Utilizing Blockchain Technologies with IoT: Survey
Mays Adil Khaki, Intisar Shaheed Al-Mejibli and Amer Saleem Elameer
University of Information and Communication Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
Keywords: Internet of Things, Blockchain, Internet Family, Blockchain Applications.
Abstract: Using the internet of things (IoT) technology is increasing in many fields such medical and education.
Based on IoT technology many heterogeneous devices such as computers, mobile phones or sensors are
connected to each other and exchange the data. In general, these devices collect, transmit, or process data
that must be secured during its life time such as medical and banking data. Using such data among many
connected devices leads to the emergence of many security challenges for IoT data, which in turn stimulate
researchers to search for appropriate solutions. The blockchain is one of the security technologies, which
consider as a game changer in safeguarding the internet of things data. It is boosting the protection of data
used by IoT technology and transparency. The principal intention of this paper is to investigate the
blockchain technology and determine how this technology could be used to secure communication data in
IoT. In addition, the paper presented an organization of utilizing blockchain with IoT in a well-defined
structure and stating the limitation and benefits of using blockchain with IoT. Further, it investigated the
available blockchain platforms and compared them.
IoT can be described as the interconnection by the
Internet of computing devices embedded between
everyday objects, in conformity with supply the
services or potential in accordance with send and
receive data among them. The connection of
physical objects has been made easy by the
implementation of the Internet of Things in the last
few years. The connection between objects can
either be wired or wireless through the use of IoT
nodes which are very useful in improving the quality
of life for everyone in society (Atzori, Iera, &
Morabito, 2010). For instance, the Internet of Things
has made healthcare more efficient because of the
establishment of e-health solutions. Researchers in
various fields are actively looking for ways and
means of coming up with more complex solutions.
Additionally, there are numerous solutions based on
principles laid down by the Internet of Things in the
intelligent transportation system, environmental
monitoring and monitoring system (M. A. Khan &
K. Salah, 2018; Al-Majeed, Al-Mejibli, & Karam,
2015; Mohammed, Al-Mejibli, & Technology,
There are large numbers of connected devices under
the technology of IoT. Usually, the generated data is
sensitive and critical. Owing according to increasing
privacy violations of the aggregated data through the
Internet of Things, robust communication
technologies are used to ensure reliability and the
delivery of data and information safety. Some of the
communication technologies that have been put into
use are for cellular networks, Bluetooth capabilities,
ZigBee and cognitive radio networks (M. A. Khan &
K. Salah, 2018).
The concept of blockchain was brought forward
by (Nakamoto, 2008) but has gained popularity.
Software scientists have given the blockchain
technology undivided attention raising its abilities in
the transformation and optimization of global
infrastructure. According to (Singh, Singh, & Kim,
2018), Two fields have been felt the influence of
blockchain technology:
1) Elimination of central servers leading
resulting in peer-to-peer interactions thereby
making communication more efficient.
2) Improved transparency to various databases
thus improves transparency in governance
and political elections.
Figure 1: The Application Domains of Blockchain.
In the same aspect, blockchain technology is
built on four pillars: first one being a consensus,
which makes proof of work principle possible.
The role of the proof of work enabled by way of
consensus is the substantiation of movements in the
blockchain network. Figure 1 visualizes the
application domains of blockchain.
As clearly shown in Figure 1, the second pillar is
ledger, which keeps the information on various
transactions in the blockchain network, and the third
is cryptography that ensures Security. Cryptography
ensures that every bit of data in the network ledgers
is encrypted and the only person with the ability to
decrypt is the authorized user(Lopez, Montresor, &
Datta, 2019). A fourth is a smart contract used to
verify and validate the participants in a network. IoT
has spread like a bushfire, and its impact can be felt
on almost every field, but due to its fast evolution, it
has become prone to cyber threats. Currently, the
primary goal is to enhance the security of IoT (Singh
et al., 2018).
