states that a decrease in TXA2 production without a
decrease in PGI2 production can prevent
vasoconstriction and coagulation problems
characteristic of preeclampsia (Villa et al., 2013).
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of preeclampsia. TGF-β1 is a pro-fibrotic growth
factor that induces renal fibrosis by producing an
extracellular matrix. In this study's results, it can be
seen that TGF-β1 expression tends to increase in
preeclamptic condition compared with the control
group. This phenomenon may occur because, in
preeclampsia conditions, high urinary protein content
may cause pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic effects
that contribute to tubulointerstitial damage and loss of
renal function. The main pro-fibrotic factor involved
in this process is TGF-β1 (Kuusniemi et al., 2005).
Increased expression of TGF-β1 may induce renal
In conclusion, low doses of ASA treatment might
attenuate inflammation and fibrosis in the kidney
after PE induction. These effects might be associated
with high eNOS mRNA expression.
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