the F test in table 10, the results obtained viral
marketing and customer experience influence the
purchase decision, because the F count value of
139.177 > F table of 3.06 with a significance value of
0.000 < 0.05. This shows that H3 is accepted which
means that viral marketing and customer experience
have a positive and significant influence on
purchasing decisions.
This study takes dimensions that can be used as
benchmarks in purchasing decisions from Abdullah
and Tantri (2018) which contain five dimensions,
including (a) introduction of needs, (b) information
seeking, (c) alternative evaluation, (d) purchasing
decisions, and (e) behaviour after purchase.
Research that discusses the effect of viral
marketing and customer experience together in
influencing decisions has not been done. In this study,
the results of research that have been done show that
prospective consumers are currently more interested
in what is being viral in the community, especially
those who are young at heart and do not want to miss
the trend. This can be seen from the large number of
respondents in the age range 18-22 years in this study,
the majority are also students who are still young at
heart then it will be easier to be attracted to things that
are viral and interested in trying to use a product that
is being viral. In addition to something viral,
prospective consumers will also consider the
experience of customers who have already used
Shoppe as an online shopping medium. This is
because prospective consumers want to convince
themselves not to choose the wrong product so that
potential customers seek information in advance
during the purchase decision process.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether
viral marketing and customer experience can
influence the purchasing decisions of Shopee users in
Batam with a sample of 150 people. The conclusions
from the results of testing variables that are thought
to influence purchasing decisions through e-
commerce Shopee include:
1. Viral marketing has a positive and significant
influence on purchasing decisions. It is based on t
test that the viral marketing variable has a t count
of 3.280 > t table of 1.655 with a significance
value of 0.001 <0.05.
2. Customer experience has a positive and
significant influence on purchasing decisions. It is
based on t test that the customer experience
variable has a t count of 10.854 > t table of 1.655
with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05.
3. Viral marketing and customer experience have a
positive and significant influence on purchasing
decisions. This is based on the results of the
analysis obtained using the F test that the viral
marketing and customer experience variables
have a F count value of 139.177 > F table of 3.06
with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05.
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ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science