Several factors can cause the methanol extract of
the aloe leaf bark (Aloe barbadensis Miller) to have
MBIC50 <50%. First, the methanol solvent was used
in the extraction of the test plants. The methanol has
a polar group that is stronger than its nonpolar group,
this can be seen from the chemical structure of
methanol which contains a hydroxyl group (polar)
and a carbon group (nonpolar). The methanol can
extract a greater amount of phytochemical
compounds so that it can extract more bioactive
components that have higher polarity properties
(Seidel et al., 2012).
According to Seidel (2012), the high polarity
index in methanol solvents can extract secondary
metabolites that have polar properties such as
flavonoids glycosides, tannins, and some alkaloids.
This solvent is also effective for extracting phenolic
compounds with low molecular weight and moderate
polarity levels (Lin et al., 2009) flavonoid aglycones
(Dehkarghanian et al., 2010) anthocyanins,
terpenoids, saponins, flavones, and polyphenol
compounds. Non-polar solvents such as n-hexane
which has a zero polarity index are effective in
dissolving lipophilic compounds, such as alcanas,
waxes, colour pigments, sterols, some terpenoids, and
alkaloids (Romadanu et al., 2014).
Lawrence et al, shows that the ethanol extract of
Aloe vera gel has a wider diameter of inhibition zone
against S. aureus bacteria than the methanol extract
and acetone extract of Aloe vera gel. It is suspected
that the methanol extract of Aloe barbadensis Miller
leaf bark used in this study has not been able to
dissolve other secondary compounds/metabolites that
are lipophilic (Lawrance et al., 2009).
Also, considering the effect produced by the
methanol extract of the Aloe barbadensis Miller is
still the result of the combined work of various
secondary compounds/metabolites that can affect the
mechanism of action of one compound with another.
So for further development, it is necessary to isolate
pure compounds for antibiofilm activity tests.
The methanol extract of aloe vera leaf bark (Aloe
barbadensis Miller) has an inhibitory activity against
S. aureus biofilms equivalent to positive controls but
has a Minimum Biofilm Inhibition Concentration
(MBIC50) <50%.
Thank you to the author, to the dean of the UII
Medical Faculty who has permitted to research at the
Microbiology Laboratory.
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