical examination of the tongue to
measure the score for the coated tongue on the surface
of the tongue by sticking out the tongue. Then
proceed with the examination of the VSC gas score
which causes bad breath (halitosis) using the
Breathon II device, the next day (second to ten days)
the subject is given mouthwash (CIO2) and must be
used for ten consecutive days with a dose of 10 ml
liters. twice a day, morning after breakfast and night
brushing. There are no specific rules in the use of the
method of brushing teeth or the toothpaste used.
Subjects rinsed for one to two minutes, on day five
and day ten subjects had to follow the instructions of
the investigator to measure the coated tongue and
halitosis scores to determine the difference before and
after using chlorine dioxide mouthwash.
The distribution of sample characteristics based on
age can be seen in full in Table 1.
Table 1. Distribution of sample characteristics by age
Age N Percentage
(Years) (%)
30-33 3 10,0
34-37 0 0,0
38-41 7 23,3
42-45 9 30,0
46-49 6 20,0
50 5 16,7
Total 30 100,0
Based on the results of the study, on the first day,
20 samples (66.7%) had coated tongue with thick
membranes. Meanwhile, 10 samples with thin-coated
coated tongue (33.3%). On the fifth day, there were 8
people (26.7%) who experienced coated tongue with
thick membranes while 17 people (56.7%) had thin-
coated coated tangue (16.7%) and 5 people (16.7%)
were absent. samples with thick coated tongue (0%).
The thin membrane of 7 people (23.33%) and no
membrane 23 people (76.67%) is seen in Table 2.
Distribution of samples with mild halitosis on the
first day 28 people (93.3%) moderate halitosis 2
people (6.7%) on the fifth day, 30 people did not
experience halitosis (100%) and on the tenth day of
the entire sample, 30 people did not experience
halitosis (100%) this is shown in Table 3.
Utilization of Chlorine Dioxide Solution to Prevent Halitosis Due to Coated Tongue
Table 2: Distribution of samples experiencing coated
tongue on the first fifth to tenth
Coated Tongue
n % N % n %
Table 3. The distribution of sample frequencies
experiencing normal, mild and moderate halitosis
Days Halitosis
Normal Light Medium
N % n % n %
1 0 0,00 28 93,3 2 6,7
5 30 100,00 0 0,00 0 0,00
10 30 100,00 0 0,00 0 0,00
The average halitosis score of the sample after
rinsing with CIO2 solution on the first day was 163,
77 + 54,957, on the fifth day there was a decrease in
the halitosis score in the sample to 59, 80 + 27.95, and
on the tenth day the average halitosis score in the
sample decreasing to 36.17 + 12,152 can be seen in
Table 4.
Table 4. Average halitosis scores of samples on the first,
fifth, and tenth days.
Gargle treatment
Solution (C IO2)
X + SD
Day 1 163, 77 +54,9573
Day 5 59, 80 + 27,95
Day 10 36,17 + 12,152
The difference in the mean halitosis scores of the
samples after rinsing with CIO2 solution on the fifth
day was 93.97 + 27.862, while the average difference
in halitosis scores after rinsing CIO2 solution on the
tenth day was 127.60 + 42,805. The results of
statistical tests showed that there was a significant
difference between day five and day ten p = 0.00 (p
<0.05). Can be seen in table 5.
Table 5. The difference in the average halitosis difference
of samples after rinsing with CIO2 solution on the fifth and
tenth day (n = 30).
Difference in average
halitosis scores
X + SD P
5 93,97+ 27,862 0,000
Day 10 127,60+42,805
Oral disease affects humans in almost all over the
world, including Indonesia, and almost reaches 50%
of the total adult population. One condition that can
be found in almost everyone is coated tongue. One of
the important factors that can cause halitosis. The
dominant development in anaerobic microbes
associated with coated tongue is considered to be the
ideal microenvironment to produce foul smelling
compounds (Poetry et al, 2018; Nazir et al, 2017).
