the diatom explicitly. The water level change at this
shallow lake is represent by the benthic diatom
domination ratio from all phytoplankton colonies
(Sulastri, 2011).
The diatom and geochemical analysis is the
promising alternative method for enhancing previous
researches about the environmental changes of
Lembang fault Sagpond. However, the best approach
for diatom analysis should improve by the transfer
function in the existing sag pond for the best result.
The concept of the water level and diatom community
analogue based on the lake study might be wide open
to applying a similar approach to the tectonic lake
scale. The concept is not only applicable to the
preserved lake or swamp but also the paleolake.
Thanks to my master program supervisor, Prof.
Noriko Hasebe and the chairman of Research Center
for Geotechnology, Dr. Eko Yulianto. for all support
and guidance, which very encourage the author to
complete this work.
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