The Classification of Ancient Sumerian Characters using
Convolutional Neural Network
Ahmed H. Y. Al-Noori
, Moahaimen Talib
and Jamila Harbi S.
Computer Engineering Department, Al-Nahrain University, Bagdad, Iraq
Computer Science Department, Al-Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq
Keywords: Sumerian Characters, Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Features Extraction.
Abstract: Recently, many sophisticated techniques have been used to classify ancient characters just like Phoenician,
Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Maya glyphs. This paper proposed a new technique based on Convolutional Neural
Network to classify (CNN) characters from Sumerian texts. The work was motivated by the challenges that
faced with the status of Sumerian tablets which some had been broken and distorted by erosion factors. This
technique includes taking the dataset of the Sumerian character's features and apply to these characters. Then,
after initializing the weights for the output neurons, the layers of the CNN are prepared. Finally, the
performance of this network is evaluated. This technique shows significant results and time-consuming.
The Sumerians ancient, one of the greatest ancient of
Mesopotamia, had commonly known for inventing
the first civilizations in the world, building the first
cities, invented the wheel, and use time units.
Furthermore, they represent the first people that use
writing and inventing the writing system. This system
was used to organize their daily life to write a
contract, buying, selling, agricultures, and enacting
laws. This writing is known as Cuneiform writing.
Cuneiform writing was written on clay tablets and
seals by using a wood instrument. The Sumerian
written almost all their history and legends on these
clays. For instant, the legends of their gods and the
way the gods create a human being, the history of
their heroes, and the achievements of their
kings(Kramer, 1963). However, according to the
Archaeologists, the ages of these tablets are return to
30 centuries ago (4500 BC)(Kassian, 2014).
Throughout that history, these tablets are suffered
from too many damages and erosion factors. That
made most of these tablets are distorted and damage.
For decades, many techniques have been used to
extract and classified the characters and symbols in
these tablets. The extraction of these characters is
very important to recover the contents of these tablets
since they are vulnerable to destruction and stolen.
Deep learning including Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNN) represents one of the efficient
techniques used in pattern recognition fields to
recognize the data regularities and patterns. In the
previous work (Talib & Harbi, 2017) Sumerian
characters are extracted from these tablets and put
their texture features into a dataset by using Discrete
Wavelet Transform and Split Region Methods. In this
work, the extracted dataset of the characters features
to recognize these characters by applying CNN. This
process is done by setting and initializing the
parameters of the input characters then preparing
layers of the CNN (input, convolution, subsampling
layers) after initialize the weights for the output
neurons. The demand to extract and understand the
ancient texts (including cuneiform texts) gave
attention to lots of researchers. Edan (2013) design an
algorithm for recognizing cuneiform symbols. This
algorithm is based mainly on K-mean to cluster the
symbols. Then, multi-layer neural networks are
applied to classify the symbol within the same cluster.
Majeed, Beiji, Hiyam, and Jumana (2015) proposed a
method based on the wavelet algorithm to obtain the
text from the Sumerian clay tablet. Yang, Jin, Xie,
and Feng (2015) proposed an approach to enhance
Deep Convolutional Neural Network to recognize
handwritten Chinese characters. This enhancement
including deformation, non-linear normalization,
imaginary strokes, path signature, and 8-directional
features. SASAKI, HORIUCHI, and KATO (2015)
improve the system for recognizing ancient Japanese
characters in order to read ancient documents. They
CNN to extract the features and used a support vector
machine (SVM) to classify these features. On the
other hand,(Tsai, 2016) used a deep convolutional
neural network to classified the three different types
of scripts of handwritten Japanese. This work focuses
on the classification of the type of script, character
recognition within each type of script, and character
recognition across all three types of scripts.
Deep Learning is a field of machine learning that is
used to learn computers to do what can humans able
to do in real life. Exactly just like, when a person
understand and learn from his/her expertise.
Conventional machine learning has algorithms that
use the computations to learn from data or
information directly without depending on predefined
equations to be used as a model. Machine learning
algorithms are widely used in pattern recognition
fields. For instant, face recognition, recognize texts
from audio or videos (speech recognition), and
recognize car numbers from its plates (O'Shea &
Nash, 2015). Furthermore, they are used in smart
technology such as auto-driving of the cars which
used to detecting lights and people crossing the street.
