Road User Attitude and Road Safety
Rusda Irawati
, Zulkifli Khair
Azman Hashim International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru
School of Human Resource Development and Psychology, Faculty of Social
Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru
Keywords: Road user attitude, accident rate, road safety
Abstract: The report from WHO states that, deaths caused by traffic accidents have increased from year to year to reach
1.35 million people. The report also noted that close to 3,700 people die on the world's roads every day and
tens of millions more are injured or disabled. Under these conditions, the United Nations then launched the
Decade for Road Safety Action 2011-2020. The main objective of this action is to stabilize and reduce the
rate of increase in road deaths around the world. Five main pillars of action are recorded in the Global Plan
for the Decade of Action, namely, road safety management, safer infrastructure, safer vehicles, safer road user
behavior and better post-accident response. The number of accident victims in Indonesia has also increased
every year. In 2019, the National Police Traffic Corps stated 32,403 traffic accidents with 6,941 deaths in the
first six months of 2019. This paper aims to conduct a literature review on the attitudes of road users and
traffic safety in Indonesia and several countries in the world. This paper discusses a review of reports and
articles of academic journals and these reports based on database found in Science direct, Research gate,
Academia Edu, Google Scholar, newspapers, and related regulations. Finally, this paper will summarize the
components of attitudes related to traffic safety, research methods used in papers and theories and models that
are widely used as references to determine the causes for certain behavior, especially those related to traffic
Traffic accidents take their toll every day on roads
around the world. Accident victims can occur to
drivers, motorcyclists, or pedestrians. In Asian cities,
many accidents happen to motorcyclists, due to the
high number of motorcyclists in these countries,
especially Southeast Asia such as the Philippines,
Vietnam, and Indonesia.
The death rate from traffic accidents ranks eighth
out of the top ten causes of death in the world,
reaching 2.5% of the total number of deaths. Nearly
1.35 million people die on the roads each year from
traffic accidents. From the WHO report, it is stated
that this death rate is 3x higher in countries with low
income levels compared to countries with high
income levels. The numbers published in the Global
status report on road safety: The Southeast Asia Story
certainly have a big impact on countries in Southeast
Asia, especially Indonesia. It takes great and serious
attention to reduce the mortality rate.
A report from the Ministry of Transportation
states that in 2014, 28,000 victims died due to
accidents on Indonesian roads (Jusuf, 2017). It was
also stated that the death toll from traffic accidents
reached 12 people out of 100,000 people. The death
rate due to traffic accidents in Indonesia is higher than
Singapore (4.8) and Australia (5.2). Jusuf also noted
that several assumptions state that the number of
deaths due to traffic accidents is not reported. The
data presented was also inconsistent and difficult to
verify. By looking at the current conditions, Jusuf
(2017) estimates that in 2020 death due to accidents
could reach 40,000 people per year and by 2035 it
could reach 65,000 per year. To reduce the mortality
rate, the Indonesian Police have set a high target by
2020, namely reducing the mortality rate by 50%.
And set a target to reduce the mortality rate by 2035
to 80%. Furthermore, it is hoped that Indonesia will
be the best in terms of handling traffic safety in Asean
This paper aims to conduct a literature review on
the attitudes of road users and traffic safety in
Irawati, R. and Khair, Z.
Road User Attitude and Road Safety.
DOI: 10.5220/0010356800990106
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2020) - Shaping a Better Future Through Sustainable Technology, pages 99-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-517-3
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Indonesia and several countries in the world. The
literature review method used in this study is the
traditional review method. The author selects articles
to be evaluated according to the topics discussed. The
articles evaluated are sourced from the Science Direct
database, Google scholar, Academia Edu, Research
Gate, WHO reports, reports from The International
Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD),
Police reports, newspapers, and related regulations.
The selected paper is reviewed by looking at the
purpose of writing or research questions, the model /
theory used, research methods, data analysis used,
findings, limitations, and then the author makes
critical thoughts related to the paper.
