The Effect of Tax Planning on Financial Performance of
Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
Elisabeth Cindy Laurencia, Diah Amalia
Jurusan Manajemen Bisnis, Akuntansi Manajerial, Politeknik Negeri Batam,, Batam, Indonesia
Keywords: Tax planning, financial performance, ETR Cash, & ETR.
Abstract: This study aims to examine the effect of tax planning on the financial performance of manufacturing
companies in Indonesia. This study uses secondary data obtained from the financial statements of
manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2014-2018 period. By using
a purposive sampling method, 245 samples were obtained. Data analysis conducted in this study is panel data
using Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The proxy of tax planning in this study uses Cash ETR & ETR and ROA
as a proxy for financial performance. The results of this study indicate the influence of tax planning on the
performance of manufacturing companies in Indonesia.
Sustainable development in Indonesia is carried out
to support and improve the prosperity of the people.
State development relies on the State Budget (APBN)
as the main source of financing. In order to achieve
this goal, issues concerning financing of state
development need to be solved. Tax revenue is the
main income from domestic revenue in state
financing for state expenditure and development.
According to the state budget data for the previous 5
, in 2014 tax revenues accounted for 76%, 85%
in 2015,2016, 2018, and 86% in 2017.
Taxes, for companies, are considered as expenses
or costs that affect the income received by the
company in carrying out operational activities.
Assumptions of tax as expenses will affect earnings,
while taxes as profit distribution will affect the rate of
return on investment (Suandy, 2011). Taxes that
affect profits can be minimized through tax
management, and a reduction in corporate tax burden
can be done with tax management.
Tax planning in tax management refers to the
process of planning business and taxpayer
transactions so that tax debt becomes less but still
within tax regulations. Companies are able to
minimize many tax burdens and increase company
profits with ideal planning. Hoffman (1961), taxation,
Can be accessed at
is largely based on business or accounting concepts,
so companies can modify activities such as towards
achieving tax liability reduction (Ogundajo &
Onakoya, 2016).
Research from Ogundajo & Onakoya (2016)
conducted in Nigeria with a sample of 10 of the 28
manufacturing companies in the annual consumer
goods sector showed that increasing ETR has a
reduction in ROA. Feng, Habib, & Tian's research
(2019) conducted in China found a positive and
significant relationship between aggressive tax
planning variables and share price synchrony
In contrast to previous research, Kristianto,
Andini, & Santoso (2018) explained that tax planning
has no direct effect on firm value. Yuliem (2018) also
states that tax planning does not affect firm value,
which means high or low company value does not
affect the high or low influence of tax planning
This research is a development of previous
research conducted by Ogundajo & Onakoya (2016).
The Ogundajo & Onakoya study (2016) took place in
Nigeria with a population of 28 research companies
manufacturing the annual consumer goods sector and
only previous studies used ETR as a measurement of
tax planning. This study took a research population of
166 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Laurencia, E. and Amalia, D.
The Effect of Tax Planning on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010355801860191
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2020) - Shaping a Better Future Through Sustainable Technology, pages 186-191
ISBN: 978-989-758-517-3
 2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Exchange. Another difference lies in the
measurement of tax planning using ETR & CETR.
EMH (Efficient Market
Fama (1970) in Sujana (2017) defines an efficient
market is a security market said to be efficient if the
prices of securities fully reflect the available
information. The information classification
concludes that there are three forms of efficient
capital markets, namely (1) a weak form of
efficiency, which is a situation where the stock price
reflects all the information in the past price record; (2)
a half-strong form of efficiency, i.e. prices also reflect
all information published not just past prices; and (3)
strong form of efficiency, i.e. all relevant information
available is reflected in the stock price.
