performed, the condition around the bones, the shape
of the roots, the number of roots, the length of the
roots, and whether there is hypersementosis or not.
The supporting examination used before an
odontectomy is taking extra-oral X-rays using a
panoramic technique (Saptadi et al., 2019).
Odontectomy for embedded tooth requires precision
and precision when extracting tooth using beins and
extraction forceps. Anatomical structures such as
blood vessels and sinuses and nerves around the tooth
also need to be considered in the odontectomy of the
embedded tooth. The management of odontectomy in
the implanted tooth's condition begins with the
asepsis procedure followed by anaesthesia (Sahetapy
et al., 2015).
The stage after the supporting examination is
making a flap. A flap is a surgical procedure that
separates the mucosa from the underlying tissue. The
flap aims to obtain visitability and accessibility to the
alveolar bone. The flap in surgery has several
conditions, including forms with a surgical incision,
must have an adequate blood supply, sufficient flap
size, have good visualization, flap design does not
damage the anatomical structure, can return the tissue
to its original or initial position and can be sutured
with a sound healing process. There are various
classifications of flaps, namely based on thickness
and based on an outline. Based on the thickness, there
are two types of flap: full-thickness flap or
mucoperiosteal flap and partial thickness flap of the
mucosal flap. A full-thickness flap is a flap used to
gain access to the bone surface by separating the
bone's soft tissue. This flap consists of the gingiva,
mucosa, submucosa and alveolar periosteum (Yolcu
and Acar, 2015).
The next step was to make an incision to create
the mucoperiosteum flap, and the flap was opened
using a raspatorium, and then the alveolar process
was taken that covered the teeth using a bone bur. The
visible tooth is cut into two parts to make it easier to
retrieve. A tooth that has been cut is removed using a
bein and extraction forceps. The socket where it was
removed was debrided in taking granulation tissue
and smoothing the sharp bone and then doing
irrigation using sterile saline. The next step was
suturing the socket, and the patient was instructed to
bite the tampon. The patient was given postoperative
instructions and medication in antibiotics and
analgesics (Sahetapy et al., 2015).
Medication after hard tissue surgery is needed to
prevent post-surgical complications. Medicines used
after hard tissue surgery are antibiotics, analgesics
and anti-inflammatory. Antibiotics, analgesics and
anti-inflammatory agents in postoperative and simple
tooth extraction procedures are slightly different. The
difference in medication is in choosing the type of
medicine, which is the size or not the wound healing
after the action. Antibiotic medication can be given as
a prophylaxis to prevent infection in patients with a
high risk of disease. It can be given post-surgery to
prevent infection after the procedure(Lukito, 2019).
Analgesic medication is given after surgery to
relieve pain or relieve pain. A few hours after the
surgery, the numbness or numbness from anaesthesia
will slowly return to normal, causing pain. The pain
that appears can be reduced if given analgesic
medication. Analgesics are divided into two groups,
namely non-opioid anaesthetics and opioid
analgesics. Non-opioid painkillers, also called
NSAID analgesics, are the anaesthetics most often
used in dentistry. NSAID anaesthetics inhibit
cyclooxygenase, where cyclooxygenase synthesizes
prostaglandins, thromboxane and prostacyclin which
are pain mediators. Based on the way NSAID
analgesics work, it can be used as a drug to treat pain
due to inflammation after extraction and surgery
(Taufiqurrachman and Mulyo, 2016).
The tooth condition that has been impacted,
embedded, exostotic, and the state of the tooth with
complications, namely having variations in the roots'
anatomical shape, such as bent or macerated roots,
mostly cause complaints and pain. Pain and
complaints can be relieved by taking care or treatment
for these conditions. The treatment that can be given
is by performing hard tissue surgery.
Hard tissue surgery that can be done is extraction
with surgical techniques, namely odontectomy. The
odontectomy procedure aims to remove the infection
source so that complaints of pain and discomfort will
disappear. Providing medication in the form of
prophylactic medication and post-surgery
significantly affects infection prevention, wound
healing process, and overcoming patients' pain after
Arisetiadi, K. N. ., Hutomo, L. ., & Septarini, N. . (2017).
Hubungan Antara Gigi Impaksi Molar Ketiga dengan
Kejadian Karies Molar Kedua Berdasarkan Jenis
Kelamin dan Usia pada Mahasiswa Fakultas
Kedokteran Universitas Udayana. Bali Dental Journal,
1(1), 29–38.