Diatom and Geochemical Application Concept for Earthquake
Disaster Assessment in Lembang, West Java, Indonesia
Januar Ridwan
Research Center for Geotechnology of Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Diatom, Geochemical, Lembang Fault.
Abstract: The limitation of clear historical records of the past large earthquake from Lembang fault, West Java,
Indonesia, is making the geological records playing the role as the primary information sources. However,
weathering and bioturbation are very intensive in this tropical country, and high potentially destruct the
geological tracks of the fault on the outcrop. Sedimentation records in the tectonic lake and the other tectonic
basins could be the significant alternatives with better preservation. One of the best options for the study of
paleoseismology and its effects on the aquatic environment is the sag pond formed by fault movement. This
environment and resultant stratigraphy is directly influenced by the fault activity and associated with the
weathered profile as the marker of environmental changes. The deformation could be affecting the
accommodation space, water level fluctuation, and sedimentary flux, which influence the water chemistry.
The diatoms as the sensitive bio-indicator could respond to water level fluctuation and sedimentary flux. This
paper highlights and proposed the diatom and geochemical perspective to reveal the records of earthquake
movement based on the environmental change of sag pond sedimentation feature.
The unavailability of a clear historical record of
Lembang fault activity causing the earthquake
assessment depends on the scientific research results.
However, they might be related to the records in the
available disaster catalogue (Harris & Major, 2016)
and scientific disaster database (Nguyen, et al., 2015).
The information about Lembang fault activity has
improved by Daryono et al (Daryono, et al., 2019)
which using the high-resolution remote sensing
database combine with conventional geological
observation and paleoseismological trenching. Their
research resulted from the precise location of
Lembang fault, geometry, kinematics, slip rate and
reoccurrence interval estimation.
The information of Lembang fault enriched with
geodetic research improvement. The geology
researchers have identified the existence of sag ponds
in Lembang fault area (Daryono, et al., 2019),
(Hidayat, et al., 2008), (Dam, MAC, 1994). Although
the existence of sag pond is also categorized as one of
the objects in paleoseismology study to provide the
recognizable deformation caused by the earthquakes
(in the form of deformed stratigraphic units, displaced
landforms, or earthquake-induced sedimentation),
there are still few types of research focused on sag
pond sediment are found in Indonesia. The
stratigraphy records could provide an option when the
paleoseismological study also depends on the
preservation of surface rupture, which could be
limited due to progressive erosion in Indonesia as a
tropical country (Daryono, 2016). This review
highlights the chance of diatom and geochemical
analysis applications to reveal the past great
earthquakes from Lembang fault sag pond records.
2.1 An Overview of Lembang Fault
Lembang fault is the active fault located in Lembang,
10 km northern part of Bandung, West Java (figure
3). The activity of the Lembang fault is undoubtful
after the earthquake from this fault occurred. For
example, several earthquakes have been reported in
2011, which triggered by this fault [(Sulaeman &
Hidayati, 2011), (Sulaeman, 2011)]. This fault is
associated with the Cimandiri fault (Irsyam, et al.,
2017), although the other researcher has a different
Ridwan, J.
Diatom and Geochemical Application Concept for Earthquake Disaster Assessment in Lembang, West Java, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010791200003317
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Science, Technology, and Environment (ICoSTE 2020) - Green Technology and Science to Face a New Century, pages 31-36
ISBN: 978-989-758-545-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
result (Madhya & Sanny, 2017). The origin of
Lembang fault is volcano-tectonic origin with normal
kinematics as the response of collapsing caldera after
Sunda Vulcano large eruption [(Van Bemmelen,
1949),(Tjia, 1968), (Dam MAC, 1996), (Nossin,
1996)]. Tjia (Tjia, 1968) identified the change of
kinematics movement from vertical to strike-slip,
which was confirmed by a recent study [(Meilano, et
al., 2012), (Afnimar, et al., 2015), (Daryono, et al.,
Figure 1: Location of of Lembang Fault (Daryono, et al.,
Geodetic slip rate range from 2-13mm/yr (Abidin, et
al., 2009) and 6 mm/yr (Meilano, et al., 2012), and
geological slip rate estimation is 1.95- 3.45 mm/ yr
(Daryono, et al., 2019). Daryono et al, has suggested
this fault could be produced 6.5-7 mW earthquake
with reoccurrence interval 170-670 year with
comprehensive paleoseismology in Lembang fault.
They also identified at least three great earthquakes in
15th Century, 2300-60BC, and around 18000 BC and
mapped lithological in Lembang fault surrounding
2.2 Sag Pond and Earthquake History
Sag ponds are the low regime sedimentary
environment, form when divergent movement
associated with transtensional or extensional faulting
creates a topographic depression (example model and
sag pond in figure 1, and local hydrologic conditions
maintain water levels in the depression (Simpson, et
al., 2014). The existence of sag ponds is also
categorized as one of the objects in paleoseismology
study to provide the recognizable deformation caused
by the earthquakes (in the form of deformed
stratigraphic units, displaced landforms, or
earthquake-induced sedimentation) (Dam, MAC,
1994). The most improved study of sag pond
sediment is Lembang fault sag pond. It could be
related to the availability of High-resolution
geomorphological identification, which is very
powerful to determine the existence of sag ponds
even the land use has been changed. This review
highlights the chance of diatom and geochemical
analysis applications to reveal the past great
earthquakes from Lembang fault sag pond records.
