Ultrasound Imaging: Beamforming Techniques
Soufiane Dangoury
, Mohammed Sadik
, Abdelhakim Alali
and Saad Abouzahir
High School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (ENSEM) - Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco
Ben Mโ€™Sik faculty of Science - Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco
Keywords: Ultrasound imaging, Spatial resolution, Beamforming, DAS, DMAS, MV.
Abstract: Ultrasound medical imaging continues to progress and allows practitioners to have a fundamental tool to make
a good diagnosis and be able to take the best decisions for different medical fields and contributes to the
improvement of the medical examination of different diseases. Researchers continue to develop approaches
to improve the quality of the ultrasound image. Images generated by the ultrasound system requires high
spatial resolutions for a better detection of the organs boundaries. However, images generated by the system
suffers from artefacts (e.g. side lobs, grate lobs. etc) which negatively impact the quality of the ultrasound
image. Several approaches have been proposed to enhance the spatial resolutions; however, their
performances differ depending on the degree of artefacts. In this paper we present three methods of
beamforming which has a serious role in the process of US image generation. The first one concern delay-
and-sum (DAS) algorithm which is the most commonly used as beamformer , the second is an extension of
DAS (DMAS: Delay Multiply and Sum) and the last one is MVB ( Minimum Variance Beamforming) technic.
the results show the difference between the three beamforming methods. We try in this work to identify
thehiglights and limits of each of these methods.
Ultrasound medical imaging is an imaging technique
for exploring the inner structures of the human body.
Up to date, several sophisticated imaging techniques
has been developed to provide better quality images.
Indeed, ultrasound is still used due to its simplicity
and safety for practitioners and patients as it does not
rely on ionizing radiation and has no negative impact
on vital organs. However, the drawbacks of the
ultrasound imaging reside in the quality of the signal
which suffer from artefacts, and its accuracy depends
on the skills of the practitioner. Several works have
been carried out to improve the quality of the
ultrasound image.
The delay and sum (DAS) technic is a part of non-
adaptive beamformer, it improves the resolution
easily around the focal point but with a greater depth,
the method becomes ineffective, because of off-axis
interference (Hoskins, 2010).
Authors in (Holfort, Gran & Jensen, 2009)
propose an adaptive beamformer technic to overcome
the depth issues as the minimum variance
beamforming (MVB); their approach relies on the
reduction of the interference, but it has also its limits,
the SNR of the received signals decrease.
Authors in (Haji and al, 2018) take advantage of
the promising results of MV for harmonic imaging.
The authors in (Nguyen and Prager, 2016) show
that bidirectional pixel-based focusing (BiPBF) leads
to improve the SNR of the image signals especially in
the regions far from the focal points; this improves
the contrast of the
Authors in (Asl and Deylami, 2018), propose a
method based
on dominant mode rejection (DMR),
that approximate the covariance matrix using only
some of the largest dominant modes in the dominant
subspace; this method does not need a full matrix
inversion which reduces the computation realized in
normal case of the minimum variance beamforming
(MVB) but with closed results. In (Matrone, and al,
2015) propose a non-adaptive method which slightly
similar to DAS, the Delay-Multiply-And-Sum
(DMAS) provides an interest point spread function
than DAS.
Our contribution in this paper consists of a
comparing of three mostly used methods in US
imaging (DAS, DMAS and MV) and show their
advantage and limits. We use, in this study, some
metrics like FWHM end PSL to evaluate these
methods graphically.
This paper is organized as follows: In section II,
we explain the basic concept of beamforming by
focusing on the DAS method. Section III will be
dedicated to the presentation of the DMAS method.
In section IV, a description of the Minimum Variance
beamforming (MVB) method is given. The section V,
will focus on a discussion of the three methods and
their strengths and weaknesses and limits. And in last
section, we conclude by dressing some issues for next
exploration explore.
First, the lateral resolution is high when the width of
the beam of ultrasound is narrow (Asl and Deylami,
So, there is a trade-off between the lateral
resolution and the width of the beam. The shape of
the ultrasound beam is important for detecting more
details along all the image depths, but unfortunately,
it is difficult to control easily the beamsโ€™ shape
because the diverges rapidly after being transmit
2.1 Focusing
This technique makes it possible to focus the beam on
one point at a given scan line chosen by the operator
and making the beam very narrow and concentrate
more power on the corresponding points, this is more
likely to increase the lateral resolution considerably
in the chosen region. However, this negatively impact
the frame rate as it is computationally intensive. This
issue can be resolved by shifting the active group of
elements by cancelling one element from one side end
and enabling a new one to the other.
Figure 1: Beam technic principle.
As we can see in Figure 1, all the transmitted
pulses from the active aperture must arrive
simultaneously at one point. This is achieved by
controlling the excitation delay between different
According to (Hoskins, 2010) Among the most
used beamforming methods in commercialized
ultrasound the delay and sum (DAS) beamformer due
the simplicity it presents when setting up which is
simply based on obtaining the radio frequency signal
from different channel by summing them after
applying an appropriate delay.
2.2 Delay and Sum Beamforming
Figure 2: Simplified schematic of DAS.