In 2013, blockchain technologies were positively
impacted through the presentation of a state machine
that is transaction based. Blockchain technologies
are significantly used nowadays because it maintains
privacy in transactions, data immutability,
authorization, system transparency, and data
integrity (Ferrag et al., 2018). Besides, adopting
blockchain innovation shows that there is a
promising future in IoT space and the business
world (Conoscenti, Vetro, & De Martin, 2016).
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: an
overview of using blockchain with IoT was
highlighted in section two. Section three describes
the incorporation between IoT devices management
system with the blockchain and embedded seven
parts, blockchain platforms are detailed in part one.
Part two presents the smart contract. In part three
investigates the blockchain utilization. A limitation
of using blockchain in the management of the
internet of things is stated in part four. Part five
presents managing IoT devises using blockchain and
part six contain existing research on security and
privacy in blockchain based IoT, The benefit of
using the blockchain with IoT is described in part
seven. Finally, the conclusion and future work are
described in section four.
To follow a blockchain strategies with IoT follow:
1) Sending node is responsible for recording a
new data and broadcasting to the network.
2) The node that’s on the receiving end checks
the message that it acquires, and if it is
proved to be accurate, then be stored in a
3) The receiving nodes in the network are
implement proof of stake (PoS) and proof of
work (PoW) to block.
4) After the execution of consensus algorithm,
the block is stored to the chain series. Thus,
all the nodes in the network will admit it and
consistently lead to expansion of the chain in
this block.
Steps To Build a Sensational blockchain
Step1: Identify the Use-Case
Step2: Select The App’s Consensus
Step3: Ascertain the Most Suitable Platform
Step4: Design the Architecture
Step5: Application Configuration
Step6: Building APIs
Step7: Admin & UI Designing
Step8: Identifying Problem Areas & Scaling
In Figure 2 visualizes the blockchain Utilization
with IoT.
There are many ways to manage to construct smart
machines capable of communicating then working
throughout the blockchain network. Initially, like is
the issue of censorship where data transactions in a
range of networks and companies are recorded
Logs made in the blockchain network can only
be tracked and evaluated by everyone who is
authorized to gain access to the network (Mo, Su,
Wei, Liu, & Guo, 2018). In a case where an error
occurs leading to leaking of data to unauthorized
people, the network can detect the point of weakness
and is set for fixation.
The second advantage is the use of encryption
and a widespread system of storage which means to
that amount data may stay depended on by means of
all parties. The machines desire securely document
the details over transactions of them, without any
form of human control (Ferrag et al., 2018).
Thirdly, the Smart Contract facilities supplied
through some blockchain technology networks, such
as much Ethereum allows the structure over
agreements every time conditions are fulfilled,
because of example, authorizing one payment
system then conditions point out so a job has been
provided stability (Conoscenti et al., 2016).
Fourthly, the blockchain technology system
boosts the security of online transactions. Much
about the records generated by way of Internet
things is altogether personal - for example, smart
home appliances may get admission to near details
concerning to our day-to-day lifestyles. These are
the kind of data that must be amongst devices and
platforms to make it meaningful in our lives.
However, that additionally means so much at that
place are greater possibilities because of hackers
after attacking us toughness (Ferrag et al., 2018).
In the other aspect rather than using a costly data
center, blockchain provides a data storage network
through the interconnection about many computer
devices as form the network. In line with the above
situations, it has been realized that there is a well-
defined structure should exist to use as a guideline
for utilization blockchain with IoT, Hence, Figure 2
illustrates it.
3.1 Blockchain Technology Platforms
There are five most popular types of blockchain
platforms: Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Ripple
and R3 Corda. In the next paragraphs, a brief
description for each one is highlighted(Saraf &
Sabadra, 2018) :
1) Ethereum: Ethereum is one of blockchain
platform which provides the possibility for any
developer to make then distribute next-
generation decentralized applications.
