The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence
towards the Understanding Level of Accounting
Ade Rizka Rahmad, Riri Zelmiyanti
Department of Business Management, Batam State Polytechnic, Batam, Indonesia
Jl. Ahmad Yani, Batam Center, Batam 29461, Indonesia
Keyword: Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence, Accounting Understanding Level
Abstract: This study aims to determine whether there is an influence between emotional intelligence and spiritual
intelligence on the level of understanding of accounting. This study uses primary data in the form of a
questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale and a 2-point Guttman scale. Criteria for respondents in this study
are students who had taken the Expertise Competency Test (UKK) at the Batam State Polytechnic. Emotional
intelligence in this study was measured by five indicators namely self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation,
empathy and social skills. Spiritual intelligence in this study was measured using the ability to be flexible,
self-awareness, the ability to deal with and utilize suffering, the ability to deal with and transcend pain,
the reluctance to cause unnecessary losses while accounting understanding was measured using the ability to
understand assets, liabilities and capital. The results of this study found that emotional intelligence has a
positive influence on the level of understanding of accounting and that spiritual intelligence has a positive
influence on the level of understanding of accounting. This study only uses the variables of emotional
intelligence and spiritual intelligence. Future studies are expected to add variables such as learning behavior
or learning interest.
The competition in the world of work keep increasing
due to the era of the Asean Economic Community
(MEA). MEA is expected to be able to provide great
opportunities for Indonesian workers especially in the
accounting profession. MEA has positive and
negative impacts in the field of employment, positive
impacts in the form of employment opportunities and
negative impacts in the form of increasing
competition in the world of work. Various strategies
are carried out to survive in this era such as increasing
the competence of accountants. Good accountant
competency is not judged by the ability to think,
but also judged by how someone is able to control
their emotions and feelings and be able to adapt to
There is an agreement in the MEA that
accountants become one of the professions
participating in free market competition
. Higher
education as an institution appointed to educate
students to work as a Professional Accountant.
Professional means that an accountant is able to
understand the accounting profession correctly.
Students are now accustomed to memorizing learning
patterns so that it is difficult to understand correctly
what has been learned. This was proven during the
Expertise Competency Test (UKK) at Batam State
Polytechnic. There are 320 students who took the
competency examination but only 180 students have
passed and are competent even though they are
known to have high GPA scores. So, it can be
concluded that the students who did not pass were
43.75 percent.
Accounting is an activity of identifying,
measuring, and reporting economic-related
information, so it is not only related to numbers but
also related to reasoning that requires logic.
Reasoning can be obtained by an accountant if he
has an understanding of accounting. Understanding
of accounting can be seen from the level of
intelligence in understanding and knowing about
accounting. The level of understanding of accounting
is influenced by three factors namely intellectual
intelligence, emotional intelligence and spiritual
intelligence (Prasetyaningsih, 2018). Emotional
Rahmad, A. and Zelmiyanti, R.
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence towards the Understanding Level of Accounting.
DOI: 10.5220/0010356001920199
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2020) - Shaping a Better Future Through Sustainable Technology, pages 192-199
ISBN: 978-989-758-517-3
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
intelligence is one of the factors that can influence the
level of understanding of accounting. Emotional
intelligence is related to one's ability to control
emotions, motivate themselves, have a sense of
empathy and encourage others to succeed. Research
conducted by Alam & Ahmad (2017) proves that
teachers are able to improve student learning
achievement, one of which i
s because there is high emotional intelligence in
themselves. The results of the study also prove the
teacher will do teaching in more effective ways so
as to facilitate his students in accepting lessons, this
proves that emotional intelligence has an important
role in improving student achievement.
There are other factors that can improve
accounting understanding, namely spiritual
intelligence. Spiritual intelligence is one's expertise
in interpreting life by giving a positive value in every
problem that occurs. Giving positive values can
awaken the soul to take positive actions. Research by
Hersan (2010) proves that low spiritual intelligence
will present a lazy generation, easily discouraged and
hard to get along with. This causes a lack of
motivation to learn so that difficulties in
understanding the lesson. Students who only pursue
grades tend to take various actions to get good grades
including cheating during exams so that students
ignore their spiritual values.