Deep Learning (DL) represents the most efficient
technique since it is providing better performance
than other machine learning algorithms based on the
experimental results. The main behind this is that DL
mimics brain functions. Furthermore, its methods
include multi-layer processing, which can give better
time consuming and high accuracy performance. Sub-
sampling layers give better results, by using CNN and
auto-encoders when their number increased then
better timing and clarity for the images are obtained
(Hijazi, Kumar, & Rowen, 2015). In general, there are
three important types of neural networks that form the
basis for most pre-trained models in deep learning:
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Recurrent Neural
Networks (RNN), and Convolution Neural Networks
(CNN). In the next section, CNN will be discussed in
detail, which is mainly used in this work.
A CNN is known as a special type of neural network
and a main branch of the DL. It represents the best
choice for pattern recognition and specifically in the
image processing area. . A CNN is comprised of one
or more convolutional layers, also sometimes it
contains a subsampling layer and after the
subsampling layer, there are one or more fully
connected layers just like the conventional neural
network (Patterson & Gibson, 2017). The Design of
CNN is based on the mechanism of the visual of the
human, i.e. the cortex of the visually in the brain of a
human. Many cells exist in the cortex of the visually,
these cells have the job of detecting light in sub-
regions that are small or overlapped in the visual area
for the human eye. These areas are known as
receptive areas and the cells on its work as local filters
for input space. Moreover, if the cells have higher
complexity then they will have larger receptive areas.
CNN’s convolution layer represented the function
that is implemented by the visual cortex’s cells
(Patterson & Gibson, 2017).
3.1 Advantage of CNN
Recently, CNN has taken the attention of many
researchers, especially in image processing fields
because of the advantages include within it. These
advantages can be summarized as follows(Hijazi et
al., 2015):
1. Ruggedness to Shifts and Distortion in the
Image: the detection with using CNN is rugged
to distortions for example change in shape due
to camera lens, different lighting conditions,
different poses, presence of partial occlusions,
horizontal and vertical shifts, etc.
2. Fewer Memory Requirements: Theoretically,
the fully connected layers can be used to have
all the features to be extracted, for example, If
an image of size 32×32 with a hidden that has
1000 features, then 106 coefficients order is
needed, with a very large memory needed.
However, these coefficients will be used in
several locations across space in the
convolutional layer, this will lead to reducing
the memory usage drastically.
3. Easier and Better Training: In CNN, the
number of parameters is reduced drastically.
Which make CNN better time consuming when
compared with the traditional neural network. In
addition, if a neural network is built and try to
make it equivalent to CNN, then the standard
neural network may have more noise while
training due it has parameters more than the
CNN, and its performance is less than the CNN.
3.2 CNN Architecture
In general, CNN consist of three different layer types.
These layers are convolution, pooling, and fully
connected layers. If the mentioned layers are stacked
together then the CNN architecture has been formed.
Figure 1 illustrates the main layers of simple CNN.
Figure 1: Layers of simple CNN architecture.
The basic functionality of this CNN can be classified
into the following areas:
1. As found in other forms of Neural Network,
the input layer will take the pixel values of
the image.
2. The convolutional layer will determine the
output of neurons of which are connected to
local regions of the input through the
calculation of the scalar product between
their weights and the region connected to the
input volume. The rectified linear unit
(ReLu) aims to apply an ’elementwise’
activation function such as sigmoid to the
output of the activation produced by the
previous layer.
3. The pooling layer will then simply perform
down sampling along the spatial
dimensionality of the given input.
Furthermore, the number of parameters
within that activation is reduced.
4. The fully-connected layers will then perform
the same duties found in standard Neural
Networks and attempt to produce class
scores from the activations, in order to be
used for classification. Also, it is suggested
that ReLu can be used between these layers
to improve performance.
As mention before, the CNN technique is very
efficient in pattern recognition fields in general and
especially what is concerned with image processing.
It can perform effective work for classifying the
extracted characters according to their features.
Furthermore, contrary to other machine learning,
CNN has the ability to extract the features from a
character without the requirement to feature
extraction pre-process. For that reason, and based on
their efficiency in classification, CNN has been
chosen in work.
In order to help with classifying the extracted
Sumerian characters, the following algorithm is
1. Creates and Initializes All of the
Parameters for a CNN: The layers of the
CNN should be initialized and prepared. To
do that, the structure array containing three
layers (The Input layer, convolution layer,
and the subsampling layer0 must be
prepared for this purpose.
2. Perform an Evaluation of the Current
Network on the Training Batch: After
finishing the setting of the parameters, the
size of each character must be stored in a
matrix. Then, create a structure array that
includes variables that need to be used by the
layers of CNN.
3. Calculate Gradients using Back-
propagation: Creating some fields in the
array of the CNN. These fields will be used
in calculating the gradients. This is required
to define the outputs for each field and
consider that only the convolution layer will
have a sigma function value. Then, taking
the size of one field value of the structure of
the CNN, and multiplying it with later field
value. Finally rotating the output value to be
used in the next step.
