electroencephalogram (EEG) led to a new research-
able area. The EEG can be used to process almost all
sorts of physical or behavioural activities. Also, EEG
can report a person’s central nervous system activity
through a driving task and evaluate the consciousness
and attention levels to prevent the possible risk. The
following technique is non-invasive and requires the
electrodes placing on the scalp.
An electroencephalography-based sleepiness
detection system (ESDS) evaluates a subject’s
drowsiness range through brain activity. The main
focus of ESDS research is to inhibit sleepiness-related
accidents. (Balandong et al., 2018). EEG is primarily
used to monitor the variations of brain neuro activity
linked with drowsiness because signal changes in
some EEG frequency bands depends on an
individuals concentration. Most existing systems rely
on multi-channel EEG devices, which are expensive
and they require gel for conductivity. A cost- efficient
method is proposed in this research. Single-
channelled NeuroSky dry EEG headset which has the
ability to obtain brain signals as 512Hz sampling rate.
It uses SVM to detect drowsiness for training (Song
et al., 2017). During the activity of drowsiness and
awake states, the relative power of different EEG
bands differ and thus provide important information,
they can be used as features. Frontal, temporal and
parietal regions of the brain show sensitivity to
drowsiness. The EEG headset electrodes Fp1 and O1
must be considered during the study of drowsiness.
(Majumder et al., 2019) The above mentioned papers
suggests how effective electroencephalography can
turn out to be for sleep detection.
Kulkarni, developed a method to detect vehicles
on road using low cost raspberry pi and camera. The
proposed method uses background subtraction
method (Kulkarni and Baligar, 2020) Choudhury,
pro- posed a method to detect cars on the road
efficiently using Haar Cascade, for that two types of
samples shall be required positive and negative; the
positive samples will have the images of cars, and the
negative will have environment samples photos that
car may see on the road. We have employed this
technique in our object detection algorithm.
(Choudhury et al., 2017). Stevan Stevic´, propose an
algorithm for detecting road lanes using Hough
transform and performs and share field testing results,
however Hough trans- form doesn’t work efficiently
on curved lanes (Stevic´ et al., 2020). For this Project,
drowsiness detection is further followed by
emergency parking of the car. Some researches show
a few methodologies related to the performance of
this task, including lane detection. Wu et al. have
proposed a emergency parking system. The system is
based on the spread of the lane markers close to the
vehicle, this helps in determination of the lane
markings (Wu et al., 2019).
Yang et al. have developed a method to detect
road lanes. The first method using SSID was applied
to detect vehicles after that a vehicle tracking method
was used to compute trajectory lines (Yang et al.,
2017). Kuo et al. conducted an image sensor
experiment on a 1/10 miniature car which
manoeuvred in a straight–curve–straight lane and
validated better processing performance before and
after the curves of lane. Within 5 per cent error, the
lane detection algorithm achieves lane detection and
cross track error in live situation, our system is
inspired by this paper for autonomous car parking
(Kuo et al., 2019). The above mentioned papers are
the proof that the introduction of camera in a car, can
lead to an efficient lane detection systems with
minimal cost.
Figure 1: General Block Diagram of Image Processing
SSH, also known as Secure Shell or Secure Socket
Shell, is a network protocol that gives users,
particularly system administrators, a secure way to
access a computer over an unsecured network. In
addition to providing secure network services, SSH
refers to the suite of utilities that implement the SSH
protocol. Secure Shell provides strong password
authentication and public key authentication, as well
as encrypted data communications between two
computers connecting over an open network, such as
the internet. In addition to providing strong
encryption, SSH is widely used by network
administrators for managing systems and applications
remotely, enabling them to log in to another computer
over a network, execute commands and move files
from one computer to an- other (Rouse, 2020).
Bablani et al. used KNN for EEG classification.
k-Nearest Neighbor classifier is a non-parametric ap-
proach, which classifies a given data point according
to then majority of its neighbors. The KNN algorithm
completes its execution in two steps, first finding the
number of nearest neighbors and second classifying
the data point into particular class using first step. It
chooses nearest k samples from the training set, then
takes majority vote of their class where k should be
an odd number to avoid ambiguity, KNN has been
employed in our system, because of it ability to deal
with non linear data effectively. (Bablani et al., 2018).
The past conducted experiments show that
drowsiness detection using an EEG headset is more
Real-time Drowsiness Detection and Emergency Parking using EEG