4.9, and station 4 has a value of 4.8 mg/L. Seen from
table 1, the four stations are included in the criteria
that are less appropriate because the suitability value
for pH is in the range of 6-9. The observations found
that the waters are in the pH range from 4.8 to 4.9
and the salinity of around 33 ‰. These results show
that these waters are quite stable and meet the criteria
as the location of waters that have not been polluted,
and these waters can be categorized as waters that are
can be used as a place of cultivation.
Figure 9 is the result of the vertical distribution
between pH and location. In the vertical distribution
of pH, there is a low value of 4.8 around the area of
station 2 and 4, while the highest value is 4.9 around
the station areas 1 and 3. Based on Figure 10, it can be
seen that the pH value of the research location is in
the range of 4.8-4.9.
Figure 9: pH vertical distribution.
Figure 10: Map of sea pH distribution.
This shows that the waters of Lampung Bay are
included in fertile waters (Anggoro, 1983), where it
shows the results that suggest the distribution of the
values of the distribution of brightness, distribution of
dissolved oxygen and sea surface temperature which
can be categorized as fertile waters. The saturated
oxygen level will be reached if the dissolved oxygen
content of the waters is theoretically the same as the
dissolved oxygen level. Unsaturated oxygen levels
occur if dissolved oxygen levels are lower than
dissolved oxygen levels (Effendi, 2003).
Based on the objectives and results of the study, the
conclusions of this study are:
Field data temperature parameters at all
stations and visibility parameters at stations 2,
3, 4 meet the suitability criteria for
appropriate seaweed cultivation.
According to the field data visibility
parameters at Station 1, pH and DO
parameters at all stations are not following the
suitability criteria for appropriate seaweed
The resulting maps show the location and also
the distribution of physical and chemical
parameter values that exist in the seaweed
cultivation in Geranting Island waters.
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