When we are receiving echo signals from a point
all the receives signals form the active aperture must
be summed together to produce the final signal to the
considered scan line in this same time and we can
achieve that by controlling delay between different
element consist the aperture.
DAS technic beamformer is easy to apply and
robust in noisy environments, meanwhile, it performs
well in real-time ultrasound imaging (Hoskins, 2010).
Although, the resulting signal suffers from trade-off
between the main lobe level and the side lobe width
(Haji and al, 2018). Improving the image quality of
ultrasound system has become the focus of many
researchers in this field (Mohades and al, 2018).
The DAS-beamformed formula is obtained as:
๏ˆบ๐‘ก๏ˆป ๎ตŒ ๎ทŒ ๐‘†
๏ˆบt ๎ต† โˆ†๐‘ก
Where y
is the received signal at the jโ€™th scan;
N is the number of active elements, and ฮ”tj is the
delay time applied to the received signal of the jโ€™th
scan (Jongin and al, 2016).
2.3 Apodization
Apodization is a process of beam forming, it can be
used in both transmit and receive beamforming. This
process consists of giving different weightings to
transmit or received signals from different elements
constituting the active part of the probe (aperture). In
transmitting, an element is excited more than other,
and in receiving one signal is more amplified than the
other. It leads to improve CNR by reducing side-lobe
and clutter but we lose in fitness of the focal zone and
therefore it reduced the lateral resolution, however
several methods has been proposed to solve this
problem like constrained least squares (CLS), dual-
apodization with cross-correlation (DAX) methods
(Jin and Jong, 2014).
Figure 3: A uniform excitation and non-uniform excitation
The Delay Multiply AND Sum (DMAS) method can
be defined as a non-linear beamformer, which consist
of computing the received aperture spatial
autocorrelation. The method was proposed to be used
in ultrasound B-mode imaging as in (Matrone and al,
2016), (Nguyen and Prager, 2016). The method is
also called F-DMAS, because of its role to enhance
the clutter rejection and contrast resolution by
decreasing the pulse-echo beam side lobes and make
narrow the main lobe.
According to (Matrone and al, 2016), its operation
is close to the computation of the aperture spatial
resolution function. DMAS beamforming relies on
the measure of the backscattered signal coherence and
provides enhanced noise rejection and contrast/lateral
resolution compared to the conventional DAS (Jin
and Jong, 2014), (Matrone and al, 2016).
This is an improved version of DAS; it relies on
the same principle to apply delays on the signals
received by different element according to their
geometrical position in the probe to make signals in
phase. In the basic form of DMAS the signals are
multiplied by each other before the summation which
is considered mathematically like an autocorrelation
function. That means, at each time, the spatial cross-
correlation of the received signals acquired by the
active transducers. Which make DMAS beamforming
algorithm a nonlinear method (Matrone and al, 2016).
The DMAS-beamformed formula is obtained as
The number of multiplications that they must be
realized is:
Where Si represent the RF delayed voltage signal
received by the ith transducer and yDAS is the
DMAS-beamformed output. This formula presents a
problem related to the presence of a squared in
dimension signals [Volt] 2.
3.1 Improved Version of (DMAS)
In (Matrone and al, 2016) authors propose to insert
more processing steps into the original DMAS. They
introduce the โ€œequivalent RF-signalโ€ which apply
โ€œsignedโ€ square root to each couple in the summation,
then scale the amplitude of each multiplication term
to similar dimensionality of the RF signal, while
preserving the sign.
๎ตŒ๎ท๎ท๐‘ ฬ‚
๎ตŒ๐‘ ๐‘–๐‘”๐‘›๏ˆบ๐‘ 
๎ตŒ๎ท๐‘ ฬ‚
3.2 Filtered-delay Multiply and Sum
The hBP denotes the bandpass (BP) filter it includes
to operation addition and subtraction of frequency in
the result of the multiplication. Then, after the
multiplication between RF data Si(xi) and Sj(xi), the
frequency bands f0 + f0 = 2f0 and f0- f0 = 0 are
formed. The BP filter reduces the second band while
maintains the first high-frequency band for the
resulting signal of the F-DMAS algorithm (Park and
al, 2016).
All the carried worked in this field aim to eliminate
the interference and noise components from received
signals by applying the beamforming. The pre-
computed weights in the DAS approach are not
capable the reach the goal. The MV beamformer can
delete insignificant signals as it is minimizing the
variance of the beamformer output (Matrone, 2018).
Supposing that y (k) is the delayed signal from a
specific point of the image located at k, which is
recorded by i-th element of an M-element array, in
this case the beamformer output can be written as:
๏ˆบ๐‘ก๎ต† โˆ†
we denote by w(t) = [w1(t);โ€ฆ..;wi(t)]T โˆˆ ๐ถ
the complex vector of beamformer weights, (.)T is
the transpose, (.)H is conjugate transpose, and ฮ”i is
the delay time on the i
transducer to focus at a
specific point in the image.
Minimum variance beamformer optimizes the
power of the output signal while keeping a distortion
less response to the desired signal originating from
the focal point of the receiver.
