regarding the role of other genes in the biofilm
formation process, needs to be done.
The antimicrobial peptide (AMP), which can be
produced by some insects, including greenfly larvae,
has various mechanisms of action against pathogenic
bacteria, such as permeabilization of cell membranes,
identification of specific protein targets, inhibition of
RNA and DNA. Bacteria can develop resistance to
AMP. Components that can cause bacterial resistance
to AMP include A. Secreted bacterial proteases, for
example, lipopolysaccharide in the outer membrane
of gram-negative bacteria, teichoic wall acid and
lipoteichoic acid in gram-positive bacterial cell walls,
B. Multidrug efflux pumps., And C. Extracellular
biofilm matrix (Bechinger and Gorr, 2017). This
study's weakness is that the extract used is a crude
extract, so further research is needed to see the
content of Chrysomya sp. Maggot extract and its
mechanism of action on genes that play a role in
biofilm formation.
Chrysomya sp. maggot extract could not inhibit the
icaA & icaD gene regulator of ATCC35983 S.
epidermidis and ATCC35984 S. epidermidis biofilm.
Many people supported this paper. Therefore, we are
grateful to Ari Asnani, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., Dr. Ir. Sri
Rahayu., M.Si, and Dr. dr. Lantip Rudjito, M.Si. Med
for the advice to make this paper better. The Funding
was from Jenderal Soedirman University and
Directorate General of Research and Development of
the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher
Education, Republic of Indonesia.
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