In addition to emotional and spiritual
intelligence, there are other factors that can affect
the level of understanding of accounting namely
intellectual intelligence. Intellectual intelligence is a
person's intelligence in thinking, reasoning, and
problem solving. Research conducted by Satria &
Fatmawati (2017) proves that someone who has high
intellectual intelligence (IQ) is easier to understand
and understand accounting. In line with Pasek's
(2016) research in testing intellectual intelligence
influences the understanding of accounting. The
results show that intellectual intelligence on
accounting understanding has a positive impact.
Research that discusses intellectual intelligence on
accounting understanding has been carried out and
the results are always positive.
Other research related to emotional intelligence
and spiritual intelligence conducted by Fahrianta,
Sham, & Syahdan, (2012) the results prove emotional
intelligence, spiritual intelligence has a positive
effect on accounting understanding. Different results
are obtained from research conducted by Rimbano &
Putri (2016) which shows emotional intelligence on
accounting understanding has a positive impact, but
does not have a positive effect on spiritual
intelligence. There is a difference between the two
causes researchers want to reexamine emotional
intelligence, spiritual intelligence on the level of
understanding of accounting.
This research is a development of Rodrigues,
Jorge, Pires, & Antonio (2019) who tested spiritual
intelligence and emotional intelligence in
understanding the creativity and entrepreneurial
intentions of higher education students. The
difference between this research and the previous
one is that the first researcher examined creativity and
entrepreneurial intentions while this research
examined the level of understanding of accounting.
Another fundamental reason for conducting this
research is because it saw the results of the Expertise
Competency Examination (UKK) in Batam State
Polytechnic which reached 43.75 percent who did not
pass. Based on the description that has been
described, researcher takes the title of the research
"The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and
Spiritual Intelligence towards the Understanding
Level of Accounting".
2.1 Theory of Planned Behavior
The theory of planned behavior is a theory that arises
because there is a direct intention to behave, the
theory explains or controls a person's behavior
(Ajzen, 1991). According to (Ajzen, 1991) a person's
intention towards behavior is thought to be due to
three factors consisting of attitudes towards behavior
(attitude toward the behavior), subjective norms, and
perceived behavioral control (Ajzen, 1991).
2.2 Understanding of Accounting
Understand according to Indonesia Dictionary has a
meaning as clever or true understanding, while
comprehension is an act of understanding. So, it can
be interpreted that understanding accounting is a
person's ability to understand and understand
correctly about accounting. Accounting
understanding in this study was measured using an
understanding of assets, liabilities and capital.
2.3 Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is intelligence that is related
to one's ability to control emotions, motivate yourself,
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence towards the Understanding Level of Accounting
have a sense of empathy and encourage others to
succeed. Indicators of emotional intelligence
according to (Goleman, Boyatzis, & Boston, 2002),
a. Self awareness means that the individual knows
or is aware of his own situation.
b. Self-management (self management) means that
the individual is able to regulate and control the
situation in him.
c. Motivation (motivation) means that the
individual is able to motivate himself to achieve
d. Empathy (empathy) means individual awareness
of the feelings, interests and interests of others.
Empathy is the sympathy that one has towards
e. Social skills (social skills) means the ability to
build responses in accordance with the wishes of
others. Social skills are more related to how one
can easily understand the feelings of others.
2.4 Spiritual Intelligence
Spiritual intelligence is someone's expertise in
interpreting life by giving a positive value in every
problem that occurs. Giving positive values can
awaken the soul to take positive actions. Indicators
of spiritual intelligence according to (Zohar &
Marshall, 2001):
a. The ability to be flexible is one's ability to adjust
spontaneously and actively in achieving the
results to be achieved.
b. Self-awareness is a person's ability to face and
realize the situation that comes with him.
c. The ability to deal with and take advantage of
suffering is one's ability to remain strong in
dealing with each problem encountered and take
lessons from each of these problems.
d. The ability to deal with and surpass pain is the
ability of someone who does not want to add to
the problem and spread hatred against others so
that they try to hold back anger.
e. The reluctance to cause unnecessary loss, that is
someone who always thinks before acting so that
undesirable things do not happen.