The form should be completed and signed by one
author on behalf of all the other authors.
Figure 2: (Left) Tyson's Lagoon, the example of one sag
pond in the San Andreas fault zone, the fault line maks with
a red line (from Lienkaemper et al (Lienkaemper, 2002).
The cartoon model (right) shows sag pond development in
strike-slip fault zone (Dam, MAC, 1994).
The sag pond is suitable for preserving
paleoearthquake evidence because they are relatively
low-energy environments where sediments
accumulate episodically in thin strata, separated by
weathering profiles, organic soils, or peats. Sagpond
is one of the "Recurrence sites" which has the best
condition to preserve datable material for earthquake
events (Dam, MAC, 1994). Well stratified and thinly
bedded sediment of sag pond also noted as the
suitable object for high-resolution seismic reflection
(Zilberman, et al., 2005).
The example of the sag pond stratigraphy records
for earthquake events has been conducted by
Hubbert-Ferrari et al (Hubbert-Ferrari, 2012), with a
combination of sedimentology, isotope and
geochemical approach in Aşağıtepecik Lake, which
identified as a sag pond. They identify four sediment
records. Three confirm historical earthquakes related
to the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) and one as a local
earthquake (figure 3).
The map (upper right) of in Aşağıtepecik Lake
and its stratigraphy (left). The stratigraphy marker
unit 1 representing three historical earthquakes in
1939 (unit 1-SEQ-1), 1668 (unit 1-SEQ-2) and 1254
(unit 1-SEQ-4) related to the North Anatolian Fault
(NAF). Unit 1 in SEQ-3 is interpreted as the local
The sag pond stratigraphy was also studied for
Late Cretaceous normal fault in Utah to understand
local seismicity and surface rupture in the study area
ICoSTE 2020 - the International Conference on Science, Technology, and Environment (ICoSTE)
Figure 3. Composite picture from Hubbert-Ferrari et al
(Hubbert-Ferrari, 2012).
2.3 Previous Lembang Sagpond
Stratigraphy Research
The study of Lembang sag pond is significantly
correlated with the high-resolution LIDAR and
IFSAR imaging. Based on the analysis, several sag
basins have been identified in Lembang Fault
Segment. The sag pond is located in the basin area,
which consisted of lake sediment (figure 4).
Figure 4: Map of Lembang fault location and geological
formation along lembang fault area (upper).
The sag pond took place in the basin area which
consists of lake sediment (lowest). The geological
map is based on Daryono et al.(2019). Hidayat et al,
(2008) made some hand-bore drilling activity in
Cihideung and Cibereum sag ponds. They identified
the paleosoil layer and sag pond sediment
intercalation as the records of deepening and
shallowing processes related to the fault movement
(figure 5).
Figure 5: Stratigraphy of Cihideung (Hidayat, et al., 2008)
shows the intercalation of paleosoil layer, tuf and swamp
deposit, which could represent the shallowing and
deepening process in sag pond.
An unpublished master thesis from Sundari (Sundari,
2009) revealed at least nine pollen succession and
assuming seven of them indicating the earthquake
event. She used a palynological succession of the high
plant, aquatic, herbs and grass taxa to detect
vegetation changes related to the Lembang slip event
(Figure. 5).
Figure 5. Modified graph from Sundari (Sundari, 2009),
which only show four from five pollen type. The seven slip
events were identified as the significant change of
vegetation surrounding the sag pond area.
The large wood fragment depth in sag pond
stratigraphy (Hidayat, et al., 2008) could be the
stratigraphic marker representing some destructive
event in the past (red mark in figure 5). The
palynological signal study also represents the
environmental changes that are reflected by the
vegetational change in Cihideung Basin (Sundari,
2009). However, the slip event might be separated in
Diatom and Geochemical Application Concept for Earthquake Disaster Assessment in Lembang, West Java, Indonesia
more detail based on the whole sedimentary features,
which reflect the coseismic slip event (large
earthquake) or some smaller slip event in the
interseismic phase. Although this result could be a
beneficial clue, this result should be compared by
other methods which could improve the accuracy and
resolution. Suitable dating methods should complete
another thing because the seven reported slip events
could also include three major earthquakes by
Daryono et al.
2.4 Chance for Diatom and
Geochemical Approach
This paper offered the diatom and geochemical
perspectives comparable to environmental changes
study of sag pond area related to fault movement. The
diatom is one of the powerful bioindicators for
environmental change, especially in the aquatic
environment. They are slightly sensitive to water
level changes, which correlate with another change of
geochemical and physical parameters (Smol J P.