According to literature, Ethereum considering
as the best blockchain platforms.
2) Hyperledger Fabric: Are one of the blockchain
platforms implementation and one of the
Hyperledger projects hosted via The Linux
Figure 2: Blockchain Utilization with IoT.
Table 1: Comparison between of Blockchain Platform.
Classification Ethereum Hyperledger Fabric
Ripple R3 Corda
Industry-focus Cross-industry
General purpose blockchain
(not just used for payments)
Finanicial Services Finanicial Services
Linux Foundation Ripple Labs R3 Consortium
Currency Ether None Ripple (XRP) None
Proof of work
PluggableFrame Work Probabilistic Voting PluggableFrame Work
Anonymous or
Public or Confidential
Visiblity is limited to user
and financial institutes only
All transaction are
Ledger type Permissionless Permissioned Permissioned Permissioned
Smart Contracts
Yes (Solidity,
Serpent, LLL )
Yes (Chaincode) No Yes
Program Languages
Golang, C++,
Java, Golang C++, Java Java, JVM, Koltin
Scalability None Claims to be scalable Limit in scalability No prevalent
Table 2: Smart Contract Application.
Ref. Application Description
& Kantarcioglu,
The pillar of Provenance is a system for tracking materials and products on a
blockchain: secure, inclusive and public, if you need to provide the guarantee or
prove to be authentic.
(Brousmiche et
al., 2018)
Renault vehicle
history tracking
This fresh blockchain-based non-physical car maintenance book is maintained
digitally, and it attempts to collect all the information to one place that can easily be
accessed by customers. For instance, if you’d like to sell your car, the info regarding
that can be put up as in the vehicle’s history by providing the potential buyer the
authority to access all the data pertaining to it in the digital book.
(Norta, 2016)
The digital passports to use blockchain technology, which implies that every
individual has the authority to control the info that’s added about them and who has
the right to view it. The citizens of a place can opt to add details such as their
financial information, location or mobile numbers.
(Azaria, Ekblaw,
Vieira, &
Lippman, 2016)
The medical records are stored within the structure concerning a checklist between
the smart contract. It also manages to afford fees paid by the patient because of their
services. Then, it is sent to the clinic when the doctor applies the smart contract
3) Ripple: Is a real-time gross settlement system
(RTGS), currency exchange or remittance
R3 Corda: Corda has been developed in accordance
with service the unique wants concerning financial
services with generations of dissimilar legacy
financial technology platforms up to expectation
conflict after interoperate, causing inefficiencies,
risk, and spiralling costs.
From the discussion above, the authors prefer the
Ethereum platform as a general blockchain due to
Ethereum provide usability and free open source
(Huh, Cho, & Kim, 2017).
According to literature, most developers utilize
either Ethereum while the other developers utilize
Hyperledger fabric. Table 1 shows a comparison
between of blockchain platforms.
3.2 Smart Contract
A smart contract is a digital contract aimed for
running contract independently without human invol-
vement. It facilities transferring digital assets between
parties under the agreed-upon stipulations or terms. It
includes scripts that are lodged in the blockchain.
The contract gets information from other peers
and houses the value and feedback along with a
result. A smart contract is awakened on receiving
transactions. Eventually, it ends up executing the
default condition with each node in the blockchain
network depending upon the transactional contents
(McCorry, Shahandashti, & Hao, 2017).
In case, the transactional contents comply with
the smart contract, the transaction is then fulfilled
automatically but if not, the transaction just fails.
The Table 2 above provides a list of applications in
various areas.
3.3 Blockchain Utilization
A. The blockchain is founded on the following
Decentralization: The technology provides all
the users in the network with a given level of
control. In other platforms, control is not
centralized because all the users with
legitimate access have a given level of
Digital Signature: The technology permits the
use of digital signatures dependent on public
keys and unique keys for verification
purposes. The public key is the decryption
code on the network.
