Students cannot solve real-life problems correctly
because they do not know how to integrate multiple
disciplines. STEM education can increase students'
problem- solving skills by applying integrated multi-
discipline concepts. This skill could be perceived by
using an assessment that are provided by a rubric.
Therefore, the teacher needs to have a valid rubric to
improve students' real-life problem-solving skills in
STEM education. Thus, the teacher can advance their
learning methodology to enhance students' problem-
solving skills.
A rubric should contain four components, such as
identifying the problem, creating a plan of solution
for solving the problem, evaluating the solution, and
communicating the solution. The steps of rubric
validation are a revision by more than two experts in
the same and different fields and testing the rubric.
Teachers can use the rubric after the rubric is proved
that it is valid and reliable to analyze students' real-
world problem-solving skills in STEM education.
In contrast, there is a lack of information about
how significant the impact of using a valid rubric in
STEM education to improve students' problem-
solving. Therefore, there could be future research to
measure the improvement of students' real- life
problem-solving skills in STEM education. It could
be research about the students' interest in STEM
education based on the results of the assessment by
using a valid rubric. The teacher can analyze whether
students can solve the real-world problem step by step
based on the correct rubric. After that, teachers can
give feedback to the students; then, students will
know their ability and increase their skills in problem-
solving. Without the rubric, the teacher could not
analyze students' problem-solving skills accurately
because there is no indicator of problem-solving
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