information systems will be influenced by the
benefits and ease of use variables, both of which have
high determinants and empirically tested validity.
TAM believes that the use of information systems can
improve the performance of individuals or
organization, in addition, the use of information
systems is easier to use. According to the TAM
model, perceived benefits and perceived ease of use
determine an individual's attitude, which will
determine an individual's intention to use a system.
2.1.2 The Counstructivsm Learning Theory
Brune (1966) states that the concept of the theory of
constructivism is an active process of students in
building new ideas according to present and past
knowledge. Constructivism is an extremely broad
theory, has aspects such as social, physical,
evolutionary, information, processing, Murphy
(1997). Constructivism theory focuses on creating a
learning environment that is centred on students in
what they learn. Learners are actively involved in the
learning process supported by existing infrastructure.
One of the main features of the theory of
constructivism is motivation and satisfaction in
learning, Hein, (1991). This research is also based on
constructivism learning theory, how students have
knowledge by using a system and can feel satisfaction
with the system.
2.2 Literature Review
Research on the use of e-learning and mobile learning
has been widely studied before. An explanation of the
previous research will be discussed in the literature
review. Previous research, Basidious & Lange,
(2009) examined the impact and use of information
and communication technology on accounting
student learning outcomes. The results of this
research that the existence of information and
communication technology makes accounting
students do not understand well.
Dimitrios, Labros, Nikolaos, Maria, & Athanasios
(2013) which identifies and presents views on the
teaching of accounting internationally using
information and communication technology (ICT).
The results of these studies are students prefer
teaching methods that are centered by personalized
instructors. Students recommend that the internet and
various computer programs, simulations, case studies
in real and virtual work environments become tools
supporting traditional methods rather than being the
main tool.
Research Tîrziua & Vrabie, (2015) aims to
provide a framework for teachers to interact with
electronic good to students. The results of the study
are effective for presenting face-to-face material in an
online environment that makes students achieve
higher levels of learning satisfaction and more
understanding of the subject matter.
Research on e-learning using mobile researched
by Alqahtani & Mohammad, (2015). The research
sample used 118 students from Computer Science and
Information Systems in Higher Education at Al Imam
Muhammed Bin Saud Islamic University. The results
of this study indicate there is a positive relationship
between mobile applications and perceptions of
performance, satisfaction and behavior of students
Research Aparicio, Bacao, & Oliveira, (2017)
proposes a theoretical model of learning grit as a
determinant of the success of e-learning systems. The
results of the study indicate that grit has a positive
effect on individual student satisfaction and
performance, enhance e-learning strategies and
understand e-learning success. Research Cidral,
Oliveira, Felice, & Aparicio, (2018) that shows
understanding of satisfaction, use, and success in e-
learning at universities in Brazil. The results of the
study indicate that the use and satisfaction of e-
learning users are interdependent, and both have a
significant effect on individual performance. The
success of e-learning in Brazil has a positive impact.
Research Sulaiman & Dashti, (2018) regarding
satisfaction and factors of using Mobile Learning
(ML), shows the results that female students and
Kuwaiti nationality students are more satisfied with
ML for education compared to students who are not
Kuwaiti nationals. The factors used to predict student
satisfaction are user convenience, internet speed,
smartphone portability and layout design. Research
Sarker, Mahmud, Islam, & Islam, (2019) critically
examines the appropriateness of the application of
effective e- learning through Learning Management
Systems (LMS) in Bangladeshi educational
institutions. The results of the study showed that most
students were very enthusiastic about e-learning.
Research related to the topic of e-learning in
Indonesia was conducted by Karwati, (2014) who
analyzed how electronic learning in FKIP UNINUS,
how the quality of learning in FKIP UNINUS, and to
find out whether electronic learning affects the
quality of student learning in FKIP UNINUS. The
results showed that e-learning had a significant and
positive effect on the quality of student learning.
Research Fauziah & Sembiring, (2017) shows that
learning using e-learning with user convenience,