promotions with consistent and rich information
about their brands.
The disparities of outcome with the past study
of Yen (2014) might be caused by differences in the
culture of respondents that result in distinct
behavior. Brands and promotions vary in different
countries and cities. For example, Gopay brand
exists in Indonesia, but not in Taiwan. Promotions of
merchants exist in Jakarta, but not in Batam. Hence
this study calls for researches in various cultures,
diverse settings, and assorted countries in the future.
Another reason that triggers dissimilar findings is
that this study uses Gopay as the context of
explaining promotions, brands, and information
quality to our samples when they stumbled on our
questionnaire. Although Gopay is the most widely
used e-payment that the majority of samples can
relate to, it might contribute to the biasness of the
study to the point where the findings are limited to
be generalized and applied to other sectors.
Some control variables might affect purchase
intention yet disbanded in this study. For instance,
Yen (2014) claimed that age contributes to purchase
intention significantly yet Putri & Noer (2017) did
not support this. Both agree that gender is not a
significant antecedent. Yen (2014) argues that
experience might be a better predictor than age and
suggests to contain this predictor isubsequent studies
for the benefits of theories and practices.
This research affirms previous studies proving that
information quality, brand equity, and sales
promotions are positively associated with consumer
purchase intention. However, this study extends
the context from the previous e-commerce
environment to e-payment. Furthermore, this study
enriches literature in a way that finds the
simultaneous significant positive effect of these
three factors to purchase intention given the fact that
past studies only tested separate effects. Provided
the consistency of this finding, managers of e-
payment providers must pay great attention to
information quality, brand equity, and sales
promotions to stimulate purchase intention and
further sales. It is obvious than consumers tend to
buy from suppliers that provide rich, updated,
relevant, and consistent information about the
products and services. The consumers also tend to
accept services from well-known brands, hence
practitioners should build their good reputation as
well as keep introducing their existence via their
logos among potential users. Last, the customers
inclined to shop from sellers who offer extended
sales promotions including cashback, discounts,
enormous merchants, convenient refill, and
peripheral services that add values to the primary
services of e- payment to the shoppers. Also, it is
advisable that the authority that supervises the e-
payment environment to encourage the providers
to put their best efforts in the three aspects as to
attract a new customer base and socialize cashless
society, more importantly in the time of covid-19
plague where a cashless transaction is preferable.
The study also confirms preceding discoveries
that acquires a stronger effect once the interaction
effect of overall determinants is considered. Yet, the
interaction effect separately to purchase intention
tends to substitute rather than a complementary role,
despite its insignificancy. Therefore, theoretically,
this study does not corroborate the new concepts of
the isolated interaction effects that the previous
study addressed. The disparities of outcome might
be caused by differences in the culture of
respondents that result in distinct behavior. Another
reason that triggers dissimilar findings is that this
study uses Gopay as the context of explaining
promotions, brands, and information quality to
samples when they stumbled on the questionnaire.
This study suggests adding experience as a predictor
and various context in subsequent studies for the
benefits of theories and practices.
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