3.1.24 The Shipping Service Is More
Responsible for Resolving Shipping
Figure 25: The Shipping Service is more Responsible for
Resolving Shipping Issues.
Of the 100 respondents studied, shipping services that
are more responsible for solving customer shipping
problems are J&T expeditions totaling 61 or 61% of
JNE expeditions totaling 39 or 39% because in
practice J&T is more responsible if the package is
damaged, and not complicated to arrange a refund if
the package sent by J&T is damaged. J&T is also not
complicated in the process of refunding if a package
is damaged, because it can fill out the submission
form by contacting the customer service via email,
and the length of the submission process also does not
require a long time.
This study aims to determine the results of perception
analysis of customers who often shop at Shopee who
use JNE and J&T Express logistics delivery services.
Based on the results of the research discussed above,
the conclusions of this study are as follows:
1. Faster delivery service in sending customer orders
at Shopee is the J&T expedition with a total of 74
respondents than the JNE expedition with a total
of 26 respondents.
2. Safer shipping service for sending customer
orders at Shopee is the J&T expedition with a total
of 52 respondents than the JNE expedition with a
total of 48 respondents.
3. The delivery service that is more responsible for
solving customer shipping problems at Shopee is
the J&T expedition with a total of 61 respondents
than the JNE expedition with a total of 39
4. So, it can be concluded that the customer's
perception of J&T Express logistics shipping
services is superior to JNE logistics shipping
The researcher also thanks all parties involved and
assisted in the completion of this research. Therefore,
the researcher would like to thank profusely to:
1. Sweetpeasbabynkids online store that has
provided researchers to conduct research by
taking Swetpeasbabynkids customer data and
communicating with customers.
2. Sweetpeasbabynkids customers who have taken
the time to fill out a questionnaire sent by
researchers via chat on Shopee.
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