process, we needed to choose the relevant part of the
interview in terms of providing the particular
information to the audience and arrange the parts to
establish clear story flow. The flow of the story
emerges from the continuity which is achieved
through selection of the right shots to support the
content. At this stage, we know that having a lot of
extra footage can be beneficial for creative work.
Unfortunately, we did not allocate more time to shoot
more footage during the production, so we do not
have many options of shots to choose from to support
the visual aesthetic. Hence, we decided to cut down
the duration from the initial plan of three minutes as
the plan to two minutes with the consideration of
having clear story flow content and support from
available extra footage. It is because we do not want
to enforce to have three-minute documentary, but the
story and visual are not credible.
The main concern of the research relates to the
application of several camera angle techniques and
correct placement; for the two-minute length of the
project, the big challenge for us has been that we
cannot use the selected techniques throughout the
entire film. Hence, we need to combine and play with
the shots of the interview section, apply the camera
techniques, and put the extra footage in to help us give
visual variation to attract the audience’s attention.
The first author would like thank to RMIT University
for giving a lot of experience during the study time;
especially to Gretchen as supervisor who is patiently
give precious feedback during finishing this research.
In addition, another thanks to Batam State
Polytechnic for funding support in publishing this
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