2.1 Brand Awareness
Brand awareness describes the presence of a brand in
the minds of consumers that can be decisive in the
According to Hasan (2014: 228), Brand Awareness is
the level of awareness of someone to recognize the
existence of a brand as part of a product category. It
can be concluded that brand awareness is a general
goal of marketing communication. To conclude,
brand awareness is one's ability to remember a brand
that is part of an existing product so that an interesting
way to improve the ability of a person or consumer to
remember or be aware of a brand is to use motion
2.2 Purchase Decision
Kotler’s definition (2015:146) of the buyer’s
purchase decision is an act of the consumer who
wants to buy or not for a product. Various factors that
influence consumers in purchasing a product or
service, consumers used to consider the quality, price
and products that are well-known by the public.
2.3 Motion Graphics
According to Fajar (2015), Motion graphic is one of
the important parts in giving a presentation to the
audience so that it is not boring, and this is a technique
for moving static images so that the image looks
interesting and dynamic. There are two methods in
this technique, namely by combining and moving
images in continuity so it will look moving.
There are several key characteristics according to
Kurniawan (2015) to further define the nature of
motion graphics:
1) Two-dimensional motion graphics, but able to
create three-dimensional motion elements. It exists.
as an image on the screen and the projection that has
width and length, but there is no depth. It only looks
like a two-dimensional space/object located on three
dimensions of space.
2) Motion graphics do not have to move position if
something changes at a certain time on the object. For
example, on the screen there is a font, the font is just
not moving, but there is a change as in a certain
duration the font changes colour.
3) Motion graphics are often used in interactive
multimedia, but not always interactive. Only
presented linearly and the user does not have full
steering over the motion graphics. So, it can be
category (Durianto et al, 2004: 6). Thus, the buyer
who have awareness of a brand will automatically be
able to remember. According to Hermawan (2014:
57). Brand Awareness is the ability of a potential
buyer to recognize or recall a brand that is part of a
product category.
Here are the levels of brand awareness:
1. Unaware of Brand (not aware of the brand) is the
lowest level in the brand awareness pyramid, where
consumers are not aware of a brand.
2. Brand Recognition (brand recognition) is a
minimum level of brand awareness, where the
introduction of a brand reappears after an aided recall.
3. Brand Recall is a reminder of a brand without
assistance (unaided recall).
4. Top of mind is the brand that is first mentioned by
consumers or the first time it appears in the minds of
2.4 Data Samples
According to Sugiono (2006), to determine a decent
sample in research is between 30-500. To determine
the selection of the sample, researchers are using the
Slovin method by using the formula:
n = Sample Amount
N = Population Amount
e = Fault Tolerance Boundary (15% = 0.15)
2.5 Likert Scale
In calculating the score, researchers are using a Likert
scale method. Score Interpretation of this calculation,
the researcher chooses the agreed format as offered
according to Chizes (2017):
1) Disagree = The score is 1
2) Less Agree = The score is 2
3) Enough = The score is 3
4) Agree = The score is 4
5) Strongly Agree = The score is 5
To find out the final value of the study can use the
index formula (%) as follows:
Score Total x 100
Highest Score
Score Interpretation criteria is based on following