Mining: It has a Distributed distributor
enumeration system that verifies and stores
conversions in mining blocks through the use
of stringent rules.
Data Integrity: The usage of complex
algorithms and consensus amongst users
ensures that transaction data is not
manipulated as soon as agreed. The data stored
on the blockchain acts as much a single copy
about the truth to whole parties involved, for
this reason decreasing the risk of fraud.
B. Implementing blockchain Technology
The platform can be deployed in three categories
(Singh et al., 2018):
Public: In this band, the engaged nodes can
send and receive transaction messages. Each
has the rights of participating in the
establishment of a consensus without
requesting any form of permission.
Petchemin and Ethereum are in this category.
Consortium area: Here, there is partial
permission which means that only specific
nodes have the right to get involved in the
establishment of a consensus. Read and send
permit is provided for the authorized peers.
Private: In this category, permission is
mandatory. The organization that owns the
network can only write transactions. The
permitted contracts can only read
transactional data.
C. Consensus Mechanisms Mostly used in
Three predominant mechanisms provide
consensus in a blockchain (Arabaci, 2018;
Milutinovic, He, Wu, & Kanwal, 2016):
Proof-of-Work: Is one approach. It is
instrumental in securing transactions and
making blockchain network tamper-proof. It
is demanding regarding resources such as
computer power and electric power before it
can offer a consensus (Bahga & Madisetti,
Proof-of-Stake: Refers to the algorithm for
consensus that makes it possible for everyone
to mine or authorize transactions. (Sikorski,
Haughton, & Kraft, 2017).
Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) :
Algorithms are designed in accordance with
avoiding attacks or software errors up to
expectation cause incorrect nodes to
showcase arbitrary behaviour (Byzantine
faults) (Arabaci, 2018) .
3.4 Limitations of using Blockchain
Management of the Internet of
The advantages provided by using blockchain to
manage IoT do not come without their challenges.
These revolve mainly around the secure deployment
of both technologies. The main challenges affecting
the safety of(Reyna, Martín, Chen, Soler, & Díaz,
Systems on the internet are hardly
standardized. Different organizations use
protocols and technologies that they consider
best for their needs. In this patchwork, it is
difficult to come up with a solution that
would work for all the technologies in use.
Most applications need to communicate with
each other on the internet. This means that
they are vulnerable to attacks at the point of
One must secure the Internet contract for
individual things.
To ensure successful deployment of internet
objects, minimum security should be
guaranteed by the applications.
A global privacy standard should be created
for the successful deployment of Internet
In addition after the atop challenges related in
conformity with the deployment about Internet
objects, so are additional problems associated
including the application of blockchain technology
after internet objects (Ouaddah, Mousannif,
Elkalam, & Ouahman, 2017). The problems include:
1) Scalability: There is a need to test whether the
design of blockchain platforms is scalable when
it comes to dealing with scalable internet
2) Lightweight architectures and designs: The
design and structure of the blockchain protocol
should be lightweight to reduce the overheads
associated with blockchain. This should also be
done while maintaining that the level of security
and privacy remains the same as that in the
traditional system(Tuli, Mahmud, Tuli, Buyya,
& Software, 2019).
3) Computational Power: Traditional internet
systems vary things with a vast range of
capabilities. It is not possible to encrypt all
internet point objects in a given process.
Therefore, a procedure must be created to do the
encryption through nodes or other mechanisms
that have the lowest load in holding internet
objects. It may not be possible to perform
encryption at all Internet point’s objects in
process scenarios. Therefore, process scenarios.
Therefore, some mechanisms have to lie
worried according to perform encryption the use
of a put in on nodes or Internet mechanism
objects up to expectation have a minimal load
into assumption Internet objects(Miloslavskaya
& Tolstoy, 2019).
4) Storage: blockchain technology is appropriate
for decentralized Internet systems because that
lacks central control. However, each and every
Internet node needs things in conformity with
be stored A Ledger increases among size with
time. Internet points (IoT) objects might also
not keepable in imitation of a store a large
amount of data.
