Systematic Literature Review on Big Data and Data Analytics for
Employment of Youth People: Challenges and Opportunities
Aniss Qostal
, Aniss Moumen
and Younes Lakhrissi
Intelligent Systems, Georesources and Renewable Energies Laboratory (SIGER IN FRENCH),
Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, FST Fez, Morocco
System Engineering Laboratory, National School of Applied Sciences,
Ibn Tofail University Kenitra, Morocco
Keywords: Big Data, Data Analytics, Systematic Literature Review, Labour Market.
Abstract: The emergence of ICT and the digitization wave that has taken place over the past decades has led to an
exponential growth in the data generated - both structured and unstructured -. Opening up a promising path
and a new area of research known as the Big Data (BD) paradigm. Therefore, one of many ways to highlight
the capabilities and potential opportunities offered by the BD is to conduct an exploratory and empirical study
on this subject.
In this paper, we will perform a systematic literature review (SLR) on the potential role of big data and data
analytics as a way to develop the labour market and explore the opportunities for the employment
development. First, we will identify BD's capabilities, areas of influence, and workplace applications. Second,
explore gaps to be filled in order to meet the aspirations of youth job seekers. This layer of society is the most
concerned with the employment issues, moreover, youth people are extremely active on social networks,
generating a huge volume of data which make them a great group for a qualitative and quantitative analysis
in order to define patterns and create opportunities for them.
The employability concept, according to the most
definitions and as described by many literatures,
consists of understand the personality traits,
attributes, skills and qualifications that make a person
more employable for a specific position and perform
specific tasks that meet the needs of the potential
employers (Hillage et al., 1999). For The
Confederation of British Industry (CBI), the
employability is the possession by an individual of
the qualities and competencies required to meet the
changing needs of employers and customers and
thereby help to realize his or her aspirations in the
workplace (McQuaid and Lindsay, 2005).
Furthermore, Groot and Maassen van den Brink
considered the employability as the individual ability
to fulfil a variety of functions in a given labor market.
Another example of this core definition is provided
by Feyter et al who define employability as “the
ability of employees to carry out various tasks and
functions properly” (McQuaid and Lindsay, 2005), In
addition, the International Labour Organization (ILO)
believes that the employability exceeds the ability to
obtain a first job. Rather, it is the development of
capacities and skills that give jobseekers more
flexibility to adapt to the labour market variables, the
ability to ask questions, learn new skills, identify and
assess options and understand rights at work,
including the right to a safe and healthy working
environment (Brewer et al., 2013).
Today, many disciplines, each in its field of
competence, are trying to master the problem of
employability and identify the main causes and
obstacles that prevent youth people and fresh
graduates to easily integrate the job market or finding
jobs corresponding to their skills, as well as help them
to improve their soft and hard skills. Therefore, many
researches(Beaumont et al., 2016), (De Mauro et al.,
2018) including(ILO) reports have indicated the main
cause of the unemployment among recent graduates
is the lack of employability skills such as people
management, communication, teamwork,
professionalism, knowledge development, problem-
solving and decision-making. Consequently, the
unemployment rate among Moroccan youth
increased to 21.9%, distributed between youth men
and youth female, respectively with 22.05% and
22.8% according to the ILOSTAT database of June
21, 2020.
Nowadays, the application of approaches that
repose and focus on the analytics, recommendations
and orientation can be a solution not to demolish the
employment issues, rather to mitigate it and give a
roadmap to policymakers. Accordingly, we will
conduct in this paper a systematic literature review on
the employability and what big data can offer through
its capabilities and analytics to discover opportunities
hidden in the data shared, generated or even
consumed on electronic platforms related to youth
interest specially related the employment context.
With the objective to understand more on youth
behaviours, skills and even responds to these major
questions: 1) what is the interference and area of
application of the big data on the employability
subject? 2) Can big data analytics be a booster to the
employability and facilitator to the integration in
labour market? 3) What are the architectures
developed on this subject and what gap need to be
more developed?
With the growth in the use of information and
communication technologies, accompanied by the
digitization of services and the dissemination of
professional social media platforms such as e-
learning, e-recruitment and e-commerce. Flooding
the virtual world with a large amount of data
(structured, semi-structured and unstructured) that
can be useful on many ways and can be a base for
research on the employability through extraction of
indicators and valuable information that need to be
processed and analyzed using big data
approaches(Elgendy and Elragal, 2014)(Günther et
al., 2017).