๐‘น๐’˜ subject to ๐’˜
where R = E[x
] is the M๎ตˆM array covariance
matrix and a is the desired signal steering vector.
The solution is given by
In It should be noted here that in practice, R is
unavailable, hence, the sample covariance matrix
(SCM) is used:
Resulting from N recently received samples is
used in instead of the true covariance matrix (Asl and
Deylami, 2018).
4.1 Additional Factors
In adaptive beamforming techniques, an accurate
estimation of the covariance matrix R and an
enhancement in the contrast is highly standing, then
some common steps are adding to the treatment
4.1.1 Diagonal Loading
Diagonal loading (DL) consists of adding a noise
signal into the sample covariance matrix ๐‘…
it adds a constant to the diagonal values of the
estimated covariance matrix. thereby improves the
stability and to provide robustness to the algorithm.
In this technique ๐‘…
replaced with ๐‘น
๎ต…๐œ€๐‘ฐ where
๐œ€ is the loading factor Commonly, the equations for ฮต
where ๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ๏ˆผ.๏ˆฝ is the trace of the sample covariance
matrix, and the ฮ” is a fixed number.
4.1.2 Time Smoothing
In order to enhance the stability of the sample
covariance matrix ๐‘…
, with the use of the echo data,
that is represented by k, will also add the echo data
around k to calculate ๐‘…
. Thus, the sample covariance
matrix ๐‘…
is defined by as follow:
2K ๎ต…1
where 2K+1 is the echo data number used to build the
sample covariance matrix ๐‘…
. For adaptive
beamforming, the 2K+1 is usually less than the width
of the transmitted ultrasound pulse.
Time smoothing algorithm is equivalent to entire
image smoothing, which will reduce the lateral
resolution. And increased matrix calculations will
greatly improve the computational demand of ๐‘…
, thus,
improving the computing complexity of algorithm.
4.1.3 Coherence Factor Weighting
To attenuate the side-lobe level and improve the
robustness of the beamformer the coherence factor
(CF) weighting considered as useful parameter. CF
technique is an adaptive weighting method. It is
defined as the ratio between the coherent and
incoherent sums obtains in a DAS beamformer.
๎ฏ ๎ญ€๎ฌต
๎ฏ ๎ญ€๎ฌต
where k represent the time index, x๐‘‘(๐‘š, ๐‘˜) is the
received signal at channel m after applying a proper
delays. Thus, the CF is the ratio of main lobe energy
to the total energy, and it is used as an index of
focusing quality (Jensen, 1996).
The value added by using the coherence factor are
between 0 and 1.
The implemented beamforming equation using
the above factors leads to the following equation of
our signal:
In the simulation, height rang of targets were located
at 3.5 mm to 7.5 mm, 0.5 mm between them in the
axial direction. The simulation parameters are
described in Table 1. The input signal was a
sinusoidal wave with 2 cycles. A 96 element 40 MHz
linear array transducer was designed as shown in
Table 1.
The dynamic receiving will be used to keep the f-
number constant (depth of focus in tissue divided by
width of aperture) and that is achieved by expanding
the aperture while the receive focus is advanced and
by this way we keep the lateral resolution constant
along all the foci.
5.1 Description of the Phantom
In the simulation, height rang of targets were located
at 3.5 mm to 7.5 mm, 0.5 mm between them in the
axial direction. The simulation parameters are
described in Table 1. The input signal was a
sinusoidal wave with 2 cycles. A 96 element 40 MHz
linear array transducer was designed as shown in
Table 1
Table 1: Simulation Parameters.
Parameters Value
Total Number of Elements
Number of Elements
Number of Scanlines
Center Frequency [MHz]
Element Pitch [ฮผm]
Speed of Sound [m/s] 1 1500
5.2 B-mode Image
After applying each method onto the received radio
frequency data. The images are then normalized by
itself, after that the envelope of the signal will be
extracted. A log compression is used with a dynamic
range of 60 dB. After passing through this process the
final image of each from the studied methods will be
Figure 4: F-DMAS beamformer block-diagram.
Figure 5: Lateral variation of DAS, DAMS and MV
The performance of the aforementioned techniques is
estimated using the Peak-Side-Lob and Full-Width at
Half Maximum (FWHM) values (PSL), we choice
randomly the depth of 57 mm for the evaluation in
this paper,
Table 2: FWHM and PSL od the different used techniques.
Parameters FWHM
1.53 -2.82
0.98 -15.53
1.23 -2.88
From the lateral resolution we notice clearly that the
minimum variance beamforming shows the good
performance the main-lobe becomes very narrow as
long as the amplitude stays high however DAS
beamforming provides a good amplitude but the
main-lobe is still wide which gives a poor resolution
as we have already described
unfortunately, the DMAS technique shows a poor
performance given the time it takes to give the result.
although the main lobe is very narrow but note to the
huge loss in contrast due to the degradation in terms
of signal amplitude as well as the sidelobes which are
not well attenuated like the case of MV and DAS.
for this paper, the study was limited to the basic
aspect of its methods which can be improved as well
as the use of metrics like FWHM and PSL which
judges very well the different techniques possible in
this field.
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