Investment and Unemployment Reduction: An Empirical Study of
Indonesia using Panel Data Regression
Bahrul Ilmi Nasution
, Adelia Christine Br. Tarigan
and Sri Indriyani Siregar
Jakarta Smart City-Department of Communication, Informatics, and Statistics, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 10110
BPS-Statistics Sorong, West Papua, Indonesia 98417
STIS Statistical Polytechnics, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 13330
Keywords: Domestic Direct Investment, Foreign Direct Investment, Unemployment, Indonesia, Feasible Generalized
Least Squares with Seemingly Unrelated Regression
Abstract: One of Indonesia’s seven development agendas is the improvement of competitive human resources.
Therefore, government concerns in reducing employment. Currently, one of the government’s efforts to
reduce unemployment is to increase investment in various regions. This study aims to identify the effect of
investment realization to the unemployment in Indonesia by using provincial panel d ata from 2006 to 2018.
Furthermore, investments in this study are divided into foreign and domestic direct investment. The panel
data evaluation gives a result that Feasible Generalized Least Squares with Seemingly Unrelated Regression
(FGLS-SUR) is a suitable estimation for the analysis. Based on the model, this study finds that both foreign
and domestic direct investments give a significant effect in reducing unemployment. This study can be used
as a recommendation for the government to increase investment, especially the domestic, as well as sectors
that absorb labor to accelerate the economic wheel and reduce the unemployment simultaneously.
The Indonesian Government has set 7 Development
Agenda in The Mid-Term National Development
Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka
Menengah/RPJMN) 2020-2024 (BAPPENAS, 2019).
One of the Development Agenda is "improvement of
competitive human resources". Therefore, reducing
unemployment is one of the government’s main
concerns. Through 2020-2024, the government sets
Indonesia's unemployment target of 4.0-4.6 percent in
2024. Various efforts have been made by the
government to reduce unemployment, such as using
external sources.
One of the external sources used by the
government in reducing unemployment is through
investment. The various government policies are
expected to attract both domestic and foreign
investors to invest in Indonesia. According to Act No.
25 of 2007 on Investment, attracting investors to
invest in Indonesia aims to increase economic growth
and create jobs. Besides, investment also aims to
improve the competitiveness of the domestic business
world. As a result, investment can reduce
unemployment and improve people's welfare by
creating new jobs that will reduce the unemployment
rate (Mankiw, 2009).
The interdependence between investment and the
unemployment rate varies greatly from one region to
another depending on the structure of the economy
and type of investment received (Strat, 2015).
Moreover, investment and unemployment rates also
have various patterns because the economic structure
and type of investment can change significantly in the
long run (Parker, 2010). As a result, the government
must consider investment when developing policies
to reduce unemployment (Strat, 2015).
Blanchard (2011) argues that countries with
higher unemployment have two big advantages in the
eyes of foreign investors: a) a lot of available labor;
b) has a great opportunity to find workers with lower
wages. But when the unemployment rate in a country
is too high, the foreign investor sees this as an
indication of macroeconomic instability. Therefore,
the country is not seen as a suitable place for potential
investment (Brozen, 1958).
Various studies that discussed the impact of
investment on unemployment proved that investment
has a significant effect on reducing unemployment,
both in the short and long term (Chaudhuri &
Nasution, B., Br. Tarigan, A. and Siregar, S.
Investment and Unemployment Reduction: An Empirical Study of Indonesia using Panel Data Regression.
DOI: 10.5220/0010356600710079
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2020) - Shaping a Better Future Through Sustainable Technology, pages 71-79
ISBN: 978-989-758-517-3
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Banerjee, 2010; Mucuk & Demirsel, 2013; Schmerer,
2014; Strat et al., 2015). In Indonesia, Tegep et al.
(2018) stated that unemployment and foreign
investments did not have a direct relationship.
Furthermore, unemployment and investment had two
intermediary variables, namely economic growth,
and regional minimum wages. To complete this gap,
this study aims to prove that there is a direct effect
between investments to unemployment. This study
does not only cover foreign direct investments (FDI),
but also domestic direct investments (DDI). This
study also aims to see which investments have a
greater impact on reducing unemployment.
Therefore, this study is expected to be one of the
considerations for the government to increase
investment in reducing unemployment in Indonesia.