2.5 Hypothesis Development
2.5.1 Effects of Emotional Intelligence and
Understanding Level of Accounting
Research conducted by Alam & Ahmad (2017)
proves that teachers with high emotional intelligence
can improve student learning achievement. The
results of the study also prove that high emotional
intelligence in teachers can teach in more effective
ways, making it easier for students to receive lessons.
Indirectly students who have emotional intelligence
in themselves will always be motivated to learn so
that it is easy to understand the lesson. Conversely, if
students do not have emotional intelligence in
themselves, they will not be motivated to learn and
understand accounting. Based on the description
above, the first hypothesis can be drawn as follows:
H1: Emotional Intelligence Has a Positive Impact
on Understanding Level of
2.5.2 Effects of Spiritual Intelligence and
Understanding Level of Accounting
Research conducted by Hersan (2010) proves that
low spiritual intelligence will produce a generation
that is easily discouraged, depressed and like fighting.
This causes a lack of motivation to learn so that
difficulties in understanding the lesson. Students
who only pursue achievement values in the form of
numbers tend to try to get good grades including
cheating during exams so that they ignore their
spiritual values. The research also proved that high
spiritual intelligence can encourage students to study
hard and have creativity. Based on these studies it can
be concluded that having high spiritual intelligence
can take positive actions and will consider which
things are good or bad on him.
H2: Spiritual Intelligence Has a Positive Impact
on Understanding Level of
Based on the description of the development of
the hypothesis that has been described, then the
hypothesis model in this study is as follows:
Figure 1. Hypothesis Research Model Source: self-
processed (2020)
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
This research uses a quantitative method approach
because there is hypothesis testing. This study uses
primary data where the data is collected by itself and
obtained directly from the object. This data collection
is done in two ways namely first, giving
questionnaires to the object of research and filled
directly by the respondent. Second, the distribution of
questionnaires using an online system (Google
Form). The population in this study are Batam State
Polytechnic students who have taken the Expertise
Competency Test (UKK). The sample used in this
study was 76 students from 2015 to 2016. The
instrument in this study used 52 questions that were
modified from research conducted by Zakiah (2013),
Saputra (2018) and Juniarti (2014). The
measurements in this study use a Likert Scale and
Guttman Scale. The sample selection technique in
this study is simple random sampling, because every
population has the same opportunity to become a
research sample.
3.1 Data Processing and Analysis
Data processing techniques in this study using SPSS
26.0. Analysis of the data used is descriptive
statistical analysis, validity and reliability, classic
assumption tests consisting of normality and
heteroscedasticity tests, simple linear regression
analysis. The simple linear regression analysis
equation model is as follows:
PA = α+β1KE+е………………………(H1)
PA = α+β1KS+е………………..……..(H2)
PA =Understanding Accounting
α =Constant
β1,β2 =Regression coefficient for KE & KS
KE =Emotional Intelligence
KS =Spiritual Intelligence
е =Eror
4.1 Characteristics of Respondents
The sample used in this study was the students of
Batam State Polytechnic accounting and managerial
accounting courses for the 2015 and 2016. The
sample of this study amounted to 76 respondents. The
respondents who filled out the questionnaire were 80
respondents, but found incomplete data of 4
respondents. Based on this, the sample that met the
study criteria amounted to 76 respondents.
The description of respondent characteristics can
be seen in table 1 below:
Table 1 Characteristics of Respondents
Year of
Source: self-processed data (2020)
4.2 Descriptive statistics
Descriptive statistical data of each variable to be
analyzed in this study can be seen in table 2 below:
Table 2 Descriptive Statistics
td. Dev
Understanding o
Source: Data processed from SPSS V. 26
Based on table 2 it can be seen that the accounting
understanding variable has a mean value of 17.38 and
a standard deviation of 2.941. These results state that
the mean value is greater than the standard deviation
so it can be concluded that the evaluation of
accounting understanding has a high variation of
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence towards the Understanding Level of Accounting
responses. Accounting understanding also has the
lowest value of 9 and the highest value of 22.
Based on table 2 it can be seen that the
emotional intelligence variable has a value the
mean75.16 and the standard deviation of 8.767. These
results state that the mean value is greater than the
standard deviation so it can be concluded that the
evaluation of accounting understanding has a high
variation of responses. Emotional intelligence also
has the lowest value of 34 and the highest value of
Based on table 2 it can be seen that the spiritual
intelligence variable has a value the mean45.30 and
the standard deviation of 4.702. These results state
that the mean value is greater than the standard
deviation so it can be concluded that the evaluation
of accounting understanding has a high variation of
responses. Spiritual Intelligence also has the lowest
value of 24 and the highest value of 55.
