Naïve Bayes Classifier for Hand Gestures Recognition
Imanuel Simatupang, Daniel Sutopo Pamungkas*, and Sumantri K. Risandriya
Mechatronics Dept, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Indonesia
Keywords: EMG, Myo Armband, Mobile Robot, Naive Bayes
Abstract: This paper provides recognizing the five gestures of the fingers using Naïve Bayes method. The
electromyography signal (EMG) is utilized to recognize the fingers movement. A myo armband is used to
obtain the signal. The average success rate of the system is about 90.61%. To verify the results, the outputs
of the system are used to control a mobile robot. The results show that the system is able to control the
movement of the robot.
Every movements of the human generate a signal
from the muscles known as Electromyography
(EMG) (Eason, Noble, & Sneddon, 1955). Signal of
the muscles activities captures using the electrodes
placed in the skin of the human. The EMG signals are
utilized by the researchers for diverse objectives. In
the health applications, one of the purposes of this
signal is to known the human muscles condition
(Montoya, Henao, Muñoz, 2017). In the engineering
applications, EMG signals are used to identify the
movement of the human body e.g. the gestures of the
hands. One application in robotics is to control robot
movement using the recognizing system (Morais, G
et al. 2016).for example to control the movement of
the robot hand (Andrean, Pamungkas, & Risandriya,
2019). The robot fingers are controlled by the
movement of the fingers of the operator. This system
enables to help the disabilities people to substitute
their hand (Risandriya and Pamungkas, 2018).
To identify the signals of the muscles actions,
there are several recognizing algorithm have been
used by the researchers. For instance: Neural
Network algorithm (Risandriya & Pamungkas, 2018),
Fuzzy (Gogić, Miljkovic, & Đurđević, 2016),
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
(Caesarendra, Tjahjowidodo, & Pamungkas, 2017),
Linear Discriminant Analysis (Zhang, 2012), K-
Nearest Neighbor (Kaya & Kumbasar, 2018), etc.
For this study, the Naïve Bayes algorithm is used
to recognize the gesture of the fingers of the subjects.
The root mean square (RMS) of the EMG signal is
used to be processed in this algorithm. Five fingers
postures are examined to be identified. These fingers
poses are: relax, all fingers are open, all fingers are
close, wave out and wave in. These gestures are used
to control the mobile robot in the certain track.
To provide a complete explanation, this article is
organized as follows: next section objective is to
provide an explanation of the method, also Naïve
Bayes. Then proceed with the next in section III,
which presents experiments on the method proposed
to identify hand movements. This is followed by a
comparison between the two methods, while the last
section is given conclusions obtained from
experiments conducted.
Naïve Bayes classifier is a classifier algorithm based
on probability theorem. The Bayesian rule, or known
as the conditional probability, is used for this
classifier. Equation (1) and equation (2) shows the
Bayes rules. To classify the classes, this algorithm
calculates the possibility of each of the categories.
The group which has the most significant number of
probabilities is the event is in that group