The concept of employment or unemployment was
introduced for the first time by the theory of
unemployment attribute to Arthur Cecil Pigou (1933)
and updated by Robert M. Solow (1980) (Solow,
1980). Also, the theory of employment was attributed
to John Maynard Keynes, published in 1936 (Keynes
and Press, 2019), who defines that the employment is
determined not by the price of labour, as in classical
economics, but by the level of aggregate demand. In
1944, "Full employment" as a qualification of
employment, in the context of after second world war,
it's defined as "a theoretical level of unemployment
where only those who are unable to work, or who are
temporarily changing jobs, are considered
unemployed". In 1958, Alban Phillips (Phillips,
1958) established the relationship between the rate of
inflation and the rate of unemployment: when the
unemployment rate fell, wages rose, and companies
raised prices to restore their margins; conversely,
prices fall when unemployment increases. After this
Keynesian view of employment, in 1968, Milton
Friedman and Edmund Phelps introduce a new
attribute for employment, defined as: "natural rate of
unemployment" (Maurice, 1964), for Friedman and
Edmund, the employment is related to monetary
circulation and production (Phelps, 1968). In 1999,
International Labour Organization (ILO) (ILO,
1999),(Burchell et al., 2014) proposed a new
redefinition of the concept of "Quality of
Employment" or "Decent Work", as the respects
the fundamental rights of the human person as well as
the rights of workers in terms of conditions of work
safety and remuneration.
Concerning the employability and according to
authors (Deacken, 2015; Gazier, 1990; McQuaid and
Lindsay, 2005; Zgoulli-Swalhi, 2014), this concept
was introduced in United-Kingdom and USA, in 1900
and 1930 respectively. The first definition for
employability was the capability of an individual to
integrate job market. In the 1960s, this definition will
evolve the aptitude of an individual to work according
to her functional test. In the 1970s, the employability
became the attractivity of an individual for potential
employers, appreciated by the result of functional
tests, the ability to work and professional behaviours.
With this definition, we distingue two meaning of the
employability, the first one is conditioned by the
labour market and the second one, related to personal
characteristics. In the 1980s, according to the
Canadian Labour Force Development Board
(Zgoulli-Swalhi, 2014), the employability is the
capacity of an individual to achieve meaningful
employment given the interaction of personal
circumstances. In the 2000s, the definition of
employability will integrate other attributes as
mobility and knowledge of the labour market.
After this brief chronological introduction to
"Employment" and "Employability", we can
conclude that employment is a concept related to the
macroeconomic context. However, the employability
is related to both individual attributes and economic
Our purpose is to focus on the position that data
mining techniques could occupy in the service of the
employment and employability of young university
graduates in Morocco. We have conducted this
review in September 2020.
To elaborate our works, the keywords chosen are:
"employability", "employment", "unemployment",
"Morocco", in both languages "English" and
We perform those requests in scientific databases
and repositories: IMIST, Scopus, IEEE,Cairn.info,
ScienceDirect, International Labour Organization
Publication and Google Scholar. After extraction of
references, the Zotero database contains 186
references, which will be analyzed by NVIVO. In the
first step, we construct a text analysis to elaborate a
word cloud for each corpus (french and English) and
create codes for "Employment", "Unemployment"
and "Employability". Then we generate a crosstable
to identify what references related to nodes. Finally,
we extract all characteristics from NVIVO to SPSS
and elaborate our meta-analysis by sources, type of
references, language, authors, publications, year of
After this first part of our analysis, we go to
discuss all Empirical studies: quantitative and
qualitative, to identify what Data mining algorithms
use the authors to analyze and present their results.
5.1 Languages
We constitute our corpus by 186 references in both
language English and French. The proportionality of
french bibliography (70, 97%) is more than English