4. Update the Parameters by Applying the
Gradients: Checking each convolutional
layer and update each field in it. Then, the
feed-forward field and backward fields are
Figure 2 illustrates the main steps of the proposed
Figure 2: The proposed algorithm for Sumerian characters
5.1 Setup and Evaluation
The proposed algorithm was tested by using Matlab
2015b. The Sumerian characters are extracted from
images of 20 tablets. These images are collected from
the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) at
Cornell University(cdli, 2017) as demonstrated in
Figure 3. According to this figure, the first image
represents the input image of the tablet. The second
and third represent the wavelet and inverse wavelet
images respectively. The fifth image represents the
output of the proposed algorithm using CNN
techniques. the sixth image represents the mean
square error(MSE) for the output.
Figure 3: The Input /Output of the proposed algorithm.
In order to evaluate the performance of the
the confusion matrix has been used. The
Confusion matrix is a two by two table that contains
four outcomes (true positive TP, true negative TN,
false-positive FP, and false-negative FN) produced by
a classifier (Table 1). These outcomes represent
essential performance measures, which are accuracy,
specificity, and sensitivity. These performance
measures can be derived directly from the confusion
matrix. Figure (4) demonstrates a plot of the
confusion matrix, which has rows and columns and
diagonal cells for a confusion matrix. The rows stand
for the predicted class (the Output Class). While the
columns stand for the true class (The Target Class).
Figure 4: The plot of the confusion matrix.
In order to know how many or what is the
percentage that the trained network examples had
correctly estimated their classes by observing, the
diagonal cells should be observed. In this figure, it
shows performance with 100%. Table 1 shows the
results of the confusion matrix where:
TN is the number of correct predictions that an
instance is negative,
FN is the number of incorrect predictions that an
instance is positive,
TP is the number of incorrect of predictions that
an instance negative,
FP is the number of correct predictions that an
instance is positive.
Table 1: Confusion Matrix.
Confusion matrix Predicted
Negative Negative
Actual Negative TN=0 FP=0
Positive FN=0 TP=100%
Finally, the measurement of each sensitivity (the
probability that has a condition of the identification’s
test that the correct-characters are correct-characters),
specificity (the probability that has a condition of the
identification’s test for the not correct-characters
witch are not correct-characters), and accuracy are
100% for each. That means only the correct-
characters are classified and resulted from the system,
While e, not correct-characters are didn’t resulted
from the system. These measurements are checked by
visually comparing with the correct-charters dataset
in Figure 5 and the resulted correct-characters in
Figure 6.
Figure 5: The dataset of the images of the correct-
Figure 6: The correct resulted characters from the tablet
5.2 Result and Discussion
In this section, a comparison has been made between
the proposed system(CNN based system) and the
Ancient Cuneiform Text Extraction based on
Automatic Wavelet Selection (ACTEBWS) (Majeed
et al., 2015). This comparison can be summarized in
the following point:
1. The proposed system takes 20 CDLI (cdli,
2017) images as input, while the ACTEBWS
only one image as an input has been taken.
2. In both systems, the Wavelet transform has
been applied.
3. The proposed system applies Region
Splitting to extract characters from each
tablet images, while the ACTEBWS extracts
the whole text from the tablet without the
ability to split each character separately.
4. The proposed system consume less time in
handling one image and extracts characters
from the tablet image. On the other hand,
ACTEBWS consumes more time for the
same image without the ability to extracting
characters from each image.
5. The proposed system builds its dataset based
on the correct Sumerian characters and the
incorrect characters at the same time.
6. The usage of deep learning-based CNN in
the proposed system gives the high
performance of classification. Furthermore,
CNN has the ability to extract features
directly from the image without the required
feature extraction pre-process.
7. The proposed system has achieved a 100%
recognition rate when compare with
ACTEBWS, which is not achieved this rate.
Figure 7 illustrates the difference between the
extraction processes of two systems, where the
images in the second column represent the input
images while images of the third column represent
the output of both systems.
Figure 7: The comparison between ACTEBWS and the
proposed system.
In this paper, a proposed system including a deep
learning-based convolutional neural network (CNN)
has been used to extract and classified cuneiform
characters from the Sumerian tablets. The proposed
system achieves high classification performance with
high accuracy recognition for each extracted
character, especially when compared with other
systems. Furthermore, the system shows high
accuracy for the extracted character when it is
matching with the reference of cuneiform corrected
characters. For future work, we suggest applying the
proposed system to other ancient and complex
characters just like Assyrian cuneiform or
hieroglyphics charters.
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