adds the interaction log to the database which will be
used in future recommendation (Chen et al., 2018).
From the three architectures introduced on the
previous section, we can observe the adoption of
architecture segmented on many layers, this approach
can be the key of success of any proposed framework,
more dynamics, adaptive as well as flexible to
variables that control the employment process of
youth people. Consequently, the proposed approach
will be based on three main axes. First, the
identification of stakeholders and actor, second, the
elaboration on Data source Analysis to determine the
potential sources of data related to the context and
finally, the development of an architecture capable to
combines ecosystems with analytics techniques to
meet the ambitions of stakeholders.
Stakeholders analysis: Stakeholders are “any
group or individual who can affect or is
affected by the achievement of the
organization’s objectives” (Freeman 1984)
Freeman (2004). On big data subject,
stakeholders are represented by all entities or
groups that interact directly or indirectly with
the generation or exploitation of data.
Data source analysis: The big data concept is
based on the considerable volume of data
produced in an accelerated manner with
different formats. Today, the generation of data
become easiest task with the digitalization
wave, emergence of Internet Of Things (IoT),
the proliferation of hyper connected devices.
Approach to extract values: The model should
be able to collect, clean and store the
tremendous and heterogeneous datasets
generated over distributed sources.
Figure 8: General view on the proposed architecture on the
big data and employability framework
As a conclusion and as a response to the three majors
questions declared on the introduction, the big data is
present on every activity we do, today we generate
more of data than before and the collection of this data
and its treatment can be used to give solutions to very
complicated problems. Mainly, the employability of
youth people is not an exception; the digitalization of
various services related to youth people can be a
source of data including indicators, their behaviours,
competences and skills. Using the intelligence
artificial including Machine learning and other
approaches can easily match the profile of each youth
with the opportunities in labour market. Despite this,
this field of research is still in its infancy and must be
developed on a system adaptable to each case to
respond to the specificity of each case.
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