However, there are solutions that can be applied:
Use more key frames;
Use quaternions to help fix the rotation
The solution to using more key frames is part of
the performance of linear interpolation. Using more
key frames can result in better control of linear
interpolation (Pellacini & Marschner, 2014). In
addition, the rate of change within a segment is
constant, resulting in easily interpolation control
(University of Waterloo, 2020).
Sooyeon (2015) purpose other transition method
of linear interpolation by generating the intermediate
posture and calculate the transition length and
performing a weighted blending. The linear
interpolation of this study uses cross- fades and
blending techniques. Sooyeon develop direct and
natural interaction with a 3D character using motion
capture Kinect and Unity for animation transition.
Unity provides key frame animation which enables
the user to control the animation. This study enables
the smooth transition without any bounce (Sooyeon,
In this study, the snappy animation from Keith
Lango’s tutorials is investigated to be trained and to
be used to generate formulas using linear
interpolation for automatic in- between of snappy
animation. Given a static 3D hand rigged object and
some examples of 3D animation oh hand motion, we
want to predict the in-between frames of two or more
golden keys to produce the snappy style. The
implementation of linear interpolation is to find the
anticipation, moving hold, pre-anticipation, follow
through and settle back position.
3.1 Linear Interpolation Transition in
Interpolation in animation is filling in frames between
the key frames, or simply called in-between. In
traditional animation, junior artist draws every single
of in-between frames. Without in-between, animation
will be appeared choppy. Today’s animation,
computer can handle this type of task. This is two-
dimensional straight line. The key point (key frames)
is defined by the artist, and then the computer
algorithms perform a straight-line displacement. By
using linear interpolation, an object moves forward
with some iteration along the X and Y directions,
repeated until the end position is reached.
3.2 Snappy Animation
Based on the 12 principles of animation, there are two
general approaches to create movement in animation,
they are straight ahead action and pose to pose action.
In the straight ahead action, animator starts drawing
in a first scene and then continues drawing all the
subsequent frames until the end of the scene is
reached. This approach creates very spontaneous and
wild action. While in the pose-to-pose action, the
animator carefully plans the animation by drawing a
sequence of poses, i.e., the initial pose, some in-
between and the final poses and then draws all the in-
between frames (or usually another artist or the
computer draws the in- between frames). This
approach is used when the scene requires more poses
and timing is important (Owen, 1999).
Creating key frames using computer is not much
different than hand drawing key frames. The software
also implements the principles of animation. In hand-
drawn animation, an animator works on the basic
poses of the scene first, drawing poses of the entire
character so the timing and acting can be worked out
with a minimum of drawings created. Once the poses
are finalized, then the in-between drawings are
created to complete the action. With computer
animation, every part of an object has a different time
line; key frames are values at certain frames for the
articulation controls of a model, which are usually set
up in a hierarchy. The computer calculates the in-
between values based on a spline curve connecting
the key frames values. Some animators add a key
frame on the in-between frames to get the desired
result. The important thing of drawing key frames is
to have a clear idea of the pose of the action to achieve
before starting to create a key frame.
This is similar to create key frames with computer
graphics, but it requires slight modification since the
in- between generated by the computer sometime can
be unpredictable. For example, objects or parts of
objects may intersect one another. An advantage of
using computer key framing is the hierarchical model
structure of a complex object. Different parts of the
hierarchy can be transformed at different key frames.
1) Combining the Pose-to-pose and Straight
Ahead Action: Based on experiences (Lango, 2003),
this offers an alternative methodology to continue the
initial pose by adding breakdown keys, anticipation,
settle back position, moving holds and some other
things related. The combination of pose to pose action