However, the application of big data on the
employability context begins from the identification
of data sources layer that can be a way to build an
image of skills, preferences and competences of
candidates. This layer can be alimented with three
types of data sources:
Education platforms: Refer to E-learning
systems and as defined by Horton (2001) as
“the use of Internet and digital technologies to
create experience that educate fellow human
beings. Providing a rapid access to specific
knowledge and information and encompasses a
wide set of applications and processes such as
computer-assisted learning, web-based
training, virtual classrooms, and digital
collaboration. The widespread use of these
platforms by students and even recent
graduates generate a large amount of data,
which includes indicators of the knowledge
learned and skills acquired and it can be used
as a means of ranking and classify applicants
profiles to match them with the skills required
in the labour market and identify their
weaknesses and strengths (Dascalu et al.,
2016)(Dascalu et al., 2017).
Recruitment platforms: Refer to E-recruitment
or E-job applications (Benabderrahmane et al.,
2017), there are many platforms used around
the world by job seekers, job recruiters and
even human resources managers. The
interactions between these actors through the
ranking and recommendation on the profiles
needed on the labour market can be a way to
improve the existing human capital, to know
the existing skills and what needs to be done to
increase the chances of youth people in the
labour market (Zang and Ye, 2015).
Social Networking Site (SNS): Can be divided
into two types, Social Media such as Facebook
and Twitter and Professional Social
Networking (PSN) such as LinkedIn, Xing, and
Sumry. Both types are important in the analysis
of shared data on professional projects, training
and expertises. The data collected can be a
source to analysis the capacities and skills of
candidates (Landers and Schmidt, 2016),
(Batagan and Boja, 2015).
The data generated on these potential sources are
important but not sufficient without an adequate
analysis to complete and establish an approach and
architecture intended for the objective of
employability. For that, in the following sections a
qualitative and quantitative analysis of existing
studies will be presented to establish a roadmap and a
guide for the future studies.
In order to conduct a systematic review on the
correlation and the interference between big data and
employability especially for youth people, we have
designed a 4 steps methodology to create our corpus.
First, we started our review by identifying the words
related to our topic of research and possible queries
for more precision on term results by combining
words related to "Big Data" and "employability" as
indicated in table 1 and existing on the title, the
abstract or the keywords of the articles. Second
have selected the main indexed journals and
databases represented on: IEEE Xplore Digital
Library, Scopus, ScienceDirect and Web Of Science.
Third, the results obtained represented in RIS format
were imported on the ZOTERO platform to do the
cleaning phase by deleting documents not related to
our research, filling the missing fields for the meta-
analysis, merge double documents and accept the
document in the time range over the current
decade[2010-2020] as shown in the Figure 1 Fourth,
the last phase oriented to exploit the output of the
third phase(cleaned RIS database) using NVIVO for
qualitative and quantitative processing and outputs
will be explored on the next sections.
Table 1: The queries on each digital database
ital Librar
Advanced Queries
(*employability OR *employment OR
"job seeker" AND ("big data" OR
igdata OR BigData)
IEEE Xplorer
((("Abstract":*employability OR
*employment OR 'job seeker' OR job-
seeker) AND ("Abstract":"big data"
OR bigdata OR BigData)))
Web of Science
Using assistance module to create the
Figure 1: SLR methodology steps.
4.1 Meta-analysis
The purpose of the meta-analysis is to discover the
typology of the documents represented in the corpus
(table 2) and their proportion between scientific
journals (figure.2). From table 2, we carry out the
dominant Conference Papers with 51% of all the
Table 2: the ratio of documents in the corpus
Type Number of docs Ratio (%)
Conference Papers 101 51
Review Article
74 38
22 11
The detail of this table is shown in the figure 2,
we can notice that Scopus occupies the first place
with 56% of the references, Web Of Science in
second place with 27% of the references followed by
IEEE Xplore (11%) and finally ScienceDirect in the
last place with 6%.
*employability OR "job seeker" OR job-
seeker )
AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "big data" OR
igdata )
PUBYEAR < 2021
Figure 2: Number of references per Scientific Database
4.2 Word Analysis
The word Analysis or the word study is a way to
highlight the dominants words in the corpus throws
the visual representation of words. Using the word
cloud (Figure 3), we can easily see the most common
words on the abstract, title and keywords of
documents in the corpus. The important terms can be
easily identified by the font and the size and how
much is near to the centre of the cloud. Obviously, the
big data word is the most present followed with
employment and we can found words related to the
analytics approaches and potential sources related to
the big data.
Figure 3: Word Cloud obtained from the corpus
Another way for the word analysis, can be
through the statistical analysis of the words (Figure
4), we can see the term of "big data" at first place with
177 occurrences followed by the employment, the
rest of words have similar values and can grouped on
sub-subjects such as analytics approaches,
stakeholders (student, government) and platforms
related to recruitment process. This analysis gives a
view on how much to corpus is pertinent and related
to the subject of research. For the collected corpus, it
is clear that our database has the orientation "big data"
and "employability".