5) Optimal design: The Internet system must
design the best things with security and privacy-
based blockchain stability as an essential
element. This will end result within the best
design that gives equal precedence to
connection and calculation coordination,
security, and privacy.
6) Legal Issues: Security then privacy
requirements vary within different countries and
regions. This represents a severe challenge to
the successful adaptation of blockchain
technology in Internet objects systems. A
standard framework is wanted so many
producers be able to make use of after providing
security and privacy solutions.
3.5 Managing IoT Devices using
Issues of compatibility are the main reason why
most internet objects fail to work with the
blockchain system. Blockchain enables things to
communicate and transact with each other directly
and with the availability of smart contracts,
negotiation, and financial transactions can also occur
directly between the devices instead of requiring an
intermediary, authority, or human intervention(Dai,
Zheng, & Zhang, 2019). For instance, if a room in a
hotel is empty, it can lease itself out, arrange the
lease, and can open the entryway lock for a human
who has paid the appropriate measure of assets.
Another example could be that if a clothes washer
comes up short on cleanser, it could arrange it online
in the wake of finding the best cost and esteem
dependent on the logic programmed in its smart
contract(Davila & Tarnow, 2019).
The mentioned in Figure 3 five-layer IoT model
as clearly can be adjusted to a blockchain-based
model by including a blockchain layer top of the
network layer. This layer will run smart contracts
and provide security, privacy, integrity, autonomy,
scalability, and decentralization services to the IoT
ecosystem. The management layer, for this situation,
can comprise of just programming identified with
examination and handling, and security and control
can be moved to the blockchain layer(M. A. Khan &
K. J. F. G. C. S. Salah, 2018).
3.6 Existing Research on Security and
Privacy in Blockchain based IoT
A. Authentication
This paper summarizes the security and privacy of
IoT primarily based on the blockchain system, a
modern scheme for the authentication of closed and
transient graphs that offer help into block-based
identification management systems (Fernández-
Caramés, Fraga-Lamas, Suárez-Albela, & Castedo,
B. Privacy-preserving
Blockchain technology is built concerning a
foundation of the view to that amount in that place is
a private key as perform be used to unlock the
encryption of digital assets. This key is the biggest
vulnerability since that has to stay stored someplace
either on paper, over a disk or the cloud (M. A.
Khan & K. Salah, 2018).
C. Trust
This is the major selling point for the adoption of
blockchain technologies. For example, a payment
system is based on blockchain that is fixed in remote
zone settings. Therefore, the proposal is that an
intermittent connection is made to the Central Bank
System (Dorri, Kanhere, Jurdak, & Gauravaram,
3.7 The Benefit of using the Blockchain
with IoT
According to (Ferrag et al., 2018), There are four
main recommendations while using the IoT.
1) Remain confident: Through IoT blockchain
technology, devices are allowed to
communicate as trusted peers. Two
communicating devices don’t know each
other, and all the transactions exchanged
between them are recorded permanently(Vo,
Kundu, & Mohania, 2018).
2) Reduce the cost: IoT technology devices
lower transaction
costs through the removal of
intermediaries. IoT technology makes the use
of peer to peer communication which helps
eliminates additional costs.
3) Accelerate data exchange: Enhanced data
exchanges such as "intermediary man"
(Internet portal things or any medium change
device) are disbursed from the process.
4) Improved Security in the Internet Things
Environment: The use of decentralized
technologies plays a significant role in the
storage and retrieval of information from
large numbers of interconnected devices.
Ways in which the distributed system helps in to
solve issues that relate to security and
reliability(Reyna et al., 2018):
Blockchain technology can be used in the
sensors to do away with the inclusion of
malicious tracking of data measurements
through the user data.
Simplifies internet deployments because a
distributed ledger works better in the
provision of device identity on the internet,
and smooth transfer of data.
