have utilitarian aims such as losing weight, but they
also have hedonic aims such as the excitement of
using the app. When the goal is to discover ITU in
managing a diet on a smartphone application, the
model should be supported by other theories that
incorporate both utilitarian and nonutilitarian motives
for use. Users may be motivated to use technology
due to PE while using it (Okumus et al., 2015).
In conclusion, EduDrink has good acceptance
regarding its content, features, and design. The
improvement of this mobile application prototype in
the future might include design problems and food
database update. This prototype can be further
developed into a mobile application for validation to
be used for obesity management.
Funding was provided by Research Institutions and
Community Service (LPPM) University of
Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. There are no
conflicts of interest to disclose.
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