in Singapore. Furthermore, the distributor will
receive payment from the Singapore side after the fish
arrives at Singapore and the fish quality is checked. If
there is a change in quality, the distributor will suffer
losses because the price of fish will decrease
dramatically along with the decline in fish quality.
For example, the distributor pays Rp. 100,000 per
kilogram to fishermen and only receive half the price
from Singapore due to the reduction in fish quality.
Sometimes, the fish sent are not paid for or repatriated
because of very poor quality.
The distributor had first bought fish from the
fisherman at the normal price and got a refund at a
lower price and caused losses. In addition,
distributors always use family ways to establish
business relationships with fishermen. The same is
true of accounts payable and credit. Sometimes, in a
business, there are fishermen who find it difficult to
pay their debts to distributors who have previously
provided loans for business capital. Usually, if there
is a little fish season like the south season, distributors
tend to give loans to fishermen for the capital of the
sea because at this time, usually the fishermen will
need capital to cover a small amount of income and
this will also burden the distributor.
Based on the results of research and discussion,
conclusions can be drawn. The marketing channel of
grouper on Pulau Terong can be described from the
fishermen of Pulau Terong who deliver their fishing
products to distributors without first selling their fish
personally to consumers on Pulau Terong so that the
marketing pattern used in Pulau Terong is Indirect
marketing because fishermen on Pulau Terong prefer
to distribute their fish through intermediaries.
From the chosen marketing pattern, fishermen got
several problems in their marketing of fishing catch,
including limited information on grouper prices,
uncertain whether that makes it difficult for fishermen
to predict grouper catches. This is also influenced by
the formal education of Pulau Terong fishermen who
are still relatively low. For distributors themselves
there are several problems such as the declining
quality of fish when they arrive at consumers causing
a significant difference in prices between those given
by distributors to fishermen. In addition, there are
some fishermen who find it difficult to pay debts to
distributors, making distributors sometimes have to
lose money.
The marketing margin obtained by the distributor
is Rp. 10,000 (5.88%). If in a day the distributor
delivers an average of 100 kilograms of fish, the fish
purchased from the fisherman is Rp.10,000,000 with
a total price of Rp.11,000,000, taking into account the
transportation, storage, and fuel costs of Rp. 305,000
so that the total net income of the distributor is Rp.
695,000. If calculated per kilo, a distributor's profit
margin is Rp. 6,950 at a cost of Rp. 3,050.
Acknowledgments addressed to all of participant or
informant who helped researcher find data about
marketing channel in Pulau Terong. I would like to
thank the fishermen for providing information about
the fish and cost incurred. I am grateful for
distributors who have given information about
marketing channel from fishermen to consumers, cost
and margin of groupers, and also document needed to
support research. I am Thankful The head fishermen
in Pulau Terong who have given permission to carry
out research in Pulau Terong.
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