implications for policy development and resource
planning according to the groups most at risk (Lai, So
and Chan, 2008). Therefore, efforts to increase
discipline on health protocols such as wearing face
masks properly, maintaining distance from others at
least 1-2 meters, and handwashing regularly. In
addition of that, contact tracing, testing and treatment
need to be continued and improved, as well as
protection for the vulnerable groups.
The covid-19 outbreak in Magetan Districs is still not
under controlled. Therefore, it is still necessary to
strictly implement health protocols and other
prevention efforts. Tracing contacts, testing and
treatment need to be strengthened as well as effort to
protect the vulnerable groups.
The authors thank hhe Institute for Research and
Community Service, Faculty of Medicine, Jenderal
Sudirman University, and Magetan District Health
Office for their cooperation and assistance.
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