Eliminates the need for using a third party in
the creation of the trust. Sensors in
distributed architecture help in exchange of
data objects in the blockchain.
A distributed ledger eliminates chances if
system failure because if one machine fails,
the others still function thus helpful in IoT
Data protection.
Gives room by assigning every device a
unique identity and securing data. peer to
peer communication.
Reduction in the cost of operating internet
Table 3 list a summary of recent literature on a
blockchain with IoT.
Figure 3: Blockchain Based IoT Model.
In the context of this paper, the overview of
blockchain technology has been introduced, the
importance of technological advancement that can
be built the internet of things with the integration of
computing and transaction processing systems. By
utilizing blockchain technology.
We've done cheap IoT tools because of the
excessive expenses related to cloud infrastructure
than other factors such as network equipment.
It can be concluded that information can only be
valid if it is verified by an independent third party.
This is a decentralized system in which
everything is run by a single individual or
This has been the only way in which we have
ensured that information is transparent traditionally.
In the coming years, we hope that changes to the
organization of the blockchain and improvements to
the encryption formula to increase the secured
communication with IoT using another model of the
hyperledger and even use a consensus Algorithm
like Proof of Authority and Delegated Proof of
Application Layer (Transportation, Financial,
Insurance and many others)
Management Layer (Data Processing, analytics)
Blockchain Layer
(Security, P2P, (M2M) autonomous
transactions, Decentralization, Smart Contract)
Network Layer (LAN, WAN, PAN, Routers)
Device Layer (Sensors, Actuators, Smart
Physical Objects (People, Cars, Homes, etc.)
Table 3: Summary of Blockchain with IoT.
Ref no.
Topic Solution Remarks
(M. A. Khan &
K. Salah, 2018)
To give a distributed approach for
security and privacy for smart homes
Authors proposed a modified
blockchain scheme for smart homes
The proposed scheme analyzed
regarding primary security objectives,
i.e., privacy, honesty, and accessibility
(Ejaz &
To decrease the multifaceted nature
and calculation for the utilization of
blockchain for IoT frameworks
Authors partitioned IoT frameworks
into the staggered decentralized
system dependent on blockchain
The proposed staggered organize
dependent on the blockchain is a
plausible answer for secure IoT
(Aitzhan &
To examine the possibility of
blockchain for the data dispersion in
IoT frameworks
A structure is introduced to break
down how existing security plans can
be made all the more dominant with
the utilization of blockchain
Authors talked about how Key
security prerequisite could be fulfilled
by the utilization of blockchain
(Zheng, Xie,
Dai, & Wang,
To give a deliberate writing audit on
blockchain for the IoT.
Many use cases are talked about for
the utilization of blockchain to address
high lighting issues, just as open
research issues, are brought up in
blockchain for IoT.
Three factors are considered, i.e.,
honesty, obscurity, and flexibility.
(Mendez Mena
& Yang, 2018)
To check the plausibility of
blockchain for IoT
Various difficulties in IoT are
featured, and their potential
arrangements dependent on
Generally, it is accentuated how
blockchain innovation can improve
security in IoT frameworks
(Samaniego &
Deters, 2017)
Structure and improvement of the
Internet of Smart Things (IoT) and use
blockchain innovation for secure
Authors utilized an authorization
based blockchain convention called
Multichain for secure communication
among smart things
The multichain protocol offers low
communication cost and is a
reasonable decision for IoT solutions
(von Leon et al.,
Build up a lightweight design
dependent on blockchain for IoT
The proposed lightweight design was
approved for the utilization instance of
smart homes
The proposed design offers less
overhead with respect to packets and
Qu, & Nasrulin,
Concentrate the adequacy of
blockchain for better accessibility and
responsibility in IoT frameworks
Build up a model of the IoT
framework for better understanding
It is inferred that the accessibility is
fundamentally improved utilizing
blockchain technology
This work was supported by University of
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