Semantic Search with Combination Impression and Image Feature
Desi Amirullah and Lipantri Mashur Gultom
Department of Informatics Engineering, State Polytechnic of Bengkalis, Bengkalis, Indonesia
Keywords: Semantic, Image Search, Combination Query.
Abstract: In this study we propose a new approach in the semantic image search system, namely the combination of
images and impressions query that display results in the form of images that contain impressions. In previous
studies, focusing on semantic image search using combining color and shape features into a single query
which displays the results of images and impressions, and semantic search impression with mecahanism
weighting combination color feature and image feature as query. In this study, the dataset images that we used
were 142 Malay songket motifs, and each songket motif contained impressions. In this study, the dataset and
image query were extracted into metadata using the Hu Moments Invariant method. Based on the results
obtained, we can conclude a success rate of 53% by testing of 10 query combinations.
Songket Malay or always known as Songket Siak, and
Songket Bukit Batu, is one of the handicrafts that has
existed for generations in Riau. To maintain the value
of traditional customs that are expected to songket
craftsmen to be able to understand the meaning
contained in every variation of motifs so that the
songket fabric that is made still has a high
philosophical value. At this time information about
the meaning of each songket motif is very limited,
causing the next generation songket craftsmen do not
know the information and cultural values contained in
every songket motif used (Amirullah, Barakbah, &
Basuki, 2015; Amirullah, 2018). Songket craftsmen
should be able to understand well the meaning
contained in every color and shape that is included in
every songket motif they create, so as not to cause
mistakes in the rules of combining motifs on songket
fabric which can result in the resulting songket fabric
being meaningless (Amirullah, 2018).
The development of science in the field of image
processing and artificial intelligence is the main basis
in this research. In previous research, it can be seen
that there are 142 Riau Malay songket motifs,
consisting of several basic colors that also contain
impressions (Amirullah, Barakbah, & Basuki, 2015;
Amirullah, 2018). Impression is a term of the
meaning contained in every image of the Songket
motif. In this system that we propose, focus on
searching songket motif images by querying the
combination (Dinakaran, Annapurna, & Kumar,
2010) of image shape features and impression
features, where the image dataset and image query are
extracted into metadata using the Hu Moments
Invariant method. In this search system presented
images which contained impression.
In the first stage, the research method carried out as
in the previous research is creating the Impression
Metadata, based on our previous research, which is
conducting research to get impressions on each Motif
Songket Image, from 142 Motif Songket Images, we
found 27 Impressions, and in each image there are 2
to 3 impressions, so that the 142 x 27 metric is created
(Amirullah, Barakbah, & Basuki, 2015; Amirullah,
2018). From this impression data, we do the metric
multiplication with the metadata results from the
shape extraction in each Motif Songket Image, thus
creating a new metric that is 142 x 7.
Search system that uses a combination of image
shape feature and impression feature as queries,
which starting from extracting the Query Image
feature, then extracting the we count similarity with
the impression feature on the database to get the