This study consists of five parts. The next section
is a brief review of unemployment and investment
and their relationship based on previous literature.
After that, the third part presents data and study
methodology. Part 4 presents the results of the study
and is followed by discussion. This paper concludes
with conclusions and brief recommendations to the
government regarding investment to reduce
2.1 Unemployment
Unemployment is part of the workforce that does not
have a job and is looking for work; who do not have
a job and prepare a business; those who do not have
work and do not look for work, because they feel it is
impossible to get a job; and those who already have
jobs, but have not yet started working (BPS, 2020).
The unemployment rate is used as an indicator to
capture the reactions of labor markets to the change
of the economy. Furthermore, unemployment is
useful to determine the efficiency and effectiveness
of the economy to hire labor and measure labor
market performance (Benes & Walsh, 2018).
Unemployment is an endless problem. Nowadays,
technology continues to develop until it is finally able
to replace human work. This leads people to worry
that they will lose their jobs due to technology rather
than job competition (Schmerer, 2014). It is not
surprising that unemployment is one of the most
frequently encountered topics in political debates
(Mankiw, 2009). Unemployment in a region can be
caused by various factors, including economic
One of the economic factors that cause
unemployment is the determination of minimum
wages. This results in wages being unable to reach a
level of balance between demand and supply of
employment. The Indonesian Government, through
regional heads, sets minimum wages annually in
every province. As a result, there is a decrease in
opportunities to find jobs and increase unemployment
(Mankiw, 2009).
The regional minimum wage (RMW) changes
every year considering inflation conditions and the
decent living needs in the province in the previous
year (BPS, 2020a). This is useful for adjusting wages
to the current conditions of goods and services so that
workers are still able to meet their needs properly. As
a result, inflation also has a role in reducing this
unemployment as stated in the Phillips Curve
(Mankiw, 2009).
Okun's Law stated that economic growth has the
opposite relationship to unemployment (Mankiw,
2009). The basic assumption of this idea is that when
economic growth grows more than 2.25%, every 1%
increase in output will reduce unemployment by
0.5%. In other words, an increase in economic growth
in an area causes a decrease in unemployment. This
is in line with the study by Tiger et al. (2018) that
economic growth in Indonesia has a negative impact
on unemployment. This means that the Okun law
applies in Indonesia
Based on the previous paragraphs, it can be
summarized that despite of investments, the factors
that correspond to the unemployment are regional
wages, economic growth, and inflation (Mankiw,
2009; Tegep et al., 2018). This is also supported by
various economics theories such as Phillips Curve
and Okun’s Law. Thus, these factors are included in
this study.
2.2 Investment
According to Act No. 25 of 2007 on Investment,
foreign direct investments (FDI) is defined as all
forms of capital investing activity by foreign capital
investors, to undertake business within the
Indonesian Territory. Meanwhile, domestic direct
investments (DDI) are the investment activity to
conduct business in the Indonesian territory by
domestic investors using domestic capital.
Investment has goals to accelerate the economic
wheel such as increasing economic growth,
sustainable economic development, competitiveness
of the domestic business world, as well as national
technological capacity and capability. Furthermore,
investments also can be optimized to create jobs,
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
encouraging the development of a populist economy,
turning potential economies into real economic
strength by using funds both from domestic and
foreign, as well as improving the welfare of the
community. As a result, President’s Regulation
No.20 in 2018 stated that in making investments,
investment companies should prioritize Indonesian
citizens in meeting the needs of workers, except if
certain positions cannot be filled with Indonesian
Keynes (1936) asserted that the point of economic
equilibrium occurs when aggregate demand is equal
to aggregate expenditure. Unemployment occurs
when aggregate demand is smaller than aggregate
expenditure so that long-term output will not be
absorbed by consumers and will result in
unemployment. One factor driving aggregate demand
is investment demand (Froyen, 2009). Meanwhile,
Schumpeter’s Theory (1942) emphasized the
importance of the role of entrepreneurs in realizing
economic growth, where entrepreneurs act as a group
that is constantly making updates and innovations in
economic and technological activities. These
innovations such as introducing new goods,
expanding the market of goods, developing new
sources of raw materials, and making changes in the
organization to increase the efficiency of company
activities. Thus, the awareness of entrepreneurs about
the possibility of making profitable innovations
causes them to make loans and investments that
increase the balance of economic development.
Investment is useful to increase the country’s
economic activities. Furthermore, investments have
an impact on increasing employment, income, and
consumption of the population (Mankiw, 2009).
Investments also increase profits for the company
which encourages them to produce more goods and
expands their investments. As a result, the demand for
new jobs is increased so that these conditions form a
cyclic flow that will continue to drive economic
growth in a country. (Schumpeter, 1939).
2.3 Relationship between Investment
and Unemployment
Karlsson et al. (2009) found that FDI had a positive
influence on employment growth in which they used
a sample of manufacturing companies from China in
the period 1998 - 2004. In line with the study, Ajaga
and Nunnekamp (2009) also found that in the United
States, FDI has a positive long- term effect on the
employment rate. Meanwhile, Lipsey et al. (2010)
found that the shift in ownership from local to foreign
had a significant influence on growing employment
in Indonesia.
Muafiqie (2018) through the Granger Causality
analysis showed that FDI has a significant influence
on the unemployment rate in Indonesia in 2000-2016.
Furthermore, the analysis of the VAR model showed
that FDI with a one-year lag has a negative
relationship with the unemployment rate while a two-
year lag has a positive relationship. Malik and Saima
(2013) through the Johanson Co-integration approach
found that there was a long-term relationship between
FDI and the unemployment rate in Pakistan in 1970-
2011. Meanwhile, the study of Adam and Zurek
(2011) with the VAR approach shows that there is a
short-term relationship between FDI and
unemployment in Poland in 1995-2009.
In contrary to the studies mentioned previously,
Rizvi and Nishat (2009) state that FDI has no direct
impact on unemployment for the countries studied
(China, India, and Pakistan in 1985 - 2008 period).
Then, Sandika (2014) found that investment (FDI and
DDI) in Pelalawan district, Indonesia in 2003-2012
had a positive but not significant effect on
employment. This study also explained that domestic
direct investment is more oriented to the development
of sectors that do not absorb labour, so it does not
increase employment opportunities for the
Based on the paragraphs that were mentioned
above that investment has important roles in the
economy. The investment is not only useful to
accelerate the economic wheel but also opens jobs for
society in the region so that the employment rate can
be increased particularly when the investors expand
their investments. Thus, this study hypothesized that
the investment, both domestic and foreign, can reduce
the unemployment in Indonesia.
3.1 Data
This study uses balanced panel data of 33 provinces
in Indonesia with an annual period from 2006 to
2019. Analysis using panel data has several
advantages compared to using only cross-sectional or
time-series data, particularly in controlling individual
heterogeneity and the wealth of information obtained
(Baltagi, 2008). Based on the literature review, the
dependent variable used in this study is
unemployment. Furthermore, the independent
variables used in this study are domestic and foreign
Investment and Unemployment Reduction: An Empirical Study of Indonesia using Panel Data Regression
investment, economic growth, and inflation. This data
is disseminated on the BPS.
website (
3.2 Analysis Method
This study uses two analytical approaches. The first
is a descriptive analysis to get a brief overview of the
correlation between investment and unemployment.
After that, an inference analysis regarding the
relationship between investment and unemployment
is carried out using the model which is explained in
equation 1.
With UNEMP being the level of open
unemployment, DDI and FDI are respectively the
realizations of domestic and foreign investment
(trillion rupiahs). GROWTH is economic growth.
RMW is the regional minimum wage in thousand
rupiahs and INF is inflation for the year. The i and j
explain the index of province and time, respectively.
Since this study uses panel data, the inferential
analysis cannot be answered using ordinary multiple
linear regression because it can lead to bias and
autocorrelation because of individual heterogeneity
(Moulton, 1986; 1987). This study uses panel data
regression to deal with these problems. Panel data
regression has three common types of models,
namely fixed (FEM), random (REM), and common
effect models (CEM) (Greene, 2018). These three
models have differences in the assumptions of the
effects contained in the model. Common effects
assume there are no individual or time effects so
estimates can be made directly with OLS. Fixed
effects assume that individual effects are estimated
and a fixed value. Meanwhile, random effects assume
that individual effects are estimated and have random
The panel data analysis starts with testing which
model is the most suitable for the data. There are three
panel data tests namely Chow (CEM vs FEM),
Hausman (FEM vs. REM), and Breusch-Pagan
Lagrange Multiplier (BP-LM) test (CEM vs REM).
The detail of these tests can be seen in Greene (2018)
and Baltagi (2008). In summary, if REM is selected,
the estimation can be done directly using the
generalized least squares method. Meanwhile, if
CEM or FEM are selected, the variance-covariance
structure with LM needs to be carried out. If the LM
test gives an insignificant result, the estimation is
sufficient using ordinary least squares (OLS).
Otherwise, a generalized least square (GLS) is
utilized as the estimation method and a Lambda-LM
test is employed to evaluate the cross-sectional
correlation. The GLS is used for the estimation if
there is no cross-sectional dependence and the
feasible GLS with seemingly unrelated regression
(FGLS-SUR) is used if otherwise.
The SUR approach was developed by Zellner
(1962) to account the efficiency of the error
correlation from the equation. The traditional panel
estimation such as OLS suffered from large degrees
of freedom. Meanwhile, generalized least squares
(GLS) estimator do not always produce efficient
variance component, particularly when there is a
cross-sectional dependence (Baltagi, 2008). Thus, the
combination of FGLS and SUR provides best linear
unbiased estimator (BLUE) and efficient result when
the data encounters heteroscedasticity and cross-
sectional dependence. The details of FGLS and SUR
can be found in Zellner (1962) and Baltagi (2008).
However, it should also be noted that since panel
data regression is also solved by the least-squares
method, classical assumptions of BLUE (normality,
is necessary to be tested so that the estimation results
are consistent and unbiased. If the estimation method
used is GLS or FGLS, heteroscedasticity and
autocorrelation do not need to be tested because this
method is robust to these assumptions.
Overall, this study uses R to conduct descriptive
analysis and panel data for the initial stage (R Core
Team, 2020). The descriptive analysis visualization is
done using the ggplot2 package. Also, the best panel
model evaluation is done using the plm package.
Specifically, for FGLS with SUR weight (FGLS-
SUR), the simulation is carried out using the Eviews
application because the R does not provide this
4.1 Descriptive Analysis
Indonesia is a country that has abundant natural
resource potential. This is shown by many countries
that came to Indonesia in search of various materials.
Until now, the potential of resources in Indonesia is
huge, but Indonesia still cannot process the available
resources optimally. As a result, this has triggered
various parties including foreign countries to invest in
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Figure 1: Investment development (left) and unemployment (right) in Indonesia.
Figure 1 presents the development of domestic
and foreign investment while unemployment is
presented side by side. From Figure 1, investment,
both domestic and foreign in Indonesia has a trend
that tends to increase from time to time, although
there is a slight decline. Meanwhile, unemployment
in Indonesia has the opposite trend, i.e., decreases
from year to year. This indicates that investment in
Indonesia has an inverse relationship with
unemployment.Figure 2 shows the unemployment
trend, which is indicated by a line graph, as well as
the amount of investment indicated by the shaped
point that represents the province. The picture in the
left shows foreign investment and the right shows
domestic investment. A larger point means larger
investments made in the province. From the left side
figure 2, the top five FDI are dominated by provinces
in Java. While investments made in areas outside of
Java Island are found in several provinces in Sumatra.
The Papua region is also one of the places to invest
because the area has natural resources such as gold
and uranium. Like North Sumatra, Riau is also an
investment area because of the abundant oil and gas
in the province. Furthermore, the trend of
unemployment in each province also tends to decline
annually. This indicates that in general, foreign
investment in each province can reduce
Figure 2: Unemployment and Investment trends in 10 provinces with the highest FDI (left) and DDI (right).
Meanwhile, DDI is mostly realized outside Java
Island, such as the Kalimantan Island which also has
a lot of mining areas such as coal, aluminium, and
gold. Furthermore, dense forest areas on the Island
make it potential to create a plantation. As a result,
the Kalimantan region attracts domestic investors to
invest. Just like FDI, several regions on the island of
Sumatra, such as South Sumatra and Lampung, also
attract domestic investors to make investments. From
the unemployment view, the trend in each province
also tends to decrease every year. This indicates that
domestic investment also contributed to reducing
Based on the paragraphs above, it can be
concluded that investments made in each region
contribute to the reduction in unemployment. To
prove this, the next section discusses the effect of the
Investment and Unemployment Reduction: An Empirical Study of Indonesia using Panel Data Regression
investment on unemployment. The method used has
been discussed in the previous section.
4.2 Results
Based on the model evaluation results (see appendix),
Chow and Hausman test show rejection to the null
hypothesis which means that the best model used in
this study is FEM. The produced model does not
violate the multicollinearity between independent
variables. However, the model violates several
assumptions namely the significant heteroscedasticity
and serial autocorrelation. Consequently, this study
uses FGLS-SUR as the estimation method. The result
of Shapiro-Wilk normality test shows that the residual
of FGLS-SUR estimation is normally distributed (p-
value=0.067), i.e. the model produced is consistent
and unbiased so that it can be interpreted
Table 1 presents the results of a simulation of the
relationship between investment, inflation, UMR, and
economic growth using FEM with FGLS-SUR as the
estimation method. The model produced in table 1
can be written mathematically as follows:
Table 1. FGLS-SUR Simulation Result
Variable Coeff Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 7.302 0.3820 19.139 0.000
- 0.0080 -2.017 0.044
0.0115 -2.048 0.041
0.053 0.0303 1.763 0.078
0.0003 -3.340 0.000
0.021 0.0179 1.194 0.233
Based on table 1, it can be seen that at 5%
significance level, the variables that influence the
unemployment rate are both domestic and foreign
investment, as well as regional minimum wage.
These variables give a negative effect to
unemployment. Meanwhile, inflation and economic
growth gives insignificant positive effect to the
unemployment rate. Based on equation 2, it can be
seen that in a constant state, the general
unemployment rate is 7.302 percent. Meanwhile,
when FDI in a province increases by 1 trillion rupiahs,
the unemployment rate in a region decreases by
0.016 percent. When compared with foreign
investment, domestic investment of 1 trillion rupiahs
has a greater influence, namely reducing
unemployment by 0.024 percent. On the other hand,
an increase in regional minimum wage by one
thousand rupiahs can reduce unemployment by 0.001
percent. In other words, an increase of one hundred
thousand rupiahs would reduce the unemployment
rate by 0.1 percent. Therefore, it can be concluded
that not only both domestic and foreign investment
which give good impact in reducing unemployment
in Indonesia, but also the regional minimum wage.
4.3 Discussions
From the results, it can be seen that this study finds
the expected results as hypothesized previously that
both domestic and foreign investment has a direct
relationship to the reduction in unemployment in
Indonesia which can be seen from the significance of
the coefficients on the two variables. This is contrary
to the study of Tegep et al. (2018) which states that
investment has no direct relationship to
unemployment. This is in line with Keynes (1936)
theory which views the investment as one of the
factors that drive labour demand. Schumpeter (1942)
theory also states that the importance of the role of
entrepreneurs in investing to reduce unemployment.
Besides, investment at a high level will encourage
high labour demand so that more jobs will be created,
and this will lead to a decrease in unemployment
(Mankiw, 2009).
Meanwhile, the unemployment reduction in
Indonesia due to the increase of foreign investment is
in line with the study by Lipsey et al. (2010) which
states that increasing foreign investment in Indonesia
will open up new jobs which will reduce the
unemployment rate. Based on the data from the
Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM),
the most foreign investors investing in Indonesia in
2018 came from Singapore (US$ 9.2 billion, 31.4%
of total FDI) and Japan (US$ 5 billion, 16.7% of total
FDI). Both countries do not send a lot of labours so
that more domestic workers are absorbed in Indonesia
(BKPM, 2019). When viewed from the sectors
entered, Singapore tends to be involved in the paper
& printing, chemical & pharmaceutical, food,
electronics, and machinery & metal sectors with a
workforce of 1,880 people. From this point of view,
Indonesia is quite benefited because in addition to
obtaining investment it also receives benefits in the
form of absorbing large numbers of domestic
In addition to unemployment reduction,
increasing foreign investment can be useful to
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
increase domestic trade competitiveness (Gamariel
and Hove, 2019). This will also trigger domestic
entrepreneurs to continue to make better innovations
so that domestic work has a high level of
competitiveness towards foreign countries. Besides,
the output produced will continue to be of better
quality so that each investor will expand and open up
new jobs while encouraging economic growth
(Alvaro, 2006). However, even though foreign
investment encourages economic growth, the country
does not get a full profit from the trade results because
some of the profits go back to their home countries
(OECD, 2002).
Meanwhile, the increase in domestic investment
can be useful to increase economic growth in the
country as a whole because of the profits that are
returned to the country itself so that the country can
become less dependent on other countries (Djulius et
al, 2019). In 2018, DDI which amounted to Rp328.6
trillion (Approx. US$ 22.3 Billions) was dominated
by the transportation, warehouse, and
telecommunications sectors (17.8%) and construction
(13.7%) (BKPM, 2019). This is in line with the
Indonesian government's program in recent years
where the sectors related to human resources such as
infrastructure and construction, telecommunications,
health, and tourism sectors are further enhanced
(BAPPENAS, 2019). Therefore, the existence of the
program is an attraction for domestic investors
because of the prospect of large profits going forward,
while also being able to reduce the level of domestic
unemployment due to labour demand to develop these
sectors to achieve economic growth for social
welfare, as in line with the investment purpose which
stated in the Act No. 25 of 2007.
On the other hand, inflation has a positive but not
significant effect on unemployment. This means that
the Phillips curve does not apply in Indonesia. This
result is in line with the study of Trimurti and
Komalasari (2014) which says that the positive effect
of inflation on the level of open unemployment in
Indonesia is caused by Indonesia's dependence on
imported goods, the weakening of the rupiah against
foreign currencies which causes an increase in the
price of goods, as well as a higher inflation rate in
Indonesia caused by rising fuel prices and
transportation tariffs not caused by an increase in
aggregate demand, as assumed on the Philips curve
(Mankiw, 2009). Inflation caused by an increase in
aggregate demand will cause producers to increase
their production capacity by increasing the number of
workers, which means the number of unemployed
will decrease.
Minimum wages in a region have a significant
impact on reducing unemployment in Indonesia,
which is in line with findings from Comola and de
Mello (2011) about the lighthouse effect in
employment. According to lighthouse effect, the
inactive labours are attracted to the labour market due
to the escalated wages. Therefore, an increase in the
minimum wage that is relatively stable is needed so
that it will provide companies, economic sectors, and
the community with the readiness and ability to
develop and improve the business activities. Also, a
conducive business climate also needs to be created
by the government to widen the level of community
economic participation to improve welfare and
benefit from economic development.
Besides inflation, economic growth does not have
a significant impact on unemployment. These results
indicate the incompatibility of Okun's law in
Indonesia in the study period. Institute for
Development of Economics and Finance asserted that
economic growth in Indonesia has not been able to
create increased employment opportunities due to the
lack of improvement in the tradable sector compared
to the non-tradable sector, even though the tradable
sector is a sector that can absorb more labour
(INDEF, 2017). The study is also supported by 2018
investment data from BKPM where Indonesia relies
on economic growth in the service sector (non-
tradable sector) which minimally absorbs labour.
According to the Indonesian Ministry of Trade, the
tradable sector is a sector that produces output
products that can be traded on foreign markets, while
the non-tradable sector produces output products that
cannot be traded on foreign markets (BPPKP, 2018).
This study aims to describe the direct relationship
between investment and unemployment in Indonesia
using panel data at the provincial level from 2006 to
2018. The investment studied in this study is not only
foreign direct investment but also domestic direct
investment. This study concludes that both domestic
and foreign investment has a direct impact on
unemployment. Therefore, the government needs to
improve its investment strategy to increase state
revenue while at the same time reducing
unemployment. Moreover, potential investments to
achieve these objectives are investments in sectors
that absorb a lot of labours. Although foreign
investment has a good impact on domestic innovation
in terms of increasing resources that have
competitiveness, increasing domestic investment is
Investment and Unemployment Reduction: An Empirical Study of Indonesia using Panel Data Regression
also very much needed to improve the domestic
economic cycle. As a result, the welfare of the people
in Indonesia has increased, which is then followed by
an economy that is growing higher.
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