It is estimated that on the world's roads 1.3 million
people die each year and between 20 million and 50
million suffer minor injuries. The WHO report on the
global status of road safety is the first to have an
overly broad scope. The report assesses the road
safety situation in 178 countries using data drawn
from standard surveys. The results of this report show
that road accidents remain the most important public
health problem, especially for low- and middle-
income countries (WHO, 2019).
Why does traffic safety need to be a concern? in
Indonesia? The National General Safety Plan
(RUNK) shows that traffic accidents result in
economic losses of around 3.1 percent of Gross
National Income; around Rp.220 trillion. According
to Police data in Indonesia, an average of 3 people
died every hour due to road accidents. The data also
states that the large number of accidents is caused by
several things, namely: 61% of accidents are caused
by human factors that are related to the ability and
character of the driver, 9% is due to vehicle factors
(related to meeting roadworthiness technical
requirements) and 30% caused by infrastructure and
environmental factors (figure 1). Human factors that
are related to the ability and character of the driver
turned out to be an influential factor in road safety
Figure 1. The Biggest Factor Causing Traffic Accidents.
Source: Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia, Korlantas
Polri at
2.1 Road User Attitude
The definition of attitude in the Cambridge dictionary
( is feelings or
judgments about something or someone or how to
behave. The Big Indonesian Dictionary (Language
Development and Agency, 2019) defines attitudes:
actions based on conviction or belief. From these two
understandings, it can be concluded that attitudes are
related to feelings, opinions, or beliefs about
Attitude is an important component in human life
that plays a role in helping humans interact
effectively with their environment. Attitudes allow
humans to make judgments about events, people,
social groups, and other things. Social psychology
uses the term attitude to relate to human evaluations
when defending against something, that something is
called the object of attitude. The object of attitude can
be a person, product, or certain social group
(Albarracín, Johnson, & Zanna, 2005; Wood, 2000 in
Principle of Psychology, Univ Minnesota). From this
understanding it can be concluded that attitude is an
important component that helps us interact with the
environment and enables us to make judgments about
other people, social groups, events, and other
attitudinal objects. Social psychology states attitude
as an evaluation of long-lasting attitude objects.
Nordfjærn et al (2011) cites Iversen and Rundmo
(2004) who examined attitudes towards traffic safety
using instruments that have been tested for validity.
This instrument consists of 13 statements related to
attitudes towards road traffic. Responses requested
from respondents use a Likert scale from 1-5 points
(strongly disagree-strongly agree). There are six
factors measuring the attitude of the driver, namely:
talking to unsafe drivers, drinking, and driving,
speeding, violating rules and sanctions, attitudes
toward pedestrians and knowledge of traffic rules.
The items in this factor relate to the respondents'
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
general awareness and knowledge of road traffic
regulations. McLeod, (2018), Attitudes and behaviors
quoted again in
( provide a
definition of attitude as a psychological tendency
shown by evaluating an entity in the form of likes or
dislikes. McLeod divides attitudes into three
components known as the ABC attitude model,
namely: affective components that involve feelings or
emotions about attitudes towards objects, behavioral
or conative components that will affect how a person
acts and cognitive components that involve belief or
knowledge about an object.
Maharani (2017) quotes from Davey, Wallace,
Stenson, et al. (2008) which states that one of the
causes of road accidents in most cases is the attitude
of the driver. This attitude is related to the individual's
desire to behave well or badly in relation to safety.
Studies on traffic safety have been widely published,
although in some countries it is difficult to find
literature on these studies. The following studies will
discuss traffic safety and attitudes in Indonesia and
several countries.
Adolescent Compliance in Traffic by Rakhmani
(2013), focuses on adolescent attitudes and
compliance in traffic with the aim of revealing traffic
police efforts to improve adolescent compliance in
traffic with a qualitative approach. The results of his
research indicate that the factors that influence
adolescent compliance in traffic include
understanding of traffic regulations, adolescent
attitudes about adherence to traffic order, and the
existence of an effective ticketing program. The
weakness of this paper is in terms of method, it only
uses interview techniques to four traffic police officer
who often face traffic violation situations by
teenagers. The traffic violation attitude shown by the
teenagers in this study was considered as a normal
attitude in traffic. This is because they are used to
seeing traffic violations committed by their parents
from an early age. These points need to be an
important note from the results of this study.