4.3 Validity and Reliability Test Results
The results of each indicator of the questions of
emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence and
accounting understanding in this study are valid and
4.4 Classic Assumption Test
4.4.1 Normality Test
The normality test that can be used is the One Sample
Kolmogorov - Smirnov Test. In this test normally
distributed if the significant value> 0.05 or 5%. The
following results are tested in table 3:
Table 3 Normality Test
orov-Smirnov Test
Most Extreme
Test Statistic
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
Based on the data above, it can be seen that the value
of Asymp.sig: (2 tailed) is 0,200. This shows that the
significant value is greater than 0.05, which means
the data is normally distributed.
4.4.2 Heteroscedasticity Test
Heteroscedasticity test was performed using the
Glejser test. If the significance value is greater than
0.05, it is free from heteroscedasticity. The following
test is in table 4:
Table 4 Heteroscedasticity Test
el Signifikan
itual Intelli
Emotional Intelligence .175
Source: data processed from SPSS 26
Based on the above data it can be seen that the
significant value of the correlation results from each
variable is greater than 0.05. This shows that the
emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence that
are tested are free from heteroscedasticity.
4.5 Hypothesis Testing Results
Simple linear regression analysis is used to determine
the direction of the relationship between the
independent variable and the dependent variable. The
results of simple linear regression calculations can be
seen in Tables 5 & 6 below:
Table 5 Test Results of Simple Linear Regression Analysis
(Emotional Intelligence)
Std. Error
1 (Constant) 9,861
.079 .22 .001
Source: data processed from SPSS 26 (Spiritual
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Table 6 Testing Results of Simple Linear Regression
Analysis (Spiritual Intelligence)
Std. E
Source: data processed from SPSS 26
Emotional intelligence has a positive effect on the
level of understanding of accounting
Y = 9,861 + 0,079 + e
Based on table 5 shows that the significant value
for emotional intelligence is 0.001 with a probability
value of 0.05. Significantly smaller value than the
probability value (0.001 <0.05) indicates that
emotional intelligence has a positive influence on
the level of understanding of accounting, so it can
be concluded that H1 supported.
Spiritual intelligence has a positive effect on the
level of understanding of accounting
Y = 9,570 + 0,137 + e
Based on table 6 shows that the significant value
for spiritual intelligence is 0.002 with a probability
value of 0.05. Significant value smaller than the
probability value (0.002 <0.05) shows that spiritual
intelligence on the level of accounting understanding
has a positive effect, so it can be concluded that H2
is supported.
Based on the discussion that has been presented, the
conclusion is:
1. Emotional intelligence has a positive effect on
the level of understanding of accounting. Because
someone who has emotional intelligence on
himself he will be motivated to be able to
understand and understand accounting,
conversely if someone has no motivation in
themselves then he will be lazy to understand
accounting, it proves that emotional intelligence
is also needed in improving accounting
2. Spiritual intelligence affects the level of
understanding of accounting. Because someone
who has spiritual intelligence on himself he will
always take positive action. Positive activities
such as learning to understand accounting and stay
away from negative things such as cheating, it can
improve students' understanding of accounting.
5.1 Limitation
This study has several limitations that require
improvement in further research. These limitations
include: (1) In this study only questionnaires were
distributed at the Batam State Polytechnic. (2)
Accounting understanding in this study is only
measured by two variables namely emotional
intelligence and spiritual intelligence. (3) The
population in this study is not extensive or limited.
5.2 Implications and Suggestions
The implication of this study consists of two namely
(1) the results of the study can be used as additional
literature for further research. (2) the results of this
study prove that emotional intelligence and spiritual
intelligence can influence accounting understanding.
Suggestions that the authors propose for further
research: (1) Future studies should increase the
number of research samples to make it wider. (2)
Further research is suggested to add variables such
as learning interest. (3) Future studies are suggested
to broaden the scope of respondents to make it easier
for researchers to get data.
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The Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence towards the Understanding Level of Accounting