2008). In low water levels, the ratio of benthic taxa is
dominated by planktonic taxa. When the water level
is higher, the planktonic taxa could be
increased(Smol J P & Chuming B F, 2000). Some
correlation between eutrophication and diatom taxa to
infer the water level is also reported by Heinsalu et al
(Heinsalu, et al. 2008) in Estonian Lake. They saw
eutrophic taxa has a negative correlation to planktonic
taxa presentation. It is related to the higher nutrient
concentration in low water levels (Moss B, et al.,
2009). The change of pH is considered as the function
of water level change and controlling the diatom
colony. The acidophilic taxa could be increased in the
low-level water phase (Bunting M j, 1997) and
decreased with higher water level conditions,
accompanied with more alkalophylous taxa colony
(Krabbenhoft & Webster, 1995). The challenge of the
diatom approach is the limitation of datasets of
tropical diatom. Diatom is very applicable for
peatland environments [(Kienel, et all., 1999),
(Brigham & Swain, 2000)].
Another perspective is geochemical analysis. The
distinctive δ13C values of organic carbon and C/N
ratios of algal and land-plant tissues can be used
together to assess the sources of organic matter in the
lake sediments (Meyers, 2003). Generally, terrestrial
plants can be divided into C3, C4, and CAM types
according to their photosynthesis characteristics and
carbon atomicity. C3 plants have a δ13C value from -
40 to -20, while C4 plants have a δ13C value
varying between -19‰ and -9‰, with an average
range value of -27‰ and -12‰, respectively [(Smith
& Epstein, 1971), (Oleary, 1981)]. On the other hand,
lacustrine algae have an average δ13C value of -28‰
(Farquhar, et al., 1989). Based on C/N Ratio,
endogenous lower organisms like aquatic algae,
phytoplankton, and zooplankton have low C/N ratios
ranging between 4 and 10 submerged. FLoating
aquatic macrophytes or mixed sources of organic
matter have C/N ratios between 10 and 20, whereas
organic matter derived from exogenous terrestrial
plants have C/N ratios greater than 20 [(Meyers,
2003), (Pu Y, et al., 2013)]. The combination could
confirm the vegetational change in sag ponds with
higher resolution (Wang G, 2019). The results should
be bonded with suitable dating methods to result in
chronological interpretation. AMS radiocarbon
dating and luminescence dating are suitable for the
sag pond sediment (Dam, MAC, 1994). The high
organic material is suitable for radiocarbon dating,
including the large tree fragment in the strata.
Luminescence dating is applicable for fine grain size
material and volcanic material.
2.5 Challenges of the Offered
Perspective Application
The paleolimnology application for earthquake
assessment study in Sapanca Lake, Turkey (Shcwab,
et al., 2009), including the diatom parameter as
bioindicator to find the chemical flux of hydrothermal
fluids seepage from the fault and nutrients from
sediment. However, the diatom does not provide the
species succession, although they also indicate rapid
depositional processes in the strata and show the
nutrient change in the lake water. This study shows
that the diatom signal could have limitation and
should have considered the other paleolimnology
parameters. The other challenge faced for diatom
application is relevant datasets of diatom taxa and the
present condition of Lembang fault sag ponds almost
unpreserved from their original form. However, the
diatom analysis at a closer region could be
constructive. Rawa Danau, West Java, represents the
bog condition in Western Java which also changes
and represents water level change.
The palynology from Van der Kaars (Van der
Kaars, et al., 2001) in Rawa Danau could provide a
reference study for diatom and palynology in the bog
environment. Rawa Danau study, which used Lignin
Phenol Vegetation Index and Bulk organic carbon
analysis (Tareq, et al., 2004) to determine the
significant vegetation change (LPVI) in the mid-
Holocene, could be a reference for geochemical
analysis. However, Situ Lembang is not like a bog or
swamp that connects with peat deposits and explains
ICoSTE 2020 - the International Conference on Science, Technology, and Environment (ICoSTE)
the diatom explicitly. The water level change at this
shallow lake is represent by the benthic diatom
domination ratio from all phytoplankton colonies
(Sulastri, 2011).
The diatom and geochemical analysis is the
promising alternative method for enhancing previous
researches about the environmental changes of
Lembang fault Sagpond. However, the best approach
for diatom analysis should improve by the transfer
function in the existing sag pond for the best result.
The concept of the water level and diatom community
analogue based on the lake study might be wide open
to applying a similar approach to the tectonic lake
scale. The concept is not only applicable to the
preserved lake or swamp but also the paleolake.
Thanks to my master program supervisor, Prof.
Noriko Hasebe and the chairman of Research Center
for Geotechnology, Dr. Eko Yulianto. for all support
and guidance, which very encourage the author to
complete this work.
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ICoSTE 2020 - the International Conference on Science, Technology, and Environment (ICoSTE)