Figure 4: Word frequency
From the analysis carried out on the corpus, we found
many researchers have highlighted the role that big
data can plays on the subject of employability, the
majority of the proposed frameworks aim to give
recommendations and even predict the job adequate
to the job-seeker and profiles proposals needed by
potential employers. this treatment is assured throw
using analysis techniques and possible ecosystems of
implementation. Most of the proposed frameworks
have divided their architectures on many layers for
more segmentation and control of the outputs :
Data source layer: contain all possible data
sources that can feed the 3V characteristics of
big data, as described in the previous section.
Analytics layer: this layer is the main core of
each framework and the innovate piece, this
layer aims to build an intelligent algorithm that
has the capability to extract useful information
from the input data and give prediction and
recommendation to stakeholder related to the
employability subject.
Visualization layer: this layer represents
dashboard interfaces, in order to give the
system the possibility of interactivity with the
5.1 Employability Prediction System
Figure 5: Architecture for Employability Prediction System
(EPS)(Saouabi and Ezzati, 2019)
The architecture proposed by the author in the figure
5 has been fragmented over seven phases and shows
an abstraction view on each phase with its
correspondence on the ecosystem of the
implementation (Hadoop ecosystem). However, the
weaknesses of this architecture is its generality that
can be implemented in many fields beside the
employability context (health and transportation etc),
secondly the layer of stakeholders has not mentioned
and finally the data source layer have only one type
of source represented with MySql database and as
known one of the major characteristic of big data is
the heterogeneity of data as input.
5.2 The Hybrid Recommendation
System for Job Recommendation
The architecture proposed on the figure.6, the author
have separated each layer with the introducing of the
data source layer including a variety of sources of
information giving the possibility and flexibility on
terms characteristics of data supported also adding
more detail on the phase of analytics with the
adoption of the hybrid recommendation analytics
combining the collaborative recommendation
(Filtering algorithm for calculating the intersection
between User-User and Item-Item based
recommended list) and Content-based filtering
selects items based on the similarities between the
content description of an item and the users
preferences which are used by LinkedIn(S. Ahmed et
al., 2016).
Figure 6: Architecture of the hybrid recommendation
system for job recommendation (Benabderrahmane et al.,
5.3 Expandingly Tree-based and
Dynamically Context-Aware Online
Learning Algorithm (ETDC)
Figure 7: Professional network recommenders based on
ETDC algorithm Chen et al., 2018)
The architecture of Figure 7 clearly separated each
layer according to the categories of events. Therefore,
the system is more interactive and built on explicit
information of the context of use depending on their
acceptance or rejection of the proposed items.
An Expandingly Tree-based and Dynamically
Context-aware Online Learning algorithm (ETDC)
was developed to observe the context and recommend
an item to the user based on the current context, the
historical information about users, items, contexts
and rewards after the recommendation. The system
extracts reward from the user's click behaviours. Then
adds the interaction log to the database which will be
used in future recommendation (Chen et al., 2018).
From the three architectures introduced on the
previous section, we can observe the adoption of
architecture segmented on many layers, this approach
can be the key of success of any proposed framework,
more dynamics, adaptive as well as flexible to
variables that control the employment process of
youth people. Consequently, the proposed approach
will be based on three main axes. First, the
identification of stakeholders and actor, second, the
elaboration on Data source Analysis to determine the
potential sources of data related to the context and
finally, the development of an architecture capable to
combines ecosystems with analytics techniques to
meet the ambitions of stakeholders.
Stakeholders analysis: Stakeholders are “any
group or individual who can affect or is
affected by the achievement of the
organization’s objectives” (Freeman 1984)
Freeman (2004). On big data subject,
stakeholders are represented by all entities or
groups that interact directly or indirectly with
the generation or exploitation of data.
Data source analysis: The big data concept is
based on the considerable volume of data
produced in an accelerated manner with
different formats. Today, the generation of data
become easiest task with the digitalization
wave, emergence of Internet Of Things (IoT),
the proliferation of hyper connected devices.
Approach to extract values: The model should
be able to collect, clean and store the
tremendous and heterogeneous datasets
generated over distributed sources.
Figure 8: General view on the proposed architecture on the
big data and employability framework
As a conclusion and as a response to the three majors
questions declared on the introduction, the big data is
present on every activity we do, today we generate
more of data than before and the collection of this data
and its treatment can be used to give solutions to very
complicated problems. Mainly, the employability of
youth people is not an exception; the digitalization of
various services related to youth people can be a
source of data including indicators, their behaviours,
competences and skills. Using the intelligence
artificial including Machine learning and other
approaches can easily match the profile of each youth
with the opportunities in labour market. Despite this,
this field of research is still in its infancy and must be
developed on a system adaptable to each case to
respond to the specificity of each case.
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