substances cause resistance to insulin (Smeltzer et al.,
2008; Hartini, 2009).
In this study, the effectiveness of therapy was
similar according to Priharsi (2015) research at Dr
Moewardi Surakarta in 2014, which stated that
Metformin had the highest effectiveness (58.33%) to
other drugs. And according to the American Diabetes
Association (2015), Metformin is safe for the elderly,
accompanied by decreased physiological function.
For CER data, when compared with each therapy,
the most cost-effective is Pioglitazone therapy
because the cost of this therapy is cheaper than other
therapies. And according to Jameson (2012) and
Nathan, et al. (2008) Pioglitazone can reduce insulin
resistance by binding to the gamma Peroxisome
Proliferator Activator receptor (PPAR-gamma) found
in muscles, fat tissue, liver, and vascular.
Pioglitazone is more cost-effective when compared to
Insulin, Metformin, and Glimepiride. However,
further research is needed with a larger sample, over
a more extended period and using GD2PP and
I am grateful to Lantip Rujito for writing this article,
Director of RSUD Prof. Dr Margono Soekarjo, Dean
and Head of the Pharmacology Section of the Faculty
of Medicine and Head of LPPM, Jenderal Soedirman
University, for allowing this research to be carried
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