2.2 UU No. 36 of 2008
UU No. 36 of 2008 is the fourth amendment to UU
No. 7 of 1983 concerning income tax. Article 2 of UU
No. 36 of 2008 states that the subject of taxation is (a
(1)) a person; (2) inheritance which has not been
divided as a unit replaces the entitled; (b) institution,
and; (c) permanent establishment. Article 2 paragraph
5 explains a permanent establishment is a form of
business that is used by individuals who do not reside
in Indonesia, individuals who are in Indonesia no
more than 183 (one hundred eighty-three) days within
12 (twelve) months, and an institution or agency that
is not established and is not domiciled in Indonesia to
run a business or conduct activities in Indonesia,
which may be in the form of (a) a place of
management; (b) company branches; (c)
representative office; (c) office building; (d) factory;
(e) workshop; (f) warehouse; (g) space for promotion
and sale; etc
2.3 Capital Structure
Modigliani & Miller (1958) was the first researcher
to develop the theory of capital structure. They
developed two propositions, namely the first claim
that the level of corporate leverage does not affect
Can be accessed at
market value. The second explains that the weighted
average cost of a company as not affected by
corporate leverage (Acaravci, 2015).
2.4 Agency Theory
Agency theory is a theory that explains that in a
company two parties interact with each other. An
agency relationship is defined as a contract in which
one or several shareholders and company
management carry out certain activities that involve
the delegation of decision making authority to the
company's management. Companies that separate
management and ownership functions will be
vulnerable to agency conflict because each party has
conflicting interests, which is trying to achieve their
own (Jensen & Meckling, 1976).
2.5 Positive Accounting Theory
This theory was first coined by Watts & Zimmerman
(1986) at the William E. Simon School of Business
Administration at the University of Rochester. One of
these theories explains the political cost theory which
assumes that companies tend to show lower profits
using accounting methods and procedures so that
companies do not attract the attention of those who
oversee high-profit industries. Large companies
effectively utilize economic and political power to
reduce tax liability and are involved in tax planning
due to extensive resources (Ogundajo & Onakoya,
2.6 Tax Planning
Crumbley, Friedman, & Anders (1994) say that tax
planning is a systematic analysis aimed at minimizing
tax liabilities in the current and future periods
(Suandy, 2011). Tax planning is the first step in tax
management to minimize the company's tax burden.
Suandy (2011) divides tax planning into two, namely,
national tax planning which is carried out based on
domestic law and international tax planning which is
carried out based on domestic law and takes into
account international tax treaties and the laws of the
countries involved.
The Effect of Tax Planning on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
2.7 Financial Performance
Financial performance is the company's ability to
manage and control company resources. Financial
performance is measured using the financial ratio
method (Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia, 2015).
Financial Ratio Analysis can be divided into (1)
profitability ratio analysis, used to measure a
company's ability to generate profits. For example,
ROA (Return on Asset) and ROE (Return on Equity);
(2) solvency ratio analysis, measuring the company's
ability to meet long-term obligations, payment of the
final principal of debt and other fixed obligations, for
example, debt ratio; (3) analysis of liquidity ratios, to
measure a company's ability to meet short-term debt
obligations, for example, cash ratio; (4) and activity
ratio analysis, used to measure how effectively a
company utilizes assets to generate revenue, for
example, fixed asset turnover ratios (Agnatia &
Amalia, 2018).
This research uses descriptive quantitative because
the data used are secondary data taken from the
financial statements of manufacturing companies on
the official website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange
for the period 2014-2018. Sampling is done by a
purposive sampling method and processed using
Eviews 10.0 application. Data were then analyzed by
panel data regression using Generalized Least Square.
4.1 Data Analysis
Data analysis was performed on all manufacturing
companies listed on for the 2014-2018
period. The number of companies listed as the study
population still has to go through the elimination
stage through established sampling criteria. The
results of the withdrawal criteria can be seen as
Table 1: Research Sample
Company Indication Total
Manufacturing companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014-2018,
experienced Initial Public Offering (IPO),
delisted, and moved to the non-
manufacturing sector during the research
Companies that do not use Rupiah units. -13
Companies that do not have an Effective
Tax Rate (ETR) and Cash Effective Tax
Rate (CETR) value
Data on all company components needed
in the study are incomplete
Companies engaged in the property and
mining sector.