The results showed that before rinsing with
chlorine dioxide, twenty out of thirty had thick-filmed
coated tongue (66.7%) and twenty-eight out of thirty
respondents had mild halitosis (93.3%). After rinsing
with mouthwash containing (CIO2) for ten
consecutive days (posttest), twenty-three out of thirty
respondents on coated tongue had no membranes
(76.7%) and overall normal halitosis (100%). The
results showed that the average coated tongue score
index on the first day was 1.67 ± 0.479, the fifth day
was 1.10 ± 0.662 and on the tenth day was 0.23 ±
0.430 which indicated that there was a significant
difference in the mean coated score. tongue, namely
with a p value of 0.000 (<0.05) (Poetry et al, 2018;
Nazir et al, 2017; Pangesti, 2014).
Likewise with the results of research on halitosis,
it was found that respondents on the first day were in
the halitosis parameter based on a mild VSC gas score
of 110-239 ppb and moderate halitosis of 351 pbb and
277 pbb with mean values of 163.77 ± 54.957.
Halitosis on the fifth day of all respondents was in the
halitosis parameter based on the normal VSC gas
score, namely 13-18 pbb with a mean of 59.80 ±
27.095 as well as halitosis on the tenth day with a
mean of 59.80 ± 27.095 as well as halitosis on the
tenth day where the overall the respondent is in the
parameter. Halitosis based on the normal VSC gas
score is 19-82 pbb with a mean of 36.17 ± 12.152.
From these data it can also be concluded that the use
of CIO2 mouthwash in dealing with coated tongue is
more effective on the tenth (pottest) day, this
statement is in line with the research conducted by
Shinada et al., (2010) which was conducted on 15
healthy adult men aged 19- 83 years of age proven to
be effective in eliminating bad breath (halitosis),
plaque and coated tongue on the seventh day of
mouthwash (pottest) use (Nazir et al, 2017; Pangesti,
2014; Sun Choi, 2020).
From the results of the study it can be concluded
that the decrease in the coated tongue score also has
an impact on the decrease in the halitosis score, which
is significant, which can be seen in the bar graph in
the image. In line with the results of research from
HIMBEP 2020 - International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical
Lawande (2013) that there is a relationship between
coated tongue and halitosis. Likewise, the results of
research conducted by Jui-Wei-Ma, et al., (2017) also
stated the same results that there was a correlation
between Coated Tongue and halitosis (Pangesti,
2014; Sun Choi, 2020; Jui, 2017).
There was a significant effect on the use of
chlorine dioxide mouthwash on the conditions
of coated tongue causing halitosis in
respondents (p value = 0.000 <0.05).
The average index score for coated tongue on
day 1, day 5 and day 10 was 1.67 + 0.662; 0.23
+ 0.430, which indicates that there is a
significant difference of p 0.000 (<0.05) on the
average index score of coated tongue among
Average halitosis parameters based on VSC
gas on day 1 163,77+ 54,957, day 5 (59,80+
27,095), and day 10 (36,17+ 12,152) which
indicated that there was a significant difference
p 0,000 (<0.05) on the average halitosis
parameter based on the VSC gas score of the
The use of chlorine dioxide mouthwash on day
5 was effective, but the reduction in coated
tongue and halitosis scores on day 10 was much
more effective than on day 5.
It is recommended that the public carry out
maintenance of oral hygiene, especially the
tongue regularly such as brushing teeth,
brushing the tongue and rinsing with a
mouthwash solution, and it is also
recommended to routinely have their teeth and
mouth checked by the dentist to create a clean
and healthy oral cavity condition so as to avoid
coated tongue and bad breath.
It is recommended that the public use chlorine
dioxide mouthwash to reduce coated tongue
and halitosis in the oral cavity in order to
increase self-confidence when communicating
with others.
Use of mouthwash must follow the rules and
regulations recommended by dentists, dental
nurses or other health professionals.
Mouthwash only as a complement or addition
to carrying out oral health care only. Not for
continuous treatment because it can kill normal
flora in the oral cavity.
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HIMBEP 2020 - International Conference on Health Informatics, Medical, Biological Engineering, and Pharmaceutical