The paper entitled Community Behavior Towards
Operation Evidence of Violations in Traffic by Junef
(2014), highlights several important points related to
attitudes towards traffic compliance. Although this
study only uses a literature approach in the fields of
law, psychology and culture, some notes from this
study are that traffic violations can be caused by
various factors, such as; (1) law enforcement, (2) the
condition of traffic facilities and infrastructure, (3)
individual qualities include: knowledge, skills,
mental attitude, obedience, (4) socio-cultural
conditions such as: uncertainty between right and
wrong, economic factors, social factors, difficulty
finding role models. He also concluded that traffic
offense behavior can be identified with the concept of
attitude in social psychology. Furthermore, the paper
also stated that traffic rule violation behavior is driven
by attitudes towards the violation itself, attitudes
towards traffic laws / regulations, attitudes towards
traffic police, which have implications at three levels,
namely individual, interpersonal, and social. This
paper also cites the important points from Reason,
Manstead, Stradling, Baxter, & Campbell (1990) that
deviant driving behavior can be divided into three
types: (1) deviation; represents attention and memory,
for example those commonly experienced by parents
and women, (2) mistakes; it means failure to observe
and assess, such as not seeing signs / other vehicles,
failing to turn, this behavior is more dangerous, on
average, all drivers experience it, (3) violations; is
deliberate risky driving behavior, such as speeding
and running red lights, in which young people and
men are more likely to behave in this way. Although
the analysis is only based on a literature approach,
this paper can provide interesting information for a
more in-depth study using a different approach.
The paper Current Practice, Attitude, and
Behavior towards Road Safety Behavior among the
Drivers in Jakarta, Indonesia, written by Maharani
(2017) aims to determine current practices, attitudes,
and perceptions of road safety behavior for drivers in
Jakarta, Indonesia. Mixed methods qualitative with
semi-structured and quantitative interviews using a
questionnaire Findings from semi-structured
interviews show that drivers have a common
viewpoint of road safety behavior. They see road
safety behavior as an attitude in following safety
signs. the driver also agreed that the biggest obstacle
to acting safely is the road conditions in Jakarta which
are potholed. The results of the questionnaire showed
that 71.03 percent of the 128 drivers agreed that road
conditions in Jakarta were unsafe. This paper
conclude that the Police Department should consider
providing training safety behavior on the road before
issuing a driver's license. Some points that need to be
considered in this paper, among others, a study found
that the majority of people who die in road accidents
in Indonesia are drivers, which is about 64 percent
and most of them occur in two- wheeled vehicles with
the least protection. It is thought that the basic
problem of road accidents in Indonesia is the
imbalance between the rapid growth of vehicles on
the road and low road construction rates, and this
phenomenon is exacerbated by the popularity of
motorbikes. Maharani (2017) also found that one of
the main causes of road accidents is the attitude of the
Road User Attitude and Road Safety
driver. The term 'attitude' itself means the individual's
desire to behave well or badly in relation to salvation.
The attitude of the driver in this paper is exemplified
in the use of seat belts while driving. On average, the
likelihood of wearing a seat belt reduces the
consequences of dying in a road accident by 40–50
percent for the driver and front seat passenger. The
results of this study also indicate that there is a gap
between drivers' perceptions of road safety behavior
and real practice, especially in the use of cell phones
while driving. Weaknesses that can be noted in this
paper include: (1) The quantitative analysis carried
out by the researcher is not explained in detail, (2)
The form of questions and question items used in the
questionnaire are not presented and (3) This paper
does not explain the statistical analysis techniques
used to process data.