Selected companies become samples per
Total samples for the 2014-2018 period 245
Source: Data processed by the researcher, 2020
The first analysis conducted in this study was a
descriptive statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics
are statistical methods that describe the nature of the
results of research data in answering the problem
formulation and overall that is presented in tabular
form. Descriptive statistics are performed to
determine the min, max, mean, and standard
deviation of the dependent variable (financial
performance), independent variables (tax planning),
and control variables (leverage, size, age, and firm
growth). The results of the descriptive statistical
analysis test are in the following table:
Table 2: Analysis Descriptive Statistic Result
Variable Mean Maximum Minimum
ROA 0.088 0.467 0.000 0.079
0,149 4,426 0,000 0,440
Current Tax
0,481 7,623 0,000 1,088
Leverage 0.378 0.839 0.056 0.179
Firm Size 28.723 33.474 25.619 1.729
Firm Age 39.490 87 5
4,190 57,733 0,028 9,120
Sampel (N) 245 245 245 245
Note: This table presents the statistical test results. Independent
Variables: Current Tax Expense and Tax Payment. Control Variables:
Size, Leverage, Age, Firm growth. Dependent Variable: ROA (Return
on Asset). * = in trillion rupiah
Source: Data processed with Eviews 10, 2020
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Several testing stages need to be performed before
conducting the panel data regression analysis, in
determining the appropriate panel data estimation
model. The testing phase carried out in this study
refers to Basuki & Prawoto (2016), to choose the
most appropriate model among common effects,
fixed effects, and random effects in managing panel
data, it is necessary to carry out several tests including
the chow test and the haussman test:
Table 3: Chow Test Results
Effects Test Statistic d.f. Prob.
13,207 -48,190 0,000
Source: Data processed with Eviews 10, 2020
Table 3 shows the value of the probability of
cross-section F that is equal to 0,000. The probability
value is smaller than alpha 5% (0,000 <0.05) and
shows that the best estimation model is the fixed
effect. The panel data test is then continued with the
haussman test to find out the best panel data method
between the fixed effect model and the random effect
Table 4 : Chi-Square Test Results
. d.f.
44,877 6 4,950
Source: Data processed with Eviews 10, 2020
Table 4 shows that the chi-square cross-section
probability value needed in selecting the panel data
estimation model is 4.9. The probability value is
greater than the significance level of alpha 5% (4.9>
0.05). Haussman test results are in accordance with
predetermined criteria if the chi-square probability
value> 0.05, then the random effect is the most
appropriate model.
The random effect method estimates panel data
where interruption variables may be interconnected
between time and between individuals. When using
the random effect model, the benefit is eliminating
heteroscedasticity. This model is also called the Error
Component Model (ECM) or the Generalized Least
Square (GLS) technique (Basuki & Prawoto, 2016).
Table 5: Random Effect Test Result
Variable Coefficient
Roa 0.154 0.127 1.212 0.227
-5.294 1.556 -3.402 0.001
6.681 9.262 7.214 7.214
Leverage -0.047 0.021 -2.212 0.028
-0.004 0.004 -0.883 0.378
0.001 0.000 3.746 0.000
BV of
-3.951 8.761 -4.510 1.020
Source: Data processed with Eviews 10, 2020
The results of the random effects panel data
regression model in table 5 show a constant value of
0.154, while the coefficient value of the tax payment
variable shows a value of -5.294, the current tax
expense variable shows a value of 6.681, the variable
leverage indicates a value of -0.047, firm size
indicates the value of -0.004, firm age variable shows
a value of 0.001 and a book value of total assets
variable shows a value of -3,951. Based on the
coefficients of these variables, the panel data equation
model is as follows:
𝑅𝑂𝐴  0,154  5,294𝑇𝑃
ξ΅… 6,681𝐢𝑇𝐸
 0,047𝐿𝐸𝑉
 0,004𝑆𝐼𝑍𝐸
ξ΅… 0,001𝐴𝐺𝐸
 3,951𝐡𝑉
The equation above shows the effect between tax
payment and current tax expense as independent
variables and firm size, leverage, firm age, and the
book value of total assets as control variables on the
dependent variable (ROA). The description of the
equation is the average financial performance through
ROA of 0.154 will decrease by 5.294 if the tax
payment variable increases by 1 unit, increases by
6.681 if the current tax expense variable increases by
1 unit, decreases by 0.047 if the variable leverage
decreases by 1 unit, decreases by 0.004 if the variable
size decreases by 1 unit, increases by 0.001 if the age
variable increases by 1 unit, and decreases by 3.951
if the book value of total assets variable increases by
1 unit.
