provided, the higher the customer loyalty will be.
This can be seen from the low-interest rates given by
credit products that make customers loyal. (3) User
experience and product quality jointly affect
customer loyalty. Guna Bhakti BJB Batam credit
products. This is evidenced by the F count value of
30,930 with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05,
which means that if the two variables are
simultaneously increased, customer loyalty will also
increase. This can be seen from the function and
usefulness of the product and the low interest given
by the Bank. So that it will increase customer loyalty
to the product.
5.2 Recommendation
Based on the conclusions above, it is suggested
several things as follows:
A. Practical Recommendation
(1). User Experience towards guna bhakti loan
customer loyalty to BJB Batam is good enough, so it
is expected that the guna bhakti BJB credit product
and bank officers can maintain and improve the
service and quality of the product. (2) The quality of
the product towards the customer loyalty of guna
bhakti credit to BJB Batam is quite good, so it is
hoped that the product of BJB guna bhakti credit and
bank officers can maintain and improve the service
and quality of the product. (3) BJB Batam must make
innovations by the times and technology in a
pandemic situation like this in product development
and promotion because in the Batam area various
types of new banks have started to emerge.
B. Theoretical Recommendation
The independent and intermediate variables in this
study are very important in influencing customer
loyalty so that it is hoped that the results of this study
can be used as a reference for further researchers to
develop other research by considering other variables
that can affect customer loyalty. As well as using
other research objects. This aims to obtain more
varied research results.
Acknowledgments are addressed to Batam State
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