computerized system so that it is easy to perform data
integration (Wahyuni & Ardoni, 2014).
4.2.3 Evaluation & Implementation of
Information Systems after Doing
Administration in Shipping
Companies at PT BSP
The results of the implementation are in the form of a
database of all data implemented in the information
system. From the results of the implementation, the
researchers also conducted an evaluation of the
impact that occurred after implementing the
information system at PT BSP. Based on the research
on, those suggested factors have already been
fulfilled. Based on the elements these are good effects
that the authors can see after the implementation of
this information system at PT BSP.
From the convenience factor, the authors get the
results that the user states the use of information
systems is appropriate, easy to access, easy to do data
searches, and easy to understand the use of features.
From the content factor/content, the authors get
the results that the user states that the information
system features are running well, meeting user need.
From the factor of excellence, the authors get the
results that this information system helps the user in
carrying out administration compared to the manual
system that has been done before.
Based on the results of research on the design of
information systems for administration in shipping
companies at PT BSP, the following conclusions are
1) Evaluation before the implementation of
administration on the shipping company PT BSP
has been done and found the results of the
identification division marketing administration
identified that a few employee the administration
of marketing makes it difficult to concurrently
work carried out by the administration end of
Financial process in the beginning and there was
no significant recap of charter data, making it
difficult to make price quotes and sea
transportation agreements. In the personnel
administration section, it was identified that the
maximum recruitment under company needs, in
this case, was useful for facilitating the recording
of operational monitoring on ships. In the
financial administration section, in the case of the
payment process for transportation and petty cash
management, there is a lack of procedures and
irregularities in filing transaction evidence and
petty cash request forms, relying only on manual
notes that are not perfectly recapitalized.
Evaluation after the administration of the
shipping company that has been completed is
designed by implementing Information Systems
at PT BSP for 1 working month, from 29 May
2020 to 27 June 2020 and then the results are
implemented and evaluated to determine the
suitability and needs in planning and design with
the results of the application that has been done.
The administration application can be carried out
properly following each administrative division in
the three divisions.
2) This research has succeeded in designing an
information system for administration based on
Microsoft Access. With this information system,
the recording of the relevant data within each
division's scope can be integrated, accurate and
more automated data searching. Data security in
this information system uses a login form so that
only each of these divisions has a name and
password that can access this information system
so that data security is more secure between
Thank you are addressed to Director and all of staff
of PT BSP who has given the opportunity to the writer
to research and develop science and be able to
implementation system information in this company.
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