Bench Mark Measurement and Situation Detailed Mapping on
Sembulang, Batam City
Oktavianto Gustin
, Arif Roziqin
, Sudra Irawan
, Meivy Carolina Pandey
, Cindy Kasari Miswan
and Dika Aya Safitri
Geomatics Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Batam, Indonesia
Southern Federal University, Rostov,Russia
Keywords: Mapping, Land Field, Topography, Benchmark.
Abstract: Mapping is an activity aimed at providing information about a region and presenting in the form of maps.
Land fields are defined as the surface of the earth which is a restricted field unit. The field mapping is done
by measuring the position of the boundary points of the land to get the certainty in the area of the Earth.
Mapping activities on this study were conducted on a terrestrial and extra-terrestrial basis. This research was
conducted in Sembulang, Galang Sub-district, Batam City to get information about the state of topography in
the area. The survey activities included Benchmark (BM) measurement and situation details mapping. In this
study the detailed measurements of the situation represented the measurement of the points that form polygons,
the boundary points of the road, and the boundary points of the land area. This research was conducted so BM
point coordinate, and topographic maps were obtained. The data collection and processing techniques of this
research are conducted using observation methods to the field which are conducted on a terrestrial and extra-
terrestrial basis. The measurement in this study resulted Benchmark point with X coordinate: 417552; Y:
93084.8; Z: 14.333. The Topographic map describes the object details of the situation resulting from this
research are obtained objects like a coconut tree, Street & Bridge Detail, Borderline, Shore, Sea, Gazebo, Tree,
and Power Pole, Fence, Parcel Boundary.
Mapping is an activity aimed at providing
information about a region and presenting in the form
of maps (Wicaksono, 2016). The need for measuring
and mapping the land field in Indonesia is still very
high where there are still many areas of land that have
not been mapped (Adi, 2017). Measurement and
mapping of land field is a series of activities in the
registration of land (Ramadhony, 2017). Land fields
are defined as the surface of the earth which is a
restricted field unit. The field mapping is done by
measuring the position of the boundary points of the
land to get the certainty in the location of the land in
the surface of the Earth (Setiadi, 2013). Mapping land
parcels can later have an impact on land use and
needed for development purpose (Gustin & Roziqin,
2019; Roziqin, Gustin, & Syari, 2018). The method
of positioning a point on the Earth surface can be
distinguished into two parts, namely: The method of
measuring both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial
(Abidin, 2007). On the measurement by terrestrial
means, use the ETS (Electronic Total Station)
measuring device is now commonly used and as well
as point-position measurements with an extra-
terrestrial method using the GNSS receiver RTK
(Setiadi, 2013).
The mapping activities on this research are
conducted on a terrestrial and extra-terrestrial basis.
This research was conducted in Sembulang, Galang
Sub-district, Batam City to get information about the
topography in the area. This survey included
construction of Benchmark Point (BM) and
measurement of the situation details. This research
aims to construct BM points, and presenting
topographic maps. These activities include
measurement, data retrieval, and GNSS data
processing for the BM points and processing of
detailed situation data. It is hoped that this research
activity can serve as a reference source that can
support the local community.