Some of the research results discussed earlier are
the results of research conducted in Indonesia. These
studies have not provided a complete picture of
attitudes towards traffic safety in Indonesia. In
general, it can be concluded from these studies: (1)
Some studies only use descriptive techniques and
interviews with less representative numbers of
respondents, (2) One study uses a mixture of
qualitative and quantitative methods and (3) attitudes
of road users towards safety traffic includes
knowledge of traffic regulations on adolescents,
individual quality, law enforcement, socio-culture,
traffic facilities and infrastructure and other factors.
Driver Attitude Towards Road Safety by Jusoh
(2013) dissertation in the field of Transportation
Planning states that, most drivers tend to overestimate
their ability and the ability of their vehicles to react in
sufficient time to avoid collisions. Dangerous driving
behaviors such as speeding, fatigue, using cell phones
and driving aggressively are recognized as the main
factors causing road accidents in Malaysia. The
findings of this study reveal that in general most
drivers are very careful in managing their time
because most of them have already set targets to reach
their destination but then they do not comply with
road regulations. Likewise, using a cell phone while
driving and overtaking, drivers will not like being
bound by rules and regulations. The results also
showed that male drivers were more aggressive than
female drivers, especially in the 21-30year age group.
Therefore, an integrated road safety program with a
good plan needs to be implemented to reduce road
accidents. Some of the limitations included in this
study are the lack of references. Not much research
has been done on road accidents caused by driver
attitudes, especially in developing countries.
Attitudes towards Road Safety and Aberrant
Behavior of Drivers in Pakistan by Batool (2012)
found that deviant behavior from drivers is
considered the main cause of accidents in Pakistan.
The author based his study on the assumption that
personal attitude is a major determinant of driving
behavior and aims to identify the socio-cognitive
determinants of driving disorders in response to the
lack of road safety research in Pakistan. It should be
noted that this study uses multiple methods taken
from the three studies that have been conducted.
Study 1, a qualitative study, uses interviews and
the results provide a general understanding of road
safety issues in Pakistan. Study 2, a quantitative
study, used the results of Study 1 to produce a
modified Attitudinal Questionnaire (AQ) inspired by
The Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB:
Ajzen 1991), and a modified Driver Behavior
Questionnaire (DBQ: Lawton et al. 1997). This stage
focuses on deliberate traffic violations. Study 3, real-
world driving behavior from a sample of drivers taken
from four observed clusters using the Wiener
Fahrprobe technique (WF: Risser 1985). The results
of the research collectively indicate that the driver's
behavior is interpreted based on the attitudes and
characteristics of the sociodemographic and driving
environment. In particular, the strongest determinants
of driver behavior in Pakistan are attitudes towards
law enforcement and compliance with regulations. In
particular, the results of the study also show that there
is a negative effect of increasing the welfare of
women and students on driving behavior. The
limitation of this study relates to taking the ideal
number of samples. This is due to political instability
and safety risks from the author during the data
collection process. This research also needs more
support from empirical facts to provide conclusive
policy recommendations.
Paper by McIlroy et al (2019) explores the
relationship between pedestrian behavior and traffic
safety attitudes in six countries. The main objectives
of the research presented here are twofold; first,
assessing differences in attitudes towards rule
breaking or risky on-road behavior in several
countries. Research was carried out in Bangladesh,
China, Kenya, Thailand, England, and Vietnam.
Second, to investigate the relationship between self-
reported pedestrian attitudes and behavior, and to find
out whether there are differences in the relationship
between pedestrian attitudes and behavior across the
countries investigated. This study shows that attitudes
towards traffic rule violations and traffic behavior are
significantly at risk with pedestrian behavior in
Bangladesh, China, Kenya, Thailand, UK, and
Vietnam. The results also show that this relationship
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
is stronger in some countries than in others; in Kenya
in particular, traffic safety attitudes explain variance
in behavior to a much lower degree, while in China
the relationship is significantly stronger than in other
countries. These results apply to all three behavioral
factors analyzed, namely intentional rule violation,
aggressive behavior, and memory or attention lapses.
These results were found by controlling for variables
for age, sex, and exposure to the road system. These
factors were also shown to have different effects on
behavior in the six countries studied. In particular, the
results suggest that age and gender are stronger
predictors of pedestrian behavior in Kenya and the
UK than in other countries. The most significant
limitation for this study was found in the sample.
