satisfaction if the attribute also increases its
characteristic capacity, but the customer does not
mind if it does not exist. The attributes that belong to
the attractive category include attributes are (S5)
website ATB and social media ATB other makes it
easy for customers to find the information needed,
(F2) call center ATB offers help with the right
language, (A3) call center ATB to confirm or sum up
the service of the complaint, (R4) call center ATB
closing remarks with intonation rhythmic and smiling
In the category of indifferent, there is or there is
no attribute contained in the service call center will
not affect the customer satisfaction. As for the
attribute that belongs to the category of indifferent
which is an attribute which (R2) call center ATB
show a good image to the public, (R3) the information
provided by the call center ATB through social media
a lot related to the value of humanity, (R5) follow the
social media ATB get a lot of benefits.
Based on the results of the data analysis and
discussion that has been presented in the previous
chapter, can be concluded as following: (1)
Dimensional sense based on the Kano model in
customer experience-service call center ATB has five
attributes which consist of two categories of Kano
that must be and attractive. (2) The dimensions of the
feel based on the Kano model in customer
experience- service call center ATB has three
attributes which consist of three categories of Kano
that must be, one dimensional and attractive. (3)
Dimensions think based on the Kano model in
customer experience-service call center ATB has two
attributes which consist of two categories of Kano
that must be and one dimensional. (4) The dimensions
of the act based on the Kano model in customer
experience-service call center ATB has three
attributes which consist of two categories Kano
namely one dimensional and attractive. (5)
Dimensions relate based on the Kano model in
customer experience-service call center ATB has five
attributes which consists of three categories of
Kano one- dimensional, attractive, and indifferent.
(6) This research shows the dimensions of the
customer experience most desired by ATB call center
customers are the most categorized dimensions into
the Category "must be". Where the Category "must
be" means that if a product or service in a company
does not have this then no one will be interested. So,
based on the results of the study, the most desirable
sense dimension is related to sensory experience of
the five senses created through taste, touch, sound,
vision, and smell. In this study the main point in the
five senses is sound.
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