Hβ‚€: Tax planning affects the financial performance of
manufacturing companies in Indonesia.
The Effect of Tax Planning on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
Table 6 shows the results of hypothesis testing
using the Generalized Least Square method
Table 6: Hypothesis Test Results
Variable Coefficient
Roa 0.001 0.000 3.309 0.001
-4.516 2.301 -1.963 0.051
4.336 1.026 4.227 0.000
Prob (F-
Source: Data processed with Eviews 10, 2020
The probability value of the independent variable
on the dependent variable with the control variable to
reduce the error rate is 5.841. The test results in Table
4.6, show that it can be stated that hypothesis 0 is
accepted with the probability value > alpha
significance level (5.841> 0.05).
4.2 Discussion & Results
4.2.1 Effect of Tax Planning on Financial
Performance of Manufacturing
Companies in Indonesia
Based on the statistical values in Table 4.3, the
hypothesis testing results with a prob value of 5.841>
0.05, it can be stated that the variable influence of tax
(X1) affects the financial performance (Y) of
manufacturing companies in Indonesia.
This research is supported by research conducted
by Ogundajo & Onakoya (2016). The results of this
study indicate that with increasing ETR there is a
reduction in ROA of 6.9%. This result is not
following the research of Kurawa & Saidu (2018)
who found an insignificant impact of corporate tax on
financial performance.
This is reinforced by Positive accounting theory,
where political costs specifically describe the
relationship of political costs or tax burdens faced by
a company. When the tax burden faced by companies
shows large numbers, then companies tend to use
accounting methods that can minimize the political
costs incurred. This illustrates the ability of a
company's performance as measured through the
financial solvency ratio, namely by measuring the
company's ability to meet long-term obligations, the
final principal payment of debt and other fixed
This study used a descriptive quantitative method
approach with a total sample size of 245 samples
which were then analyzed by regression panel data
using ordinary least square. This study was conducted
with the aim of examining the effect of tax planning
on the financial performance of manufacturing
companies in Indonesia. The results of the research
conducted indicate the influence of tax planning on
the financial performance of manufacturing
companies in Indonesia which are listed on the IDX
for the 2014-2018 period.
This is reinforced by positive accounting theory,
namely political costs that specifically describe the
relationship between political costs or tax burdens
faced by a company. When the tax burden faced by
the company shows a large number, the company
tends to use an accounting method that is able to
minimize the political costs incurred. This illustrates
the ability of company performance as measured by
financial solvency ratios, namely by measuring the
company's ability to meet long-term obligations, final
principal payments on debt and other fixed liabilities.
Research sample data that focuses on the
manufacturing sector listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange so that it does not represent all companies
in other listed sectors, limitations on the dependent
variable studied, namely ROA, along with limitations
of the analysis tools used in this research are the
Eviews program version 10. Furthermore, future
research should add other additional variables that
can affect the dependent variable, use or add other
analysis tools to find out whether there are differences
in the research results, expand the sector of
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange as
the research population, and add other criteria in
selecting research samples.
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The Effect of Tax Planning on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia