of an expanded education program based on needs
and public electability.
Methods, strategies, facilities, lecturers’ creativity
are the crucial parts to meet those objectives. As
Nunan (2000) stated that mastering speaking skills is
the single most important aspect of learning as second
or foreign language and success is measured in terms
of the ability to carry out a conversation in English.
Togatorop (2011) conducted a research to find out
the student’s barriers in speaking English and what
teacher do to help the students involved the students
and lecturer at State Polytechnic of Batam. This
research found that most of the students did not
practice speaking in English because of being afraid
of making mistakes, get anxious and shy to be
laughed at. The students finally stopped practicing or
chose to keep silent because they do not want to take
a risk. Next, English speaking was a non-compulsory
environment where no rule that obligated the students
to speak in English. It makes the students who want
to practice English were difficult to find environment
or partner. Last, improper teaching methodology and
uninteresting lectures were the factors. The students
expected to have lecturer which friendlier, patient,
humorous, enjoyable, and closer to them. This finding
was in line with Gronlund and Waught (2009) that the
objective of the most prominent English assessment
is to improve student skills. Lectures should be one of
important person behind the story success of the
students. They should be able to manage the
stimulation used to enhance students’ skills especially
in this case speaking skills.
A lot of efforts, strategies or methods used to
stimulate the students to do exposure in speaking
English. Asking students to do a presentation is a
familiar method to do for university students. Arnold
(2003) and Bierley and Adams (2009) stated that one
of the most popular method in English Specific
purposes (ESP) teaching and learning process is
asking the students to make presentation on a certain
topic in front of the classroom. This study
investigated the students’ respond for making the
presentation in live and recorded section. Making
presentation in English whether live or recorded is not
an easy thing to do especially for non-native students.
A lot of difficulties occurred; students’ perception
and respond might be varied. Regarding to the
background explained previously, the existing body
of knowledge was guided by the following research
1. What are the perceptions of tertiary vocational
students upon making live and recorded
2. What difficulties do the students encounter in
making live or recorded presentations?
Meanwhile, the purposes of this study were to
identify the student’s perception of how they
conducted a live or recorded presentation as the
solution to enhance their verbal skill. The researcher
also aimed at investigating how participants felt, what
are the difficulties in making to kinds of presentation
and what recommendation they would give to
improve this technique in future class.
The participants in this research involved
students as respondents from Managerial Accounting
Study program of Politeknik Negeri Batam. They
took English Business II which contained of English
Business correspondence as the material. The method
of teaching and learning process was presenting in
English various kinds of business correspondence.
The students got some topics and presented twice.
First round was about the theoretical based of the
selected topic. Next round was the practical based,
where the students found the letters from the industry
based on the given topics. More information about the
implementation on industry was also become the
additional material to be presented on recorded
Table 1: Method of Collecting the Data.
Note of