The system design to provide a single stop with all in
information around Covid-19 and specific daily case
update in Riau Islands Province to inform the user and
achieve better health knowledge and awareness. The
construction requires a set of data information input,
intranet simulation, and extranet publicity, as well as
the easiness of user access. Integration of multi-type
multi-source data for multi-user is expecting to
intensify a whole set of publication that provided by
many stakeholders around Covid-19 Pandemic and
suppress human-to-human transmission rate.
This framework consists of four independent
layers. The changes in one layer do not affect the
others, which offer stability and ease of maintenance.
With the ‘thick-server’ service, the server can
effectively maintain the quality and consistency of
content, meanwhile collecting data through limited
interaction from the user. As shown in Figure 1, this
entire system architecture is designed with three
major frameworks: data layer, middle service layer,
and presentation.
Figure 1: Polibatam pantau Covid-19 architecture.
Gathering raw data play a crucial role in
Polibatam Pantau Covid-19 construction and
development in part of process management
planning. Two major types of data accommodate in
our system: non-spatial Covid-19 data and spatial
data. All gathered data were collected from various
trusted sources and adjusted to adapt to our system.
2.1 Non-spatial Covid-19 Data
Non-spatial data type support in this site covers text,
image, graph, and video from global and regional
trusted source updates. This source covers from
formal institutional data and information released by
WHO (World Health Organization) (2020),
Indonesian Ministry of Health (2020), Indonesian
Task Force for Covid-19 (2020), Local Government
for Covid-19 (Riau Island Province Task Force for
Covid-19, 2020), and casual information such as
validated comic, image, video, graph and article from
HaloDoc website (Halodoc, 2020). Collected data
items include PDP (individual in monitoring) case,
ODP (patient in monitoring) case, OTG (person with
no symptoms) case, positive case, recovered case, and
Covid-19 confirmed death.
A series of questions adapted from the SehatQ
website (SehatQ, 2020) on collaboration with the
Indonesian Ministry of Health to provide self-
assessing risk towards SARS-CoV-2 virus infection
for the public. Quality control to maintain an
excellent WebGIS public perspective mirrored with a
quick question, as shown in Figure 2. Both feedback
collected as a database and used to treasure user
information for better development.
Figure 2: Feedback quality.
All this information segmented into three
segments with different extensions based on
visualization needs, such as .html and .php. Record
and information updated regularly based on source
updated data. Where clients only have access to view
and take a self-assessing risk towards SARS-CoV-2
question. In this way, the server can well maintain
system performance stability and data input-output
2.2 Spatial Covid-19 Data
Spatial data involved in this WebGIS includes map
layers administration from Riau Island Province.
Spatial data file format in .SHP combined with
attribute numerical Covid-19 case from PDP, ODP,
OTG, positive, recovered, and death by Covid-19
case. This data manipulation steps were completed in
QGIS and imported as a separate layer based on
city/district level administration to ArcGIS Online.
Simplification of the building process of Polibatam
Pantau Covid-19, shown in Figure 3. While designing
and scripting done in the intranet server with the help
of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) with health theme