simultaneous price, location and promotion on interest
to revisit is 51.6%.
Then, price, location, and promotion partially have
a significant positive impact on revisit interest. Price
has a significant effect on the interest to revisit Banten
Lama area. The amount of influence is
8.23%. Location has a significant effect on interest
to revisit Banten Lama. The amount of influence is
9.48%. After that, promotion has a significant effect
on interest to revisit Banten Lama. The amount of
influence is 19.27%.
Recommendations for strategies to increase the
interest to revisit Banten Lama tourism area include:
the local government should pay attention to price,
place, and promotion factors for visitors. The
government should increase the services, facilities,
and updated information to the customers by media
and continue to maintain historic places.
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Banten. This work can be extended further by
involving more of the tourism areas of Indonesia so
that the actual figure of revisit decision can be found.
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