First, bias towards younger, more educated, and
apparently more affluent populations, particularly in
the Bangladesh, China, and Kenya samples. Another
limitation in this study is that it does not consider the
choice of transportation mode of respondents in these
six countries.
Nordfjærn et al (2011) investigated cross-cultural
differences in road traffic risk perception, risk
sensitivity and willingness to risk in Norway, Russia,
India, Ghana, Tanzania, and Uganda. This study also
examined differences in driver attitudes and behavior.
An additional objective is to test whether risk
constructs and driver attitudes explain the variation in
risky driver behavior in these countries. This study
used a survey method (questionnaire) with random
sampling in Norway and used stratified random
sampling in five other countries. Norwegians report
safer attitudes about drinking and driving and
speeding in road traffic. These respondents also
reported lower seat belt use and frequency of drinking
and driving than the remaining subsample.
Respondents from Sub- Saharan Africa reported
higher perceptions of road traffic risk and risk
sensitivity than respondents from Norway, Russia,
and India. Respondents from Tanzania reported the
highest willingness to take risks both in traffic and in
general. Respondents from Sub-Saharan Africa and
India reported safer attitudes related to speaking to
unsafe drivers, violating rules and sanctions, attitudes
toward pedestrians, and knowledge of traffic
regulations. Respondents from Sub-Saharan Africa
also reported more cautious behavior and reduced
speeding. The driver behavior prediction model
explains the satisfactory number of variants in
Norway, Russia, and India, but is not suitable in
African countries. The limitation in this study is the
process of collecting data using a random sample. For
countries with large populations, namely Russia and
India, this is difficult. This difficulty is also found in
countries with poor economic conditions because
many of the population are illiterate, so that
questionnaires must be distributed using interview
2.2 Road Safety
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2009
concerning Road Traffic and Transportation defines
Safety of Traffic and Road Transportation as a
condition to protect everyone from the risk of
accidents during traffic that can be caused by humans,
vehicles, roads and / or the environment. (Law No 22,
2009). The direct target of Traffic Safety according to
Siregar (2014) is to reduce the number of traffic
accidents involving either cars or motorbikes or other
types of vehicles and all road users including drivers,
public vehicle passengers, and pedestrians and reduce
the severity caused by accidents to victims of traffic
accident Based on Law Number 22 of 2009, the
Traffic Police has responsibility for road traffic and
transportation safety. This law aims to develop and
regulate a land transportation system that is safe,
comfortable, orderly and smooth through: the flow of
vehicles, people and / or goods on the road, use of
traffic, road transportation infrastructure and
facilities, activities related to registration and
identification. motor vehicles and drivers, traffic
education, traffic management and engineering,
traffic law enforcement and road transport (Law No.
22, 2009).
Eusofe, Evdorides, (2017): study the existing
organizational arrangements for regulating road
safety in Malaysia systematically. This study focuses
on road safety financing to provide an insight into
whether financing factors can affect the level of
effectiveness and efficiency of road safety
regulations. This study uses an exploratory approach
in the form of semi-structured interviews.
Respondents who are the source of the data are key
positions in road safety management, for example
policy makers from various government
organizations, representatives from the private sector
and representatives from universities. The study
concludes that all interested parties agreeing to the
road safety plan for 2006-2010 cannot achieve its
Attitudes Towards Traffic Safety Worldwide
(2016) by Sucha, Viktorova and Risser aim to
contribute to traffic safety by gaining an
understanding of the differences in traffic cultures in
countries around the world, to explore and understand
the needs regarding traffic safety in various countries
around the world and their implications for the safety
Road User Attitude and Road Safety
situation objective traffic. This study uses a simple
three-question questionnaire that focuses on beliefs
and opinions about traffic safety and is analyzed
quantitatively and qualitatively. The results show
major differences in the traffic safety cultures adopted
by different countries. People from countries with
poorer traffic safety records tended to underline the
importance of traffic safety, then found no evidence
of a link between the country's economic
performance, traffic safety culture standards and the
Traffic Safety Index.
Wegman (2017): The future of road safety: A
worldwide perspective provides a review for the
future of road safety in the world. With the
descriptive analysis he conducted on various data and
reports he found that The future of road safety is
uncertain, and definitely not the same for all regions
of the world, countries with a mature road safety
approach-and an ambition to make further progress-
are expected to move in the direction of a Safe System
As a formula for road safety, it can be concluded
that the purpose of traffic activities and driving on the
highway is to protect everyone from the risk of
accidents caused by humans, vehicles, roads and / or
the environment. Traffic safety and the occurrence of
traffic accidents on the highway will involve human
factors, motorized vehicles both motorbikes and cars
as well as environmental conditions or the road used.
The human factor that is discussed in this case is the
attitude towards traffic safety. Attitudes towards
traffic safety include understanding and paying
attention to traffic regulations, attitudes in driving
which include the use of safety belts, speed control,
avoiding the use of cell phones and motion sickness
while driving and attitudes towards other road users.
To formulate policies related to traffic safety, various
interested parties can be involved in achieving road
safety objectives.
2.3 Related Model and Theory
2.3.1 Theory of Planned Behaviour
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) intends to explain
all behaviors in which people can control themselves.
The main component of this theory is behavioral
intention; Behavioral intention is influenced by
attitudes about the likelihood that the behavior will
have the desired results and benefit from those results.
TPB consists of six constructs that simultaneously
control a person over the behavior. These constructs
include attitudes, behavioral intentions, subjective
norms, social norms, perceptions of power, and
perceived behavioral control (LaMorte, 2019).
Nordfjærn et al (2011) have suggested that the theory
of planned behavior (Ajzen and Fishbein 1980) is a
theory that is more widely tested in psychology
related to road traffic (Iversen and Rundmo 2004;
Nabi et al. 2007; Nordfjærn, Jørgensen, and Rundmo
2010; Poulter et al. 2008). The studies cited
consistently show that a person's attitude towards
road traffic safety predicts how far they will behave
cautiously or neglect in traffic. Sheeran, Norman, and
Orbell (1999) according to Nordfjærn et al (2011),
suggest that attitude can be a stronger predictor of
behavior than other predictor variables in the theory
of planned behavior
2.3.2 The Health Believe Model
The Health Belief Model (HBM) was developed in
the early 1950's by social experts at a health care
center in the US. There are six constructs of this
model consisting of: perceived sensitivity, perceived
difficulties, perceived benefits, perceived constraints,
cues to act and the ability to heal (LaMorte, 2019).
Health belief models were developed with the aim of
explaining and predicting health-related behaviors,
particularly those related to the uptake of health
services. HBM has been used to develop actions that
can effectively change behavior. Actions taken
relating to individuals related to various behaviors to
reduce the risk of certain diseases.
Nordfjærn et al (2011) used this model in a study
aimed to examine intercultural differences in road
traffic risk perceptions, sensitivity to risk and risk
appetite in Norway, Russia, India, Ghana, Tanzania
and Uganda to differences in driver attitudes and
driver behavior, and to test whether risk constructs
and driver attitudes can explain the types of risky
driver behavior in the countries studied. Nordfjærn et
al noted that, the health behavior model explains that
perceptions of risk have an impact on risky behavior
(Weinstein 1988; Wilde 1982). The results of this
study highlight that a model that uses risk perception,
demographic characteristics, and road traffic attitudes
to predict driver behavior has a satisfactory fit in
Norway. The results suggest that precautions should
be taken in low-income countries to reduce the risk of
road traffic in these countries.
Ram and Chand (2016) also used this model in
their paper: The effect of driver risk perception and
driving duty perception on road safety attitudes. Their
study aims to explore the influence of driver risk
perception and driving duty perception on road safety
attitudes. This paper discusses two theories that
ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
explain how risk perceptions influence
attitudes/behavior. By understanding health risks
such as in the case of smoking, HIV-AIDS disease or
others, one can adopt positive behaviors in the form
of prevention (Health Belief Model and prevention
adoption process). This study resulted in a positive
and significant relationship between perceptions of
driver risk and perceptions of driving duty and found
that these two perceptions significantly influence
driver attitudes towards road safety.
2.3.3 Personality–Attitudes–Risky Driving
Behavior’ Model of Ulleberg and
Ulleberg and Rundmo (Pa˚ l Ulleberg, 2003),
conducted a study aimed at examining the importance
of social cognitive variables and traits in relation to
risky driving behavior. This study found that attitudes
towards traffic safety were the only variable that was
causally related to risky driving behavior. Based on
these findings, it can be concluded that a person's
personality indirectly affects risky driving behavior.
This model explains that attitudes are influenced by
altruism, anxiety, violation of norms, seeking
sensation and assault. Meanwhile, attitudes in traffic
in this model include traffic flow, obeying rules,
speed and driving pleasure.
From the discussion of theories and models in the
previous section, namely Planned Behavior theory,
Health Belief Model and Personality Model -
Attitudes - Risk-Driving Behavior provides an
explanation that can be used as a basis for analyzing
the attitudes of road users and their relationship with
traffic safety. Studies that use this theory and model
conclude that there are constructs behind certain
behaviors, especially those related to one's attitude
towards road safety. These theories and models were
previously used in the fields of health and social
psychology, but later evolved into various other fields
of science.
From the studies discussed above, it can be concluded
that humans are the main factor in traffic safety.
Particularly in Indonesia, 61% of the causes of
traffic accidents are caused by human factors, the rest
is due to facilities and environmental factors related
to road safety. Research on the attitudes of road users
and their relation to traffic safety is not widely found
in Indonesia. There are several papers producued
from the final project and research conducted
descriptively and literature review. Previous research
referred to in this paper on traffic safety and attitudes
was carried out in Malaysia, Pakistan and in several
European and Asian countries. For example, research
related to attitudes and traffic safety was conducted to
compare conditions in high-income countries with
low- income countries. From the literature discussed,
it can be seen about the understanding of attitudes and
approaches or instruments used to measure attitudes.
The research results that have been discussed
previously also show that traffic safety is a concern of
every country in the world, this is due to the high
number of accidents that take victims of all ages. In
Indonesia, written rules regarding traffic safety are
contained in Law Number 22 of 2009. In general, it
has also been stated that traffic safety is realized not
only through regulations but also by developing and
regulating a land transportation system that is safe,
comfortable, orderly, and smooth. The most widely
used research methods to measure road safety are
simulation models, interviews, and surveys. An
aspect that is heavily highlighted is the ability of road
users to understand the rules and policies set for road
users. The results found in this study highlight many
aspects of road safety management. Theory of
Planned Behavior is a reference theory in evaluating
attitudes regarding road user behavior. The Ulleberg
and Rundmo Models of Health Behavior and
Personality - Attitudes - Risky Driving Behaviors are
also used as a reference for observing and measuring
attitudes related to road safety.
Annisa Jusuf, Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio & Arya
Prihutama, Macro Data Analysis of Traffic Accidents
in Indonesia, J. Eng. Technol. Sci., Vol. 49, No. 1,
2017, 132-143, ITB Journal Publisher, 2017
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Besar Bahasa Indonesia,
Cambridge Dictionary, Cynthia Febrina
Maharani, 2018, “Current Practice, Attitude, and
Behaviour towards Road Safety Behaviour among the
Drivers in Jakarta, Indonesia” in International
Conference of Occupational Health and Safety
(ICOHS-2017), KnE Life Sciences, pages 88–97. DOI
Evelyn Murphy. 2019, Global status report on road safety:
The Southeast Asia Story, ITF/UNESCAP Supporting
Traffic Safety Information System of Countries in
Southeast Asia, WHO
Feti Rakhmani, 2013, Kepatuhan Remaja Dalam Berlalu
Lintas, Sociodev, Jurnal S-1 Ilmu Sosiatri Volume
Nomor 1